From a reader comes a good suggestion.
Let me just add…
I’m Fr. Z and I endorse this message.
Hi Father Z.
Happy Lent and thanks for all you do!I wonder if it might be possible for you to put a mention of Father Carlos Martins and the Treasures of the Church Relics? Father Carlos is out and about doing Lent Missions right now (he did one at our parish). I’m told there was a miracle healing a couple days ago, as he was giving a Mission at St. Patrick’s in Long Island area. Anyway, I ask this because the relics ministry he does is in need of donations to continue. I know your readers are very generous to worthy causes, and this certainly is a worthy cause. If you think you could manage it, I would be grateful. I’m sure Father Martins would be too!
I know Fr. Martins personally. I know his apostolate. It is worth supporting.
For example, Fr. Martins was responsible for bringing the body of St. Maria Goretti to these USA a couple of years back.
Give him a boost!
I love Fr. Martins and his apostolate! I remember one story of a man volunteering to help pack up the relics after they had been displayed. Father said he hesitated because the man had bad tremors but decided that he could help. A short time after he helped the man was healed! I hope to donate soon. God bless you all!
Cheers Father Z! ;)
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Fr. Martins came to our former parish in Michigan some years ago and we gave him a possible relic to verify which a friend had given to us. He sent it back to us fully verified with a certificate of authenticity and a new seal. St. John Neumann is out home’s patron saint now.