Behold the new Archbishop of Toulouse in France

Of what sort are the most enthusiastic bishops in the cruel Francisisian Traditionis custodes pogrom?

Behold the new Archbishop of Toulouse in France.   As my correspondent wrote: “Mgr de Kérimel est un de plus grands zélateurs de Traditionis Custodes en France.”

BUT… the people who want the TLM have to be crushed!

In 2021, the Archdiocese of Toulouse ordained ONE man.  Surely a guy like this will inspire lots of vocations.

About Fr. John Zuhlsdorf

Fr. Z is the guy who runs this blog. o{]:¬)
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  1. Midwest St. Michael says:

    So that was a rugby ball tossed at the… [ahem!] Holy Sacrifice of the Mass? ?

    Eric Sammons has a good piece over at Crisis about abuses at Holy Mass.

  2. AnthonyJ says:

    That is disgraceful just as the below was:

  3. AnthonyJ says:

    That is disgraceful just as the below was:

  4. Kathleen10 says:

    And the people applauded the antics, twice. This is what these people want.
    Fine. I have no problem if corny entertainment is what most Catholics want from the church, just leave us alone when we want reverence in the house of God for the Real Presence. We have two distinct churches, one fake, one true. But who am I to quibble? Have yours, leave ours alone.

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