News of the Church 07 – 10 January 2024

It’s 10 January 2024 and it is a Wednesday. Some time ago, I saw a movie called News of the World in which after the Civil War a former confederate officer ekes out a living wandering about reading newspaper stories from all over to people who pay a dime a head (which figures to about $2.50 now). The idea caught my imagination and here I am, a gazetteer. Gazette came into English through French but it’s origin is Italian, gazzetta, which is the name of the Venetian coin which paid for the first first Venetian newspapers in the 16th century.

Here is today’s audio “gazette” of Catholic things.

1:15 – Card. Pell’s Prison Journal on the 1st anniversary of his death.
9:52 – A 3rd year old says Mass
16:20 – Slow accumulation of advantages
19:52 – The Angelus – myths
26:48 – Epiphanytide – Faith and Works

About Fr. John Zuhlsdorf

Fr. Z is the guy who runs this blog. o{]:¬)
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  1. Kathleen10 says:

    These are enjoyable! It’s a nice, relaxing listen.
    Poor Cardinal Pell. Justice is certainly in short supply these days. The Good Lord needs to return and set everything right.

  2. maternalView says:

    Thanks for the gazette! An enjoyable listen.

  3. ProfessorCover says:

    The first part of the Cardinal Pell reading made me think of Bishop David Edward Foley who was Bishop of Birmingham AL and I guess became well-known when he suppressed ad orientem televised Masses at EWTN and throughout the Diocese in 1999. He retired in 2005.
    After Summorum Pontificum he began saying masses in the extraordinary form as well as the ordinary form. He told one congregation it made him feel like a priest again. On at least two occasions when I was present, I presume because he thought many assisting at Mass were unfamiliar with the rite, he pointed out one reason for preserving the traditional Latin Mass was because an unchanging Mass reminds us that in a sense we are unchanging as well. He said although now he is old, he is the same person as he was when a baby. Now he is dead, but is the same person, and just as I am sure Cardinal Pell would appreciate our prayers, Bishop Foley’s gravestone reads, “Pray for me.”
    The church needs humble and faithful Bishops more so in local dioceses, perhaps, more so than in Rome.

  4. G. Thomas Fitzpatrick says:

    Thank you for these gazettes, Father.

    I love the rustling papers very reminiscent of the great Rush Limbaugh, though I think his rustling was more pointed, an “armed rustling,” if you will. I caught the Limbaugh reference as well in the “never-nicotine-stained fingers”.

    Thanks to these and your Adventcazts, Christmascazts, and Lentcazts, I have started reading Father Troadec’s books, Cardinal Baci’s meditations, and other spiritual guides. I try to link to your seasonal podcazts every day for the dozen or so members of my micro-scale FB group.

    I am contemplating beginning Cardinal Pell’s journal after Easter. Lent is fast coming on, and my Lenten prayer & reading routine is already full.

    I remember you and Cardinal Pell, and many other priests and prelates you know, daily using that form of prayer for priests that you authored and the late Bishop Morlino gave his imprimatur to.

    Thank you so much!

    Pax et bonum!

  5. G. Thomas: Thanks for that. I appreciate the feedback. How I do miss Rush!

    That prayer for priests, to which Bp. Morlino gave an Imprimatur. I was not the author. I found it in a book of prayers. I am not sure who wrote it. Looking around I found it attributed to the late Card. Cushing. I’ve seen other attributions as well. Since I wasn’t exactly sure where it came from, I simply asked the Extraordinary Ordinary Bp. Morlino – O Lord, how I miss him! – to give an Imprimatur.

    How I hope that more and more people will pray that prayer in the coming dark days of internal confusing that lie ahead.

  6. IaninEngland says:

    @Fr Z, G. Thomas Fitzpatrick
    Have been using that prayer for a while, now, plus names at appropriate spots (e.g., Bp Strickland et al. following “faithful and fervent priests”).

  7. IaninEngland says:

    Daily (usually of a morning).
    If you’re not using this prayer, please consider doing so.

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