I’ll start with a bid for funds for the Tridentine Mass Society of the Diocese of Madison. In this weird time of ecclesial demolition it is hard to know where your monetary support should go for constructive purposes.
Always remember the TMSM – 501(c)(3).
What are we doing? Right now we have two vestment projects underway.
One is a Gammarelli in Rome. We have having a new Pontifical set made for Pontifical Requiem Masses at the Throne. There will be a matching pall. They made a sample with the trim, fringe and lining so that I could see what it would be like. We will use this as a book stand cover.
This is now underway after the traditional August break in Rome. The guys at Gammarelli sent photos of the cutting of the black fabric.
Here are a few of the best shots.
This one I’ll leave large, so you can right-click and see the fabric close up.
The great Stefano at work.
I think this is the hand of the legendary Max.
Yes, that’s Max. Always cufflinks and narrow sleeves.
So black is under construction.
Yesterday, a priest friend of mine was in Gammarelli while they were cutting the fabric. He sent his own photo with the caption (that must have amused Max):
I stopped in at Gammarelli and purchased these right out from under some poor sucker who thought they were being made for him!
Meanwhile… I also have these underway. This will be a set for Low Mass and Sung Mass. We have a green Pontifical set and a beautiful green Solemn set. I don’t like using pieces of vestments out of large sets because they sustain wear unevenly.
In this shot, the ribbons look black, but are really a dark green. I choose to go with black anyway.
And the lining? Burgundy.
That’s a little of what we are up to in the TMSM.
We could use your support!
Those wishing to make a tax-deductible donation to support the Tridentine Mass Society of Madison, a 501(c)(3) organization, can do so without any service fees extracted by mailing a check to:
Tridentine Mass Society of Madison
733 Struck St.
P.O. Box 44603
Madison, WI 53744-4603
Or, you can donate via PayPal (which does extract a service fee), using the button below:
They are cutting fabric for the pall. It will be in black velvet.
BTW… speaking of black vestments, over the Labor Day break I was on a trip with a group of Catholics who like to have daily Mass. Here is the portable altar made by St. Joseph’s apprentice decked out for a Requiem.
Note the miniature antependium!
Like ‘Shake-n-Bake’, and I help’t.
P.S. those italians sure know how to dress for work.
Just curious if the vestment fabric is designed and manufactured in Italy? It’s beautiful.
acardnal says: manufactured in Italy?
I think it is Italian, yes. Gammarelli was also getting some fabrics from Spain, but I think this is Italian.
Oh my goodness. How beautiful!