Latin version of Good Friday Prayer for “Pandemic Time” (2020)


It seems that the “Pandemic prayer” was approved for this year as well.  HERE

A friend contacted me saying that their local diocese had mandated the use of the Good Friday Prayer issued last year for “Pandemic Time”.  That prayer had been issued for 2020 only.  The diocese mandated it anyway.   My friend wanted the LATIN version.

Last year, the Congregation for Divine Worship issued an addition Good Friday Prayer for Pandemic time.   For the year 2020 only.

In case there are other places where such a prayer has been mandated.

And, technically, this would apply to the Novus Ordo.

Adnexus decreto diei 30 martii 2020

(Prot. N. 155/20)


Oratio universalis IX b. Pro tribulatis in tempore contagii

Orémus et pro ómnibus qui præsénti morbo in pressúra pósiti inveniúntur, ut Deus et Dóminus noster infírmis sanitátem reddat, vires concédat eis qui ægrótos curant, famílias doléntes consolétur, vita functis plenitúdinem redemptiónis præstet.

Oratio in silentio. Deinde sacerdos:

Omnípotens sempitérne Deus,humánæ infirmitátis singuláre præsídium,réspice benígnus languóres ómnium filiórum tuórum, qui hodiérnis tempestátibus dolóre premúntur, et grátia tua: álleva ægrotórum passiónes,vires concéde eis qui infírmos curant,ætérnam réquiem dona mórtuis, et per totum huius tribulatiónis spátium præsta, quæsumus, ut omnes consolatiónemin misericórdia tua inveníre váleant.

Per Christum Dóminum nostrum.

R. Amen.

About Fr. John Zuhlsdorf

Fr. Z is the guy who runs this blog. o{]:¬)
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One Comment

  1. RobinDeLage says:

    Saint Cloud Diocese? Bishop Kettler has requested the use of the prayer again this year.

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