soft permanent revolution 

Because I entertain moments of self-hatred which I evolve into moments of reparation for for “walking together”, I tuned into a YouTube video of the very thing… “Walking Together about Walking Togetherity”.   It is a morning session from yesterday.   If you want to see and hear what this is about.

I can’t imagine sitting through this mind-numbing ***** day after day.

Some low-lights.

At about 0:7:30 Hollerich delivers a rather long ramble about being inclusive and “walking together”.   His wheedling weasle-tone should be enough to drive every male out of the hall.  Somehow they perdure.

At about 0:23:00 the infamously pro-homosexual Timothy Radcliffe, OP talks (in English) about being formed for communion that overflows into mission.

There are others who spoke. I didn’t listen to any of them.

Keep in mind that anything that this “W-T” will produce in terms of a document or recommendations for papal document, etc., is NOT THE POINT.

The real point of “W-T” is the PROCESS.   Statements, documents, etc.  Meh.  The real CONTENT is the fact that it is a process.  This all-important process is the real message, the real thing that needs to continue.

The purpose of the process is the continuation of the process so that it becomes the norm, rather than the exception.

This soft permanent revolution.

About Fr. John Zuhlsdorf

Fr. Z is the guy who runs this blog. o{]:¬)
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  1. JonPatrick says:

    I see that the title is “XVI General Ordinary Assembly Synod of Bishops”. Ignoring for now that I thought “Ordinary Assembly” meant an assembly of bishops so that the title seems redundant, aren’t there also a number of lay people given equal voting status to the bishops, so that it should be called the “XVI Ordinary and Extraordinary Assembly Synod of Bishops and Random Lay Persons” ?

  2. anj says:

    They reinvented the General Convention of the Episcopal church.


  4. SeelDad says:

    I listened to Hollerich for a few seconds about how for the past 2 years they’ve “listened to the people of God”. A thought struck me about the inverted process. What if Moses had listened to God’s chosen people? They’d all still be slaves in Egypt!

  5. Kathleen10 says:

    It’s not so soft. It’s hard watching your church deteriorate into a dysfunctional, NGO. But God sustains.
    I agree with you, Fr. Z, about the process being the point. They now know they can come up with any change and Catholics the world over will eventually just accept it. Learned helplessness is a thing. But synoodling, is here to stay, and you once used the example that a camel is a horse created by committee, and that’s what we have now, a Church camel. It can be anything. It can be everything to everybody. Except it can’t be what it was for 1500 years, that it cannot be ever again, because Western Tradition = Bad. Non-Western traditions = good, but Western traditions of worship, no no, those are bad. They have to go.
    Anyway in 2023 synoodling is what we need to get used to. A group of atheists, freemasons, feminists, homosexualists, non-Catholics, millionaires, minimally Catholic people, these are reforming the church in their image today, and they’re going to synoodle into infinity.

  6. TonyO says:

    At about 0:7:30 Hollerich delivers a rather long ramble about being inclusive and “walking together”. His wheedling weasle-tone should be enough to drive every male out of the hall. Somehow they perdure.

    I come to the opposite stance: his tone WAS enough to drive every male out of the hall. Therefore, those who stayed…are not males. At least, not makes in the relevant sense.

    The college of bishops is largely populated by old women in miters. Francis wanted those to be the bishops attending this synod (W-T-F), as they are probably the ones most used to the active/passive behavior connoted if you W-T-F alone, in your own diocese. Right off the bat, we can forget about any bishop who adds pronouns to his signature: not male in the relevant sense. Same with any bishop who has made even the slightest public comment looking favorably on blessings for “unions” of KGBNKVDLTBIQ+ – X#%&#@. And as for the rest: at this point, I would tend to consider that simply attending this W-T-F implies that one should be defrocked and confined to a monastery cell for life. I cannot imagine the intense dilemma imposed on real men who were told by the Vatican to go, but one doubts there were more than a handful.

  7. The Astronomer says:


  8. jaykay says:

    TonyO: “simply attending this W-T-F implies that one should be defrocked and confined to a monastery cell for life”.

    That’s assuming one could even find such a thing as a functional monastery cell in the glorious huggy-wuggy renewal of the New Springtime™.

    Well, apart from the Traditional Orders but…


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