I believe that my best public response to Massimo “Beans” Faggioli’s vicious attack on Bp. Hying of Madison, is to say Holy Mass for his intention tomorrow, a 1st Saturday.
Beans posted this on Twitter. For those of you who are blocked by Beans (as he has blocked me) click HERE for an image of the tweets.
especially if you have an idea about who Fr. Z is
— Massimo Faggioli (@MassimoFaggioli) September 3, 2020
What Beans inspired by his attack on the Bishop was a chain of amazingly uninformed and mean-spirited tweets. Pretty sad, even attacking the parents and children who received the Sacrament of Confirmation.
That was his objective, of course.
Neither I nor Bp. Hying nor the wonderful people who happily participated in the sacred rite, entirely legitimate and in keeping with the Church’s laws and heart, deserved Faggioli’s rudeness.
Therefore, tomorrow, 5 September 2020, at NOON CDT, I will say Holy Mass for Beans’ intention, and for his family. I will add prayers for “the gift of tears… compunction of heart”.
Yes, it will be the Traditional Latin Mass which Beans so unjustly and rigidly reviles.
May Our Blessed Mother ask God the Holy Spirit to speak to Massimo’s heart.
Flecte quod est rigidum,
fove quod est frigidum,
rege quod est devium.
Well then.
Judging from the responses at his twitterverse – Mr. Beans should have left this one alone.
Yes Fr Z! Excellent idea.
He sounds like Screwtape is cooing in his ear. Praying that your Mass and our prayers and sacrifices will clear his mind. May he be just as vocal when he sees the light!
You must be doing things right to be under attack! Remember the image of the city of licentiousness where one bored demon slept on a wall with nothing to do, and nearby a hermit monk living a pious secluded life was being bombarded by hundreds of demons.
Keep up the great work!!!
Just what does “The situation is tragic but not serious” mean?
“Serious but not tragic” would also be incorrect, but at least it would make sense.
Yes, bring on the big weapons!
Charles E Flynn, “Just what does this “The situation was tragic but not serious” mean?
He’s being tongue in cheek, coy. To paraphrase, he meant, “it was worthy of pity but not a real threat to our conciliar church.”
“in coram episcopo”—worth by itself the price of admission!
Beans is nothing more than a glorified Twitter Troll and, as Professor Roberto de Mattei put it, a “Makeshift Theologian”, given that he has no academic qualifications to teach theology in a Catholic University.
“Therefore, tomorrow, 5 September 2020, at NOON CDT, I will say Holy Mass for Beans’ intention, and for his family. I will add prayers for “the gift of tears… compunction of heart”.”
God bless you Fr. Z. May I also suggest a care package of Who Hash for Mr. Beans.
On Catholic Twitter they say – that Beans’ small heart grew three sizes that day. And then – the true meaning of Confirmation came through, and Beans found the mercy of *ten* Grinches, plus two!”
At times like this we must turn to Shakespeare…
“Thou whoreson zed, thou unnecessary letter!”, King Lear, Act, 2, Scene 2 (nice, it has zed in it!)
“Thy tongue outvenoms all the worms of Nile.” Cymbeline, Act 3, Scene 4
“Away, you 3-inch fool!” The Taming of the Shrew, Act 4, Scene 1
Eventually, we will be hunted by our own Church.
I’m on my fifth Twitter account handle due to Dche Faggioli not liking what I say. Threats, of course not. Obscenities? No! Logic, Christ’s words and the Church’s teaching? Guilty as charged.
Charles E Flynn, “Just what does this “The situation was tragic but not serious” mean?
In addition it’s an allusion to a passage from Barbara Tuchman’s History of the Outbreak of World War I where she cites an unnamed Austrian assessing the outbreak of World War I with that phrase.
I’m reminded of a gem: “Never interrupt your enemy when he is in the process of destroying himself.” The more he speaks, the more he discredits himself.
Offering Holy Mass for Mr. Faggioli and his family is certainly worthy.
I know nothing of the man other than what I read here. You have indicated in the past that he has a particular dislike of the nickname “Beans.” To me, it seems like a great nickname, but to each, his own.
With that in mind, might I respectfully suggest that this act of charity would take on a greater character if it were accompanied by refraining from the use of this nickname in the future. You may think he deserves it. Maybe he does. Regardless, it will not serve to help melt his frozen attitude to you. Offer it up for him that he might right what is wrong in his attitude
”Massimo Faggioli”, never heard of him.
The perfect response! Luke 6:28. Wonder what authority Beans is taking his direction from?
Ironically this is a tragedy for the church of the “springtime” that was supposedly brought in by Vatican II but now is about to fall off a cliff demographically, while the future of the Church lies in these traditional families with many young children.
Twitter: The best grievance app since 2006.
Actually, I think it’s a big irony that liberals like Faggioli are also part of the New Evangelization and are spreading the word about the Extraordinary Form, whether they realize it or not. In their little universe they may be convinced that they are attacking the Extraordinary Form, but in fact, it’s quite the opposite. If they wish to carry on, then by all means!
Thank you for your hard work and encouragement all of these years pointing us toward the
right path, Father Z. I think this proves
that you have been correct.
I don’t do social media . . . my falling out of it kind of happened fortuitously : I started an account so many years ago but then it refused to recognize my password on the third login – so I got p***ed and decided to forget about it.
When I read about things like this, in retrospect, I’m glad that happened to me.
Padre, I’m sure there were times when you wished you could just get away from the blog for a while, but continued anyway. Thanks for continuing. Following in the vein of SKAY‘s post, you’ll get my vote every time – particularly for those instances where you keep reminding us how important it is to go to Confession = Integral !
“especially if you have an idea about who Fr. Z is. Yes Massimo, I have an idea about who Father Z is and what he’s all about : I hope and pray that one day you will too. It’s all good, you know.
: )
Senor Quixana, I agree with you that the use of these unpleasant nicknames should really come to an end. It undermines so much of what we are trying to accomplish. It’s really mean-spirited, and encourages a pernicious, divisive atmosphere of vanity and self-congratulation – “Look at us, we’re so clever! Let’s all laugh at him together!” I know that Jesus used tough language on the Pharisees, but I also remember his words about his disciples who call other people “Fool”. We would have much more credibility with people who disagree with us, and maybe we would win more of them over, if we showed them a little more respect. I have been the target of nasty nicknames myself, and I know how it hurts. Please, stop.
Senor Quixana says,
With that in mind, might I respectfully suggest that this act of charity would take on a greater character if it were accompanied by refraining from the use of this nickname in the future. You may think he deserves it. Maybe he does. Regardless, it will not serve to help melt his frozen attitude to you. Offer it up for him that he might right what is wrong in his attitude.
Are you aware that Beans is the translation of Faggioli?
There are worse nicknames than “Beans” for a guy named “Faggioli,”
Maybe it’s just because I don’t follow Twitter — but if not for this post (and previous ones by Father Z) I would never know who Massimo Faggioli is. Is he getting publicity here he doesn’t deserve?
Mmmmm…well…that’s not 100% true. The Italian word for beans is fagioli, with one g. So, it’s very, very close…but not an exact translation…
Gee . . . Could it be that has bean is about to become a has been -on a technicality , just because of one letter . . . ? : (
Seems it’s only a matter of time now before the inevitable ” Bean there, done that” moves in.
I can live with that – but please guys – don’t tell me ( even if it’s true ), that fishwrap is not the accurate Italian translation of National catholic Reporter.
That being said, we should concede the point – as demonstrated right here on Father
Y’ser, Z’s combox, that one letter can make a large difference.“in coram episcopo”—worth by itself the price of admission – agree with Father, worth traveling to see and hear. It is that which Glorifies God.
Q: would it not be the correct response to the liturgical cancel culture to be shunning the pretender – “beans”? Speaking for myself, I could not care less what he he thinks, we pray for him and the like minded. Is the mouth running of “beans” the “murmuring” that our Holy Lord struck down in the Holy Gospel that we are responding to?
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