Vatican News says that beginning 1 October, anyone wishing to enter Vatican City State will have to have a Green Pass… to help stop the spread of COVID… because SCV has been a hot spot, having had only one case in the last year.
An exception to the Decree is granted for those participating in liturgical celebrations, but only “for the time strictly necessary for the celebration,” during which health regulations regarding distancing, the use of personal protective equipment, limitation of movement and the assembly of people, and the adoption of specific hygiene norms must be respected.
So, when and if I go to stay in Rome for a while, and I want to do something with my accounts at the “Vatican Bank”, if I can’t prove that I’ve been “jabbed” (to only God knows what effect… it seems not much again COVID) no ticky no laundry.
I don’t think anyone takes this move terribly seriously.
This is from Francis, by the way.
The new measures come in the form of a decree from the office of the President of the Pontifical Commission of Vatican City State on the subject of Public Health emergencies, issued in response to a request made by Pope Francis during an audience on 7 September.
In effect, this virtue signaling will now give cover to dioceses all over the world to shut their doors in people’s faces if the haven’t received a mark on their forehead or in their hand.
Meanwhile, in Union of Canadian Soviet Republics…
The National Catholic Register says….
Canadian Archbishop: Only Fully Vaccinated Can Attend Mass
The New Brunswick rules apply to those 12 and older seeking to attend “indoor organized gatherings,” including weddings, funerals, conferences, workshops and parties, excepting parties at a private dwelling.MONCTON, N.B. — Anyone age 12 or over attending a gathering at Catholic churches, rectories or community centers under the responsibility of the Archdiocese of Moncton must present proof that they are fully vaccinated, the archdiocese announced Friday.
The new policy applies to all religious celebrations, Sunday and weekday Masses, baptisms, wedding and funerals, parish and pastoral meetings, catechesis, and social meetings.
The archbishop said volunteers are expected to be at the church doors to ask attendees for full proof of vaccination and to collect their names. This list can be used again each Sunday to avoid repeated requests for proof of vaccination from repeat visitors.
“This list may eventually be requested by the government,” the archbishop noted.
Now do either entity recognize those who have a natural immunity? Why not?
So protestants and non-churchgoers are ok at a synod on synods, but unvaccinated practicing Catholics? Nope.
Also. Wasn’t it 3 weeks ago that Francis said it was an act of charity to be vaccinated? So now we elicit charity before you can enter a church? Surely this could never result in any abuse.
Teomatteo: VC is recognizing natural immunity if you can produce proof of having antibodies. I don’t believe that Moncton is, due to the express purpose of this policy(!!!) is to support the local government’s plan to coerce denizens into being vaccinated.
I wonder how VC intends to verify that one is entering for worship purposes… and how it may be assured that one really is leaving immediately afterwards.
…and the Archdiocese of Monckton begins wondering why their latest program at implementing the “New Evangelization” has stalled.
Hi, I’ve never been to a Catholic church before. I was wondering…
Do you have your papers?
Umm. Excuse me?
Have you proof of vaccination? A government ID card?
Umm. I’m not sure I want to share that…
Then you can’t enter. Sorry. The Church is the sole vehicle for salvation, but you’re going to have to try some other way. Good luck, bub.
Okay… maybe I’ll check out the Baha’is.
Please pray for us here in Canada. I am sure within 3 months, if not sooner, that will be the case across the country. When you don’t see our bishops push back on the closings of churches this year and last…..this ends up being the result. Pray for our bishops to stand up to the commie tactics of our leftist governments.
Will this be enforced in case of a conclave?
It’s not just the “smoke of Satan” – it’s a 5-alarm raging inferno that’s in the Church and in all the Western World right now.
God, please save us from the insanity.
Paging Sylvester McMonkey McBean
Umm , I mostly rely on worldometer for quick checks on numbers, as they have a reputation for reliability. They say 14 cases in the last 12 months in Vatican City, but they were all in October last year. Perhaps the source you used said, or meant, only one outbreak.
As an 83 year old, I am very conscious that since we here moved to ‘live with it’ mode, the number of over 70s who have
contractedtested positive for it has jumped from 25 to 322 and rising. However since the vast majority of the elderly have had 2 jabs, the cases are rarely serious. (Note: testing, under ‘live with it’, is mainly of people with symptoms, we have given up testing contacts with no symptoms)So if a person is not vaccinated and their bishop decrees that only vaccinated can attend Mass, is that non-vaxxed person released from the obligation of Sunday Mass?
So if a person is not vaccinated and their bishop decrees that only vaccinated can attend Mass, is that non-vaxxed person released from the obligation of Sunday Mass?
In the year of our Lord 2020, an Orthodox friend left her OCA congregation, which was requiring masks and appointments to attend liturgy, and instead drove an extra 80 miles each way to worship with the Serbian Orthodox, which continued to celebrate the liturgy in their usual reverent fashion. She went the extra mile, so to speak. Now, if my Roman Catholic church should close its doors to the non-compliant, do I transfer my attendance to one of the non-compliant Catholic churches, or do I abandon ship and join with the Serbians? What a time to be alive.
Not only are these Commie strategies designed to coerce Catholics into submitting to the Blessed Vax, but to limit access to Holy Mass brings this to an entirely new level of abuse on the part of “bishops”. These men are not bishops, what kind of bishop of yesterday would have ever contemplated such an evil act to commit against the faithful? They would never. Can anyone imagine a Bishop Fulton Sheen denying a Catholic entry to a church based on an injection the Commie governments are pushing? That would never have happened. If you could bring Fulton Sheen back for a moment he’d die all over again just hearing about what we are seeing. Shocking level of cruelty from these men, to deny the flock, the entire reason for them being there, of the Holy Mass and sacraments unless they do…as…they…are…commanded. The party line now is make the sheep as miserable as possible. I know, I’m getting this at work, where daily emails pepper us with harassment.
There is a further element to this, very dark and disturbing, but which makes sense in a terrible way. Are these men enjoying these dog and pony shows? It is thrilling, in a way, to issue edicts and force people to do your bidding and wear masks? Has anyone here had the misfortune to see a Gay Pride parade? Wearing masks is all the rage. One wonders what kind of enjoyment is being had at humiliating the dirty rabble. They don’t want the stupid “smell of the sheep”, they want you humiliated. Say no, and hell no. Refuse to play.
Fr. Ferguson: Good one.
“Papers please” “Run!”
In addition to the Vatican and Canada what in tarnation is going on in Australia, it sounds like street battles.
Francis could at least offer a Plenary Indulgence for getting the jab. Oh wait, do they believe in Plenary Indulgence’s in the Novus Ordo?
[“a Plenary Indulgence for getting the jab” … LOL!]
Gumby, thanks for the laugh. But you cut off my favorite part!
Indiana Jones : … He’s got a two day head start on you, which is more than he needs. Brody’s got friends in every town and village from here to the Sudan, he speaks a dozen languages, knows every local custom, he’ll blend in, disappear, you’ll never see him again. With any luck, he’s got the grail already.
[Cut to middle of fair in the Middle East, Marcus Brody wearing bright suit and white hat, sticking out like sore thumb]
Marcus Brody : Uhhh, does anyone here speak English?
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Oh the covid scare again!! Eek!! God is more powerful. It may not seem like it, but it is true! God sees all, knows all and loves all. God, please inspire your good people with all that needs to be done. Give us leaders who are good, genuine, smart and strong!
Someone with time needs to call every chancery in North America and find out who is doing this, and publish those findings. I doubt these are the only ones.
Catholic Study Bible
Matthew 8:1-3
1 When he came down from the mountain, great crowds followed him;
2 and behold, a leper came to him and knelt before him, saying, “Lord, if you will, you can make me clean.”
3 And he stretched out his hand and … asked to see his vaccination papers before he would let him approach.
All are welcome, all are welcome, all are welcome in this place…
I am dubious of the wisdom of writing about wanting to check on accounts at the Vatican Bank and then finishing the sentence writing about laundry. Just saying.
Not in my wildest dreams did I ever expect to see the Church turning away people over vaccines. Actual contagious sickness is one thing. Lack of a vaccine that may save you from a really bad outcome but does very little to prevent infection is another.
There is an argument to be made for getting vaccinated, but how we go from that to somehow requiring vaccination is beyond me. In light of what we know and don’t know about what these vaccines can and cannot do, there is just no way to come to a moral justification for mandates. That there are bishops issuing these mandates is scandalous. They are supposed to know better.
My thought was that it is lefty bishops who would do this, but a level-headed priest has suggested that the problem may not be ideology but cowardice. How many will go along with this?
We will shortly have to face the coming showdown between bishops intent on forcing vaccines on everyone and priests who refuse vaccines. I know where my sympathies are, but is there any case law on this in canon law?
Seen the Robert Kennedy Jr. video on pandemic grooming from Fauci et al.? Lays it all out. Must see in my humble opinion.
Michael Matt has it.
Interesting. Irrespective of the motivations behind this move to require the jabs to attend mass in that diocese, the upshot (or is it headshot?) of the decree is that in this diocese it seems one is now required to engage in remote material cooperation with evil at least twice (for now…) to attend the holy sacrifice of the Mass. Actually, both engage in it and prove it.
So much for the Vatican document released late last year, which states under point 5:
“Those who, however, for reasons of conscience, refuse vaccines produced with cell lines from aborted fetuses, must do their utmost to avoid, by other prophylactic means and appropriate behavior, becoming vehicles for the transmission of the infectious agent. ”
If you believe you would violate your conscience by taking the Jab, or have a condition for which your doctor advises the jab to be contraindicated, wouldn’t that release you from your Sunday obligation for the duration of the mandate? How can one commit a sin if no reasonable option is made available which is safe for soul or body that allows you to attend? This seems like an unnecessary punishment, hurtful and mean. Maybe stream Masses again, but it’s not the same and you can’t receive the Blessed Sacrament, nor can you truly worship in community. It is divisive, something Pope Francis decries frequently.
What will happen if a non-vaxxed parishioner tries to get into the church for Mass?
Will the usher push the person out the door or call the police to charge the poor parishioner with trespassing?
Will the vaxxed come to the aid of the non-vaxxed or just sit in their pews and pretend not to see, then receive Communion? I wouldn’t want to be that vaxxed parishioner.
If the Church was “following the science” as everyone claims to be, then they would know the Jab does not stop the transmission of the virus; its effectiveness wears off after 6 months or so, and it is less effective against the newer variants such as Delta which is why places such as Israel and the UK where vaccination rate is very high are seeing a spike in COVID cases. More evidence that the mandates are ideologically driven rather than scientific.
Hard to believe this is the same Church that during the Black Plague clergy risked their lives to minister to people in spite of a 40 percent death rate. Compare that to the less than 1 percent for the COVID
The results of the Canadian election don’t bode well, either. There are apparently enough fear-infected Canadians to keep Trudeau in power. So now, just like in California with Newsom, the tyrants believe they can do anything and be free of consequences. Expect the lockdowns and mandates to continue and get worse. Every single time a tyrant doesn’t lose (n.b. just not losing is the same as a win for them), it emboldens ALL of the tyrants everywhere, both inside and outside of the Church.
And blah blah about election fraud. Does it exist. Without any reasonable doubt. But, yet again, the people allow it and, in all likelihood, enough cowards exist in substantial enough numbers to validate whatever lies are told through the ballot boxes.
This is definitely a plague not of viruses but of cowards. If, at this point, one is more afraid of COVID than of the obvious tyranny bearing down on everyone, then one should do a serious self examination and understand that he is a VERY LARGE PART of the problem.
With the ushering in of Traditionis Custodes and the very thorough elimination of the TLM in our diocese and the diocese closest to us, I’m not sure that I would spurn the idea of a vaccine passport in these here parts as I would then be prohibited from attending NO.
“Shepherds” cutting off the availability of the Sacraments to the faithful who will not take the immoral injections! Is this if God? Also since these injections are killing people and causing close to a million reported side effects in the US alone–that makes them against the 5th Commandment too! (even if those old fashioned commandments are mostly suggestions from a bygone age if one listens to the bishop of Rome; they just are not ‘pastoral’ you know!)
Echoing what JT said! The video with Robert Kennedy Jr. is a must see on many levels!
Mario Bird: Ah yes, a classic scene. Then there was the scene on the zeppelin where Indy dressed as a crewman tossed the Gestapo agent out the window, turned to the befuddled passengers and said, “No papers.”
Mark, Gab, Ave Maria: Good points.
See the website LifeSiteNews for a treasure trove of information about the COVID injection, going back many months. It has made me *very* wary about getting the injection, for both ethical reasons and health reasons.
Seems to me that 1) serious, prayerful protests are called for here, and 2) if protests don’t work, then peaceful, prayerful civil disobedience is called for… with getting dragged off in handcuffs and everything. Filmed / livestreamed, and with signs stating the problem, of course, for an international audience. Would these divisive, unjust clerical authorities like to become the center of that circus?
If we don’t stand up now, things will swiftly get much worse!
Covid is similar to the climate change agenda. I see it as the health version of climate change. Always gotta fight it! Will it ever go away? Same vague talking points, fudged data, insistence on widespread fear and urgency, an unseen constant issue/ threat. Pile on the rules, regulations with no common sense and no faith in God’s Providence. It ruins businesses, livelihoods and freedom. Jesus, save us!
Only allowing the vaccinated into an event or area gives those in attendance a false sense of safety. Vaccinated people still get covid! I’m vaccinated and just recovered, last week, from being sick. It is estimated that up to 2 days before and up to 10 days after my first symptoms, I was CONTAGIOUS! Quite simply- Vaccinated or not, if you have covid, you are contagious! Keeping the non-vaccinated out of the Vatican does not equate to keeping covid out. It’s a pandemic folks! We’re all going to get sick eventually. The vast majority of us will suffer through and be just fine. Perspective has been lost.
I think it’s important to remember that the vaccine mandates have little to absolutely nothing to do with health, medicine, science, or COVID. It doesn’t matter what data comes out showing their not effective or that vaccinated folks still transmit disease or that side effects are higher than advertised or that boosters don’t work or that variants bypass the vaccine . . . etc.
Whether by design or by opportunity, the vaccine mandates are ENTIRELY about political submission. It started with the masks, but now the vaccines are the next step. The POINT is for EVERYONE to SUBMIT. Conveniently, it’s exactly the type of folks who would be skeptical and not want to submit that the ruling class wants to identify and destroy. The ruling class want to provoke violence to justify their brutal retaliations. They want to create mandates to impoverish, weaken, ostracize, and anger everyone who would choose to not submit to them.
This isn’t about science. We left that behind a long time ago. Just like abortion isn’t actually about medicine or health or science or even choice. The left (i.e. the demonic) like to cloak their efforts in sheepskins, but it’s all just window dressing. It’s about power and it’s about crushing their enemies.
Agree with WVC’s comment…by now at least, it’s not about health or science, it’s about identifying, freezing, isolating, and destroying all those who will not submit.
So if Poland, Hungary, Slovakia etc. decide to refuse entry to all “refugees” from the Middle East on the grounds that they are no vaccinated, not wearing masks, and have no proof of negative Covid tests, Francis will have no cause of complaint.
The Australian and New Zealand Politburos are turning the balmy South Pacific into an archipelago of gulags.
Communism means, of course, famine and the black market. Sensing opportunity, gangs in New Zealand have tossed aside crack pipes and cartons of toilet paper to take over the lucrative KFC chicken trade. The UK Daily Mail reports gangs are purchasing KFC in Level III lockdown areas of New Zealand and smuggling the Colonel’s secret recipe into Level IV Auckland. A police checkpoint recently arrested two gang members with a dozen orders of KFC and a hundred thousand dollars in cash hidden in their car trunk.
On live TV the Mayor of Auckland guzzled a bottle of vodka and thundered, “Glorious People’s South Pacific Paradise will not be corrupted by imperialist spies and capitalist running dogs trafficking in secret herbs and spices!” Wiping vodka from his, or maybe herx, mustache and trenchcoat, the Mayor pounded the podium and roared, “Capitalist schweinhund! They will pay for their crimes against the people! Heil the Great Reset!”
Anyway, it’s real quiet in Tasmania lately, maybe the Devil got them.
Well, these days, when evil and Joe Biden are wandering the land, one shouldn’t be sailing to the Antipodes unless you’re Aubrey and Maturin onboard a sloop-of-war with eighteen cannon, a deck gun topside, and barrels of salted chicken below.
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