UPDATED: Would it be a Synod “Walking Together” without an other demon idol?

UPDATE 10 Oct 2023

Here is more news about the demon idol.

So, it seems that this is not the demon connected with killing priests.  It’s the demon that only eats children.

Originally posted. Oct 7, 2023

Today, 7 October, is the Feast of the Most Holy Rosary.   It is also the anniversary of the placement of a demonic Pachamama cult bowl on the main altar of St. Peter’s during the Synod (“Walking Together”) on the Amazon.  That “W-T” began with an idol veneration ceremony in the Vatican gardens on Oct 4.   I have asked you to do penance during this “anniversary” period.

There’s a new wrinkle.

I guess it can’t be a “W-T” without the presence of some demonic idol.

Mind you, I am not suggesting that people inside the Vatican arranged this, but the coincidence has a sniff of “organization”.

What’s up?

Cindy McCain is now deeply into one-world UN stuff, it seems.  On 6 October 2023 she was in Rome as Executive Director of the UN World Food Programme and she met with Francis.   HERE    Biretta tip to A:  o{]:¬)

NB: This audience doesn’t have anything to do with the “W-T”.  However, it did happen now and not at some other time.

It is customary in audiences of certain levels to have an exchange of gifts.   I imagine the warehouse of stuff that has been brought to Popes over the decades as looking like that at the end of Indiana Jones.   Thousands of unpredictable gifts which might cause insult or diplomatic problems if disposed of or sold.

It could be that before these audiences some Monsignor says, “What are you bringing?”, so as to avoid the more embarrassing gifts.   If this gift was checked off on ahead if time, someone didn’t do any homework.  In a way understandable, but any priest ought to know a little about this.   Priests don’t have to be experts on every indigenous cult, but they ought to have extended antennae telling them that “Something about this ain’t right.”  Tell me if I am wrong.

Cindy McCain brought Francis a Hopi Kachina figure.

A Hopi Kachina is a statuette of a demon.   

As Ps 96: 5: St. Paul states, “all the gods of the peoples are idols”, meaning demons.  St. Paul in numerous places warns against involvement with idolatry.   Exorcists relate that demons receive their names by the invocation of false gods.   In short, a Hopi Kachina doll is a pagan idol of a demon.

What demon idol did McCain bring?

There are very many versions of Kachinas.   HERE is a page about the different types of Kachina and ceremonies involving them.

Note the bloody knife.  Charming.   There’s more to this bloody knife.

This is a capture from a video from Twitter/X

There is a PDF that describes in detail what Kachinas are about. HERE An excerpt with my emphases:

4. Children occupy an important place in the cult. Even if they are uninitiated, children receive gifts at the ceremonies and are educated in Kachina lore. Since a child’s mind is clean and pure with no inherent evil, children can carry prayers to the spirits. The children learn to respect and obey the Kachinas. In keeping with their role to help discipline children, the Kachinas frequently give them presents of bows and arrows, with feathers with which to send prayers to the spirits. In particular, the ogres (Figure 4 and Figure 5) are disciplinary Kachinas. The Black Ogre, Nata-aska, and the White Ogre, Wiharu, carry a saw or a knife. Children are told the ogres can swallow them whole, unless they are good little children. Finally the ogres are driven from the village. Whites would call them the “boogeymen.”

I don’t think that means John Wick.  It means that Kachinas represent demons.

There’s more.

There is type of the Ogre Kachinas called Chayevo, who also carries a blade.  In ceremonies it is depicted as “trotting thorough the plaza looking for victims”.  HERE   In short, this is a not so nice disciplinary Kachina.

Hopi Oral history includes the story where Chaveyo headed the Hopi warriors in the Pueblo Rebellion at the Hopi village of Oraibi in killing the Franciscan priest and destroying the church and mission. 

The knife is gory with the blood of a Franciscan priest.

The Pueblo Revolt was in part sparked against the attempt of the Spanish to suppress the demonic religions and the use of Kachina idols.  HERE

The other day I posted about how from 4 October to 7 October we should do penance for the demon idol worship in the Vatican gardens with the Amazon Synod started and when the demonic idol bowl was placed on the main altar of St. Peter’s Basilica.

Today is 7 October, Feast of Our Lady of the Rosary.

Spread it around. 

Get all your friends today to say a chaplet of the Rosary in reparation for demonic cult – willed or not – in the precincts of the Vatican.


About Fr. John Zuhlsdorf

Fr. Z is the guy who runs this blog. o{]:¬)
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  1. Not says:

    Looks like Cindy is carrying on her Husbands work. Not enough space here to go into details. I am trying to love my neighbor as myself. God help me.

  2. BeatifyStickler says:

    This is actually terrifying and deeply symbolic. Blessed Innocent XI was beatified today in 1956. He is a Pope for our times! I’m asking his intercession for the Church and for victory over darkness. I’m asking Innocent to have Francis’ ear, to speak to his heart, to guide the man, Jorge Bergoglio to Christ. Our Lady of Victory, pray for us. St Joseph the terror of demons, intercede for your Sons Church.

  3. BeatifyStickler says:

    Another thing I may add is it almost feels like a threat. It’s beyond brazen. Let’s give Francis the Pope, a doll that symbolizes the killing of Franciscan Priests who brought the message of Christ. This is actually shocking!! Is it a warning?

  4. TheCavalierHatherly says:

    So, the thing represents the destruction of traditional Franciscans. And the destruction of the missions.

    “Res ipsa loquitur,” as we backwardists might say.

  5. jason in kc says:

    After much intrepid sleuthing I was able to obtain a transcript of the planning meeting for this gift. The name of the handler is redacted, given as “X.” The full text is below.

    X: Mrs. McCain, it has come to our attention that you are very white; in fact, almost too white.

    McCain: Oh no, you are right. I hereby flagellate myself and vow to only drink indigenously sourced coffee from here on out.

    X: Thank you. Your gift of a pot of marmalade for your upcoming visit to the pope is also very white. We wouldn’t want him to be offended by your non-peripheral American whiteness.

    McCain: What would I do without you, [X]? Again, I flagellate myself and will only use shampoos not tested on animals. What should I being?

    X: Take this. (Gives Kachina.)

    McCain: Ah, what a cute doll! My granddaughter would love it, and it looks VERY indigenous.

    X: Mrs. McCain, you are still being too white. I’ll wait for you to flagellate yourself. [There was a pause here as she flagellated herself and vowed to donate half her wealth to BLM]. This is not a toy doll. It is a very important indigenous thing with deep significance.

    McCain: Of course it is; my lashed and bleeding back has opened my eyes to its indigenous wonder. What significance does it have, and why is it holding a bloodied knife?

    X: That’s not important, you ignorant white person [Note: X is always careful to not assume pronouns]. Here’s another flagellum. [McCain flagellates theirself again and pledges money for the construction of a school for two-spirit drag queens.] It’s indigenous, after all, which is all that matters. The Pope will love it as it comes from the peripheries.

    McCain: Thank you [X], for saving me from a major international incident. I was also thinking of a simple basil plant, but this obviously very important indigenous gift will be much better. But won’t it be weird if I, as a Very White American, give the Pope an indigenous gift, when I don’t entirely know what it is? Isn’t that [here xer heart almost stops and there is a moment of gasping for breath] cultural appropriation?

    X: No, not if you give it as a gift. It shows that you are working to overcome your whiteness by tokenizing things on the peripheries.

    McCain: Excellent. This is going to be the best audience ever.

    X: Indeed. Now be good and flagellate yourself again for the sake of being too white.

    McCain: Of course; thank you!

  6. CandS says:

    Father Z and Readers,

    What should be our view towards and treatment of what I have thought of before as mere souvenirs? We have a few kachinas in the house (relatives used to live in Arizona). Should I be concerned? Should they be burned or otherwise destroyed (and How? Where? By whom?), just thrown away, or continue to not regard them as more than trinkets and crafts?

    Similar question with other such items: is a Buddha statue a cute little fellow or something sinister? We did get a gift once from India (a bronze figurine of some Hindu goddess) that seemed very inappropriate to have and we threw it away as I recall. Likewise I had a little gargoyle figurine from Russia that I also threw out because it later seemed to be somehow inappropriate. Neighbors brought back dream catchers for us as gifts from the US Southwest which we threw away. I don’t want to base my treatment of such things on whether they “uggh me out” or not, so would appreciate solid guidance. Our kachina dolls are far more benign-looking than this one in the post!

    Final element of my questions: are these things to be concerned about or to just let be and thus not attribute any particular significance to them? If they should be destroyed, I want them out of the house and properly done away with.

    Thank you for guidance here!

  7. Jack in NH says:

    Miss B. has almost the same post up today…

  8. Elizium23 says:

    So a bizarre theory popped into my head, without opportunity to pray or even sleep on it, I’m afraid I must posit the hypothesis directly anon.

    The Holy Father is Easternizing the Western Church.

    That’s his project, I think, a mandate that traces back to his history in Argentina too, yet.

    A synodal church is more Eastern, because the Orthodox and ECCs already got those long ago. Also the Eastern Churches are structured geographically, nationally more or less, so that secular borders denote spiritual jurisdiction as well.

    But the Latin churhc is ginormous in scale! We’ve got over 1.1 billion potentially saved! I mean… Rome can’t keep 1.1 billion files on file about all the faithful. It’s impersonal, it’s unjust, and it’s unwieldy, and so we’ve got to open the windows and do aggiornamiento to the modern Eastern Catholic standard.

    Holy Father weakens Curia. Holy Father does deaconess dance to the approval of several sui iuris ECCs. Holy Father says “whoops I’m gonna split the church! haha!”

    He can split the (Latin) Church and still keep us nearly all in communion, with a synodal structure.

    Right now, Global Latin Church is a mess! Jurisdictions overlapping all the Easterns with 4-5 bishops running around, we’ve got personal ordinariates with supra-territorial jurisdictions, we’ve got Traditionalists like present company, who drive 3 hours both ways uphill in the purely driven slush, just to cross next diocese and attend acceptable Holy Sacrifices of the ages.

    Holy Father demands obedience while this goes on. Early in pontificate, Francis goes “I don’t cut off heads, I lay aside like nails at retirement.” Yet Most Rev. Strickland here, what’s the deal? Obedience and don’t calumnate me pls, I mean, don’t publicly incites his or her subjects to hatred or animosity against the Apostolic See or the Ordinary because of some act of ecclesiastical authority or ministry? Does The Most Reverend teach, sanctify, and govern in a vacuum or are there rad-trads in Tyler? Dunno. Who am I to judge.

    Is it just for a superior to demand obedience from his flock? Hmm… there are promises and there are vows. It’s said that the final letter a nun will receive is an order she cannot comply with, and therefore exclaustrate her and release her from vows, due to violating vow of obedience to those orders.

    But in 100, 250 years, the Church can stay together, or even spin off cool nouveau schismatics where you could perhaps draw a dotted line around their monastery/city and just jurisdict that away.

    What’s the Latin Church in 250 years? 7 Churches claiming (writes on FSSP envelope) 157 million Catholics each? Is that cooler than 1 West to Rule them All? I expect to be around and find out.

  9. Elizium23 says:

    Addenda to the foregoing fever dreams:

    promote the Episcopal Conferences to full Synods in their own right, and then in 250 years, surprise! American sui iuris Catholic Latin Church in full communion with Rome, or perhaps two of them.

    Also, I’m feeling Acts 8, as I write this, and remembered another linchpin in policy that extends even here to border towns like PHX and Tucson: let my people move!

    If you don’t like your church ,then you move. You move freely to another country – if you like Byzantine liturgy so much, just move to Albania, or Pittsburgh. Or would the diaspora ECCs be suppressed somehow? Hmm, I need to work out that angle.

    If immigrants shuffle around and move freely, why don’t you Traditionalists just move house and plop yourselves next to the parish. My best traddie friends won’t volunteer, because only Sunday Mass is worth a commute. Husband still works full-time for a living. But I suppose they adamantly persist in their exile to libville, good luck getting past the fallen flaming sword cherub at rush hour.

  10. Charles E Flynn says:

    The gift could have been worse. Imagine what would have happened if the Native Americans who inhabited Arizona had developed their own version of the Ouija board.

  11. Kathleen10 says:

    jason, if only that was just good satire. I’m afraid it’s not far off the actual mark. There’s a lot of white guilt out there, which is ridiculous.

    Cands, in my opinion you shouldn’t have them in your house, because demons can attach to inanimate objects if they are cursed, but I’ll hold off and hope someone can speak to your question more fully.

    Re the Hopi gift. It is impossible to imagine anyone thinking a little bloody knick knack is a proper gift for even a terrible sitting pope. how many knick knacks and paddywhacks does he need. Words fail, to give one that commemorates the stabbing of a Franciscan priest. What kind of people are these…all of them.

  12. Suburbanbanshee says:

    Kachinas are technically not idols. [Ummmm… they are.] Some webpages say they are teaching aids for the young to identify characters in the dances, while others say that male dancers (back in the day, they were all dancers) made them for girls, so that they would understand the meaning of the dance (and I guess, be impressed by the guy). [They are figures of demons.]

    Tourist kachinas were basically carved to make cash, and some artist kachinas don’t actually portray any dancer that exists outside their own imagination.

    That said… I don’t think the White Ogre is an appropriate gift for a pope. The only way you could be less appropriate is a kachina of “Priest Killer” actually carrying a severed head, which you can buy online. (How charming and historical.)

  13. pcg says:

    Since we’re all suppose to be “walking together”, I have to ask: WTF??

  14. Suburbanbanshee says:

    Well, I’m not an expert on Hopi religion. And for all practical purposes, I don’t suppose it matters if something is an idol of a demon, or just a picture of someone dressing up as a demon in order to worship said demon. Because either way, it’s not great stuff. But my understanding is that the Hopi don’t think the kachina dolls have kachina spirits in them.

    At any rate, the McCains apparently collected Hopi kachina dolls, of the kind associated with the actual pagan dances. (And I think some of them are Zuni, too.) There’s a picture in this article about their house.


    So it seems unlikely that she wouldn’t know what was being represented.

  15. Elizium23 says:

    Indigeneous and Far Eastern spiritualities are so different from the Middle/Near East stuff that attempted to expand, they met with difficulties.

    Philippines, South Korea, probably a few other pockets that i can’t think of, did well receiving evangelization and Christianity took root with some acceptance. Others persecuted and expelled with great prejudice.

    When Europe found the Americas, we’d never seen anything like those pagan/animist faiths. Utterly foreign as foreign gets. Therefore we set about trampling it down, burning everything, and eradicating every trace. Did OK with that.

    I suppose it made Pachamama pretty sad. I wouldn’t begruder her a trip to the Holy see and vent her feelings. She can sail around with Greta Thunberg as twin prophets of doom.

  16. Elizium23 says:

    Had a couple of thoughts, then I forget one, and it’s another double post. I really need to start just drafting and thinking before I send. So: the Church speaks of inculturation. Liturgy and expressions of faith must incorporate the local cultures to the extent possible. We saw the controversy over veneration of ancestors in the East. We’ve got Hindus just accepting Jesus into their pantheon, and Buddhism coexisting peacefully, I suppose?

    So the inculturation that is afoot seems to be a reclaiming of something of ancient faiths that the Church could be able to acknowledge as true and good, and what better way to propose that than deliver evidence all the way to the top?

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  18. aam says:

    “VATICAN CITY (LifeSiteNews) – An Orthodox bishop attending the Synod on Synodality has directly rejected the argument that the synod is an imitation of Eastern synodal events, due to the implementation of lay voters.”

    Once again a non-Catholic is more Catholic than Catholics.

  19. IaninEngland says:

    So, the “patron demon” of abortion and other forms of infanticide, then?

    Eats children indeed!

  20. PostCatholic says:

    And here I’ve always thought the demonic cult in the Vatican precincts was called “the College of Cardinals.”

  21. Sandy says:

    Regarding your update, Father, such a fitting “gift” from McCain. As someone said, she carries on her husband’s work.

    As to the question above about such “souvenirs”, you have far more knowledge about the spiritual implications, but I’ve learned a bit over the years. There can be spirits attached to objects, and it seems better to be “safe than sorry”. There are things I’ve gotten rid of from travels around the world.

  22. hilltop says:

    Mrs McCain is evidently of type of poorly-formed but nonetheless practicing Catholic. It is a curious yet fashionable activity for Arizonans and other tourists to collect Cuchina idols, er “dolls”. They are purchased at great price from weekend Hopis cashing in on a week’s worth of kitchen table efforts;
    Then transported to dining rooms and entry halls at fashionable homes, and usually displayed behind glass. Sometimes the collections are raided as a source of gifts to important others, Especially if the collector is an”native”‘Arizonan and the giftee is “religious”. It shows one’s heritage, you (Laudato) see.
    It really does not matter if the person “playing” with the Ouji board thinks it’s a game. His ignorance does not change that fact that it is, in fact, a portal for the demonic. Nor does it matter that the collector of cuchina idols thinks they are “collecting” (and gifting) dolls.
    The damned things are still Idols. Period.
    Wake up.

  23. Pingback: Une poupée démoniaque pour le Pape | Benoit et Moi

  24. PostCatholic says:

    I’d like to understand better how these Hopi Kochina are demon idols and the statues numbering in legions of Roman gods and personages in the Vatican’s art collections are not. Serious question; I don’t get the distinction between these two types of non-Abrahamic religious art.

  25. sjoseph371 says:

    Of all of the souvenirs that the Native Americans make, she picks a demonic one with a bloody knife . . . she couldn’t pick out a simple piece of pottery with some generic design, an arrowhead, even a type of patterned piece of clothing – she had to pick out one with a bloody knife!

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