According to La Nuova Bussola, on 15 March an investigation (“Visita Apostilica”) of the Congregation for Divine Worship will begin.
The writer says that the man appointed for the investigation, head of the bishops conference liturgy office, leans liberal and may have been accused of covering up some problem with a priest.
He is clearly favored by Francis. Sarah is clearly associated closely with Benedict XVI and his liturgical vision.
The visitation is odd, since this is a dicastery of the Curia, not a diocese, seminary or religious institute. I don’t remember anything like this.
The article brings up the fact that, recently, Card. Sarah’s (routine) resignation was at last accepted without a successor being appointed. Arch.
It also points to the recent suppression of individual Masses in San Pietro and the de facto marginalization of the TLM. These are two things that one can easily imagine Card. Sarah strenuously opposed.
NB: We must not jump to conclusions, however it strikes me that there could be a parallel here to what some want to happen to anyone who worked in the Trump administration or who supported him: Get ’em! Cancel ’em! Investigate and ruin ’em! Make sure they’ll never work again!
That’s how they roll.
This has all the hints of a further move from Liturgical Orthodoxy. I shudder to think of the upcoming inclusive Liturgical changes that will be rolled out to bring protestants into the fold. Benedict XVI’s embracing Orthodox reforms were never widely accepted by the Bishops anyway. In my opinion, this will only widen the fracture within our Church.
The global responses to the Summorum Pontificum survey are at the heart of this… [Interesting angle. You may be on to something.]
In the sense that Sarah personnel were probably aggregating the data favorably… and the Apostolic Visitor is going to totally spin that.
Since CDW has decentralized liturgical translations, the SP Survey is literally the most important thing on their desk.
Unless they’re drawing up an Amazonian Rite for “female subdeacons” per the revised CIC 230…
“The visitation is odd, since this is a dicastery of the Curia, not a diocese, seminary or religious institute. I don’t remember anything like this.“
Exactly what I was thinking. If we’re gonna go down that route of sending apostolic visitations to curial dicasteries, then how about having an “apostolic visitation” on Francis himself?
Normal people can see that the inappropriately named “progressives” are petty, spiteful, and vindictive.
What a disgrace watching men —our “leaders”—behave worse than middle school girls and not doing anything about it!
How to fight back?
All the firepower in the world is useless unless we can bring it to bear on a target. Figuratively speaking of course, what are our coordinates and what does firing for effect look like?
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Comment at the Tablet including :-
” Archbishop Arthur Roche, the secretary of the congregation, told The Tablet: “This is not a canonical visitation.” He confirmed that a consultative “visitation” of the congregation is taking place and likened it to a bishop getting advice ahead of making an appointment. “