28 Jan ’24 Septuagesima Sunday – Will you bury your “Alleluia” this year?

alleluiaWell? Are’ya gonna do it?

Do you have to call the priest RIGHT NOW so you can have a plan in place for your Sunday TLM… or Novus Ordo for that matter.  WHY NOT?  It’s called “Solidarity with the oppressed”.  It’s called “Unity with the peripheries”.

On Septuagesima Sunday we have a custom of burying the Alleluia right after the Asperges (of a Solemn Mass).  Otherwise, just before Mass.

This Sunday is already Septuagesima.

In pre-Lent we get ourselves in order for a fruitful and serious Lenten fast, more works of mercy, greater introspection, and a stem to stern holy stoning.

As you know, we don’t sing “Alleluia” from Septuagesima onward.  Of yore there were ceremonies to mark the exemption of the “A-Word” including an entombment a decorated, symbolic word.

Here is one pic from a while back of a parish digging the dirt and sending the A-Word six feet under.

And the wonderful singing, vestment making nuns, the Benedictines of Mary, Queen of Apostles in Missouri (they have a great music CD for Lent, by the way), also sent “Al” on his way.

16_01_24_Alleluia_01 16_01_24_Alleluia_02  16_01_24_Alleluia_04

C’mon.  Be trads!  Get your parish priests up to speed, make plans, offer to do all the work and preparations and bury your Alleluia!


(I just thought I’d get that in there in case you haven’t gone lately.)

About Fr. John Zuhlsdorf

Fr. Z is the guy who runs this blog. o{]:¬)
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  1. BeatifyStickler says:

    Can an Alleluia be buried at sea?

  2. docsmith54 says:

    The photos of Alleluias being buried are fun; will they be exhumed? It may be as much fun—if not merely appropriate and timely.

  3. Elizium23 says:

    “Whatcha makin’, honey?”

    “A felt banner.”

    “A felt banner? For church?”


    “How will you hang it up?”

    “Nevermind that! Is our shovel still in the shed?”

  4. Beatify: Can an Alleluia be buried at sea?

    Anything can be buried at sea. Get a heavy container – tasteful – insert the scroll with “Alleluia” on it. Elegantly bloop it overboard. Voila.

    Stand Navy out to sea, liturically!
    We’ll never change our course so TLM or die!
    Roll up the scroll my boys, anchors aweigh!
    Sail on to pre-Lent, and sink the scroll to Davy Jones, Amen!

  5. Ipsitilla says:

    My Septuagesima song (to the tune of Leonard Cohen’s “Hallelujah”)

    “Now the page that it is written on is buried ‘neath the Church’s lawn
    Bet you don’t know of that tradition, do ya?
    And we wait for Easter when that word is gloriously disinterred
    ‘Till then we must refrain from…

  6. jaykay says:

    Ipsitilla, I love it! (Also love “Day of spite and petty malice…” Hadn’t seen your website before)

    If one could bring coals to Newcastle (sicut dicitur his in nationibus trans oceanum Atlanticum) how about, instead of: ‘Till then we must refrain from… hmmmmmmm…”

    ’till then we must substitute
    “Laus tibi, Christe
    Laus tibiiiiiii…”

    etc. ?

  7. Saint110676 says:

    Besides omitting the Alleluia and Gloria, we also change the final dismissal from Ite Missa Est to Benedicamos Domino. Making these changes as well as purple vestments are pre-Lenten liturgical “coming attractions” for what we are called to do on Ash Wednesday. In other words we human beings need some time to adjust or transition to the Great Fast. Why in the world did our “reformers” omit these Sundays?

  8. mercy2013 says:

    Unfortunately, we couldn’t drive the distance to the TLM today, so we had Green vestments, and not only did we still have an Alleluia before the Gospel, but even the first hymn contained the word many times. I’m just tired and done.

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