Apart from the process itself during “Walking Together about Walking Togetherity” is something in particular being pushed?

The point of the “Walking Together about Walking Togetherity” is the process itself.  The process is the content, the message.

That does not mean that there are not sidelines, some of them dominant.

One of them is the normalization of homosexual ACTS, not relationships or identity.  Yes, those, too.  But principally (unnatural) sexual ACTS.   Libs demand that you deny what is obvious, so they obfuscate about this as about everything else.

Today, to my surprise – but not – Francis met with the pro-sodomy group New Ways Ministry and Sr. Jeannine Gramick. They met for 50 minutes.

That it happened now, during “W-T”, is not a coincidence

About Fr. John Zuhlsdorf

Fr. Z is the guy who runs this blog. o{]:¬)
This entry was posted in Our Catholic Identity, Pò sì jiù, Sin That Cries To Heaven, The Coming Storm, The Drill. Bookmark the permalink.


  1. BeatifyStickler says:

    Just speculation. But perhaps what is taking place in the Middle East and it’s ever expanding threat of
    World War is directly linked to the Sodomy being pushed in the Church? This feel all too much like a punishment to an unfaithful world. Cardinal Biffi wrote about the antichrist. This, Fatima, Russia, the Holy Land, the synod. All too eerie.

  2. acardnal says:

    You know, I read what these so called synod experts say at the daily press briefings – many who are bishops, archbishops and cardinals – and they don’t speak like experts in theology or scripture. Instead, they speak like people with graduate degrees in business administration/management! They use all the same language and euphemisms of someone with an MBA and say nothing of substance!!

  3. DvdH says:

    Fr Z, I started reading The Screwtape Letters today – only had time for the first four – and one of them has the subject of the process… Now where have I read that recently??? Hahaha
    I pray Our Lord intervenes, and soon, before more souls end up in hell.

  4. summorumpontificum777 says:

    This pontificate’s unrelenting effort to wrap itself in the rainbow flag is both disheartening and incomprehensible. Yes, the Holy Father guarantees the continued favor of the secular media by taking this approach, but at what cost? Someday in the no-so-distant future he’ll answer for his stewardship of the Church and the deposit of faith, and I tremble for him when I remember that God is just.

  5. Pingback: THVRSDAY MORNING EDITION – BigPulpit.com

  6. piggin says:

    It is sad to watch malice parading around like it’s compassion to confirm poor
    souls in mortal sin. It is past time for the few solid cardinals to act. This walking
    to hell together garbage must cease.
    If the Cardinals do not act…be assured God will.

    Watching this sad drama unfold I can conclude the actors have no fear of God at all. Promoting acts of sodomy? Biblical chastisement inbound.

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