From a reader…
I just read on Rorate that they expect Francis to issue his new motu proprio restricting the celebration of the Latin Mass this week Friday. Do you think it was deliberate that they chose to issue it on the Feast of Our Lady of Mt. Carmel? Perhaps this is a supernatural sign that it will fail.
A couple things. First, there was an article in French at Le Figaro a couple days ago: HERE.
Rumor volat, vellicatim volat. So far, those I’ve spoken too, pretty well plugged in with what is happening in Rome, say “Oh yes… it’s coming!”, but they don’t back it up with something concrete.
Maybe it is coming and maybe there isn’t. I suspect no, rather than yes. Either way, there is nothing that we can do about that but set our faces like flint, keep our shoulders to the task, and entrust the matter to the Mother of God, St. Joseph (don’t forget the Bux Protocol) and the Saints of the Roman Canon. It avails nothing to panic and get everyone worked up.
Mind you, it’s not that I don’t think that there is a document that would strike at Summorum. I firmly believe that there has been such a karstic document in draft form – popping in and out of view – since 8 July 2007. I’d be surprised if there wasn’t, given the spittle-flecked hatred modernists have for the Traditional Mass, obstacle as it is to their goal of reducing the Church to an NGO.
Since denial of a rumor tends to make it grow, let’s play along for a moment. Let’s say that this Friday, the Feast of Our Lady of Mount Carmel, will be the day of release.
I doubt it would deliberate from a spiritual point of view. Would those who would issue such a document be aware that it will by Our Lady’s feast? More likely, it is just a Friday, which is a sort of “take out the trash” day, giving them a weekend buffer to give statements.
Say, however, it were deliberate. Then I observe that it was, during the Amazonian Synod (“walking together”), precisely at the Church of Our Lady of Mt. Carmel on the Via della Conciliazione, a stone’s throw from San Pietro and, hence, the meeting hall, that the shrine to the demon idol Pachamama was created. Remember the pictures of a woman nursing a critter? Remember the demonic idol taken from that church and pitched into the Tiber? Remember the demon cult bowl placed on the altar of San Pietro?
Say it were deliberate. Then I observe… GOOD.
Let them choose a feast of Our Lady, particularly beloved of so many traditional Catholics, many of whom are enrolled in the Brown Scapular!
Let them choose such a day to make their contempt for traditional Catholics even clearer.
Let them choose the Feast of Our Lady of Mt Carmel, to make their insult even deeper.
Giù la maschera!
There could hardly be a better way to stimulate a strong reaction to such an insult.
Circling back to the top, we really should avoid getting worked up about this until and if we see something real and reliable.
Meanwhile, it is never a waste of time to pray.
Our Lady of Mount Carmel… Our Lady Queen of the Clergy … Our Lady Queen of Angels…
St. Joseph… Patron of the Dying… Guardian of the Universal Church… Terror of Demons….
Ah, disagree. There is precedence, he has chosen feast days for similar outrages. I’m remembering something on one of Our Lady’s Feast Days, the Feast of the Immaculate Conception? Someone smarter than me with better recall will know it.
Dates are icing on their vicious cakes.
Wasn’t that the day when Francis broke the First Commandment of God in the Vatican garden with pachamama? Was that the Feast of the Immaculate Conception? I may be wrong, but there have been unsavory things on feast days.
The attack on S.P. may also be to gin up a spirit of animosity amongst the more traditional minded towards legitimate ecclesial authority. Seperate the traditional from the non-traditional but orthodox bishops. Divine and conquer. Remember, the devils are playing all sides in this — their goal isn’t elimination of S.P. but the separation of individuals from God, by any and all means necessary.
This is why the scriptures and our Lord, commands us to not have animosity towards those who wrong us, but to always pray for them, that they be converted, and least we fall into vice through legitimate anger.
I have been waiting for an attack on Summorum Pontificum since 2013. But this ain’t 1970 anymore, and I think now they have missed their window of opportunity. After all these years of return to tradition, and its discovery by the young, and especially after the red-pill year of 2020, an attempt to suppress S.P. will not go like the liberals think it will.
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A sober analysis:
“There could hardly be a better way to stimulate a strong reaction to such an insult.
Circling back to the top, we really should avoid getting worked up about this until and if we see something real and reliable.”
And… excellent advice:
“Meanwhile, it is never a waste of time to pray.”
Thank you, Father!
I ask “Why?” Why in the world would they suppress the TLM?
Why ignore Fatima? Why water down every single sacrament, holy day, blessing?
The answer that makes so much sense now is freemasonry. An infiltration that starts with Voltaire.
Praying, Father! I have Eucharistic Adoration today. Got my rosary and my brown scapular.
To live is Christ, to die is gain!
Pingback: Will the attack on Summorum Pontificum be on Friday, O.L. of Mt. Carmel? | Catholicism Pure & Simple
Even if we do see something real and reliable, don’t get worked up—it leads to “forced errors” of intemperate speech/actuon that only serves to make our collective situation worse by making ourselves the radicals *they* claim us to be.
Even if something is released on Friday, it will likely have a *vacatio legis* of a couple months before taking effect—a couple months well-suited to action: solidifying our groups (if not personal parishes already), respectful outreach to bishops, securing of permissions should they be necessary, *reasoned* dialogue over the merits of the document (and don’t let the progressives cry “Don’t criticize the Pope!”, because they criticized Pope Benedict plenty after *Summorum*). Above all, use the time for PENANCE and PRAYER.
Don’t be afraid to have a strong reaction should a document emerge—but don’t let sinful anger and intemperance spoil your fruitfulness. Instead, “yield your members to serve justice, unto sanctification” (Rm. 6:19, cf. Ep. for 7th Sunday after Pentecost).
Thank you, Fr. Z.
Carry on! :)
This modernist (a charitable word for what I would like to call it) Vatican has done many things on one of Our Lady’s feast days that are as a slap to her face. Also some for St. Joseph.
Wearing out my beads Sommorum Pontificum and the Holy Catholic Church.
Kathleen10, I don’t know if this is what you have in mind but in one of the earlier years of this Pontificate on a December 8 the Vatican but a big screen up in St. Peter’s square and projected onto it National Geographic/Sierra Club-type photographs of wild animals (at least that is the part of the “multi-media event” that I saw). That was a turning point for me with this Pontificate. Until then I had been very suspicious of it. After that I knew with certainty that it is deeply corrupt. I happen to have a devotion to the Feast of the Immaculate Conception. To treat it as “Earth Day” is nothing short of blasphemous.
Ave Maria, see amoris laetitiae being released on the Feast of St Joseph, who of course, is downplayed from being a righteous man (because that would be rigid) and instead a man courageous enough to bend down to the lowly.
Fr.Z question. I presume if there is a demonic hour then there are also demonic feasts and even a whole perverted demonic calendar, whose weekly feast is on Fridays, correct?
Things really aren’t going to turn out well, Father.