Not next year, because in 2021 it will be the Feast of Corpus Christi, but in 2022 I will with real pleasure be able to celebrate, using the Traditional Missale Romanum, the Feast of St. Charles Lwanga. The decree Cum sanctissima allows for the celebration of Saints canonized after 1962 provided that the day is not some feast that would outweigh it. For example, I can’t celebrate Charles Lwanga today, because it is Ember Day in the Octave of Pentecost, which outweighs pretty much everything except, perhaps, R136a1.
Here is what I posted on St. Charles in the past.
If you don’t know this saint, be sure to read it. It is powerful.
As “Pride” month continues…
Today is the feast of St. Charles Lwanga and companions, murder victims and martyrs of homosexual depravity.
Today we might also contemplate the various ways in which the State is encroaches in our lives in this regard and tries to force us to do things that are repugnant to nature and to God’s laws.
Today we should especially ask God to forgive and convert all those who in any way have contributed to or succumbed to any aspect of what is rightly called toxic “gender theory” and called demonic, due to its origin.
More on that HERE and HERE and HERE.
Today is the feast day of a saint, who died as a martyr especially because he resisted a sodomite king, who was furious that he and many children wouldn’t have homosexual sex with him.
St. Charles Lwanga and many other martyrs died between 1885 and 1887 in Uganda. They were beatified in 1920 and canonized by Pope Paul VI in 1964.
In 1879 the White Fathers were working successfully as missionaries in Uganda. They were, at first well received by King Mutesa.
Then there came a new pharaoh, as it were.
Mutesa died and his son, Mwanga, took over. He was a ritual pedophile.
Charles Lwanga, a 25 year old man who was a catechist, forcefully protected boys in his charge from the king’s sodomite advances.
The king had murdered an Anglican Bishop and tried to get his page, who was protected by Joseph Mukasa, later beheaded for his trouble. On the night of the martyrdom of Joseph Mukasa, Lwanga and other pages sought out the White Fathers for baptism. Some 100 catechumens were baptized.
A few months later, King Mwanga ordered all the pages to be questioned to find out if they were being catechized. 15 Christians 13 and 25 identified themselves. When the King asked them if they were willing to keep their faith, They answered in unison, “Until death!”
They were bound together and force marched for 2 days to Namugongo where they were to be burned at the stake. On the way, Matthias Kalemba, one of the eldest boys, exclaimed, “God will rescue me. But you will not see how he does it, because he will take my soul and leave you only my body.” He was cut to pieces and left him by the road.
When they reached Nanugongo, they were kept tied together for seven days while the executioners prepared the wood for the fire.
On 3 June 1886 (that year the Feast of the Ascension… therefore a Thursday), Charles Lwanga was separated from the others and burned at the stake. The executioners burnt his feet until only the charred stumps remained. He survived. His tormentors promised that they would let him go if he renounced his Faith. Charles refused saying, “You are burning me, but it is as if you are pouring water over my body.” They set him on fire.
As flames engulfed him he said in a loud voice, “Katonda! – My God!”
“Katonda!” … Better than “Wakanda!”
His companions were also burned together the same day. They prayed and sang hymns.
Charles Lwanga and companions died for their Faith and because they resisted the intrinsically evil of homosexual sex.
Charles Lwanga, pray for us!
Thanks to the Great Roman. Here are a couple of shots of the canonization ceremony for St. Charles and companions…. during Vatican II.
Quite self-referential and neo-Pelagian, I’d say.
Regular requests made to the #Vatican asking when the #McCarrickReport will be released have gone unanswered. June 20th will be the 2nd anniversary of his removal from public ministry. The investigation was announced in Oct. 2018. Today is Feast of Sts Charles Lwanga & Companions
— Edward Pentin (@EdwardPentin) June 3, 2020
Ironically it is Russia that passed laws forbidding LGBT propaganda. They paid a heavy price for that law but stood firm.
When Pussy Riot protested in a church in front of an icon, the Russian population turned against their tactic en masse while Western entertainers praised them. To their credit, Pussy Riot apologized for selecting that venue for protest of Putin.
What does all if they tell you about Russia’s role in salvation history.
I guess one of the silver linings of COVID-19 is that there aren’t any Pride Parades this year.
It’s frustrating that on the one hand we have a strong drive (on it’s basic level legitimate, although also subject to meddling by those with anti-Catholic agenda’s) to determine who is positions of authority knew what about each credibly accused priest abuser…
…but on the topic of Mr. McCarrick, any credibility given to the abundant and specific claims that others were aware of McCarrick’s crimes can not possibly have basis in fact but can only be intended to undermine Pope Francis.
Enough of this. I strongly suspect that Pope Francis was at worst naive about McCarrick, as he was with the bishop in Chile. Let’s stop making this political and focus simply on cleaning up the rot that enabled McCarrick predations.
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St Charles Lwanga and Companions please intercede for our world and our country.
Thanks for posting about St. Charles Lwanga. I never heard of him until now.
My dad was a lifelong Methodist and I think he would be very disappointed that the Methodist Church is contemplating a split over sodomite marriage. My father upheld traditional marriage, and many denominations did until recently. In my twenties I considered becoming an Episcopalian, and over the last 18 years, I am convinced that had I been Episcopalian I would have eventually became Catholic (I was a “one hour Catholic ” for a long time before I had a reversion story).
Around this time of the year, I get frustrated when I see signs outside of churches (mostly Protestant – some non denominational, some Methodist, some Episcopalian, some Presbyterian, and quite a few Unitarian – a Unitarian church near me flies a certain flag regularly ) supporting Pride month and being “inclusive “. However, I do thank pastors, administrators, and congregations that support what God intended. This is one reason quite a few Christians “church shop”.
I heard a good homily a few years back by a transitional deacon (now an ordained priest ) who said in a homily not long after Oberfeld v. Hodges. This deacon said, “that’s what the court decided, not God.” I once heard a Catholic priest (who came in under the Pastoral Provision in the mid 1980s) say in a homily the Sunday the readings relate to marriage say, “marriage is between one man and one woman and no court can change that.” Be thankful for good priests.
Was curious about this saint and looked him up. First thing that came up was Fr. Robert Barron talking about him as simply being a martyr who was killed for keeping his faith. He failed to mention that they were martyred for resisting the advances of a sodomite pedophile.