There was a BIG rally in Chicago today to ask Mary to soften the heart of Card. Cupich, who is actively attacking Catholics who desire traditional sacred worship.
Remember: an attack on the RITE is really an attack on the PEOPLE who frequent that rite. We are our rites.
I hear over 200 people showed up in the freezing cold.
Some things from the web.
Before the Rosary Rally, our family attended the ICKSP’s Shrine in Chicago. There was an overflowing, standing room crowd for the TLM on this first Sunday of the month.@EricRSammons @OnePeterFive @rtf_media @TaylorRMarshall @pontificatormax @liturgyfilm @chesterbelloc3
— Tridentine Brewing (@TridentineBrew) February 6, 2022
Huge turnout today to pray for the Latin Mass Chicago…
May Our Lady soften the heart of Cardinal Cupich that he will immediately remove all the restrictions he placed on the Traditional Latin Mass in the Archdiocese.
More photos:
— Mater Dolorosa (@MaterDolorosa92) February 6, 2022
This is so edifying, and great to see. No letting up!
— Cream City Catholic (@CCityCatholic) February 6, 2022
Today, concerned Catholics descended on Holy Name Cathedral in vast numbers to plead the intercession of Our Lady. United, we are confronting the many crises facing our Catholic Church. “For when two or more are gathered in my name, there am I in the midst of them.” Matthew 18:20
— Coalition for Canceled Priests (@canceledpriests) February 7, 2022
Before the Rosary Rally, our family attended the ICKSP’s Shrine in Chicago. There was an overflowing, standing room crowd for the TLM on this first Sunday of the month.@EricRSammons @OnePeterFive @rtf_media @TaylorRMarshall @pontificatormax @liturgyfilm @chesterbelloc3
— Tridentine Brewing (@TridentineBrew) February 6, 2022
How excellent! Catholic friends in Chicago, we stand with you. Don’t give up. Stay the course. The longer it goes on, the more people know about it, the more it becomes obvious there is something terribly wrong with a bishop who would deprive the flock of the Holy Mass they love so much, and which is their heritage as Catholics.
This is a bad look for a bishop, who is there to shepherd his flock, not beat them with a club. He is to care about their spiritual needs. He is to hear them, and respond to what he hears.
Catholics outside of Chicago are watching to see which bishops love their flock and which ones abuse them by denying them the Traditional Latin Mass, which so many love. There is not one reason for a bishop to take this away from the people who want it. It is astonishingly cruel, and for what benefit.
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This is beautiful. and it occurs to me that, in general, traditional Catholics will come out in the hundreds to pray in a way not many NO Catholics will not. I mean in beautiful reverent procession with chant and prayers bearing witness in a uniquely unmistakably Catholic way. Without guitars and tambourines and fake praise and worship.
The more Catholics organize in this kind of prayer around the country publicly showing the beauty of our faith, the more these bishops that would suppress tradition will look like the fools they are for trying to do so.
Wow, I’m so proud of our TLM brethren in Chicago! Too bad I don’t live anywhere nearby, otherwise I would have gladly made the trek just to join in.
This must continue no matter what. As long as groups such as the “Faith Community of St. Sabina” are tolerated, then the more reason to ignore TC and its “dubia”. There’s no other way around this!