Happy Eleutherii Day in Prime Time!

It’s 19 February and time again – indeed prime time – to recall the three Eleutherii.

In the Vetus Ordo office of Prime – straight up cancelled, like a priest, in the Novus Ordo – there are on this date three different saints named Eleutherius mentioned in the anticipated Martyrology reading.

Eleutherius of Constantinople, Bishop and Martyr
Eleutherius of Persia, Bishop and Martyr
Eleutherius of Tounai, Bishop and Confessor

I figured that you have your own celebrations planned.

BTW… I looked in the 2005 Martyrologium Romanum and there is not even one Eleutherius in the index.  Cancelled, like a priest… like a priest in his prime!  They are not in the older MartRom‘s index either.  BUT… there they are!

Forget that.  I must have had a monsignor moment.  In the 2005 MartRom, the three are there, but with different feasts:

Eleutherius, ep. Autissiodoren., 26 August. (s. VI)
Eleutherius, ep. Tornacen., 20 February. (ca. 530)
Eleutherius, m. Nicomediae., 2 October.  (s. III/IV)

I looked in my 1878 MartRom and found 11!

Eleutherius Episc. Constantinopolit. et mart. 20. Februarii
Eleutherius Episcopus Tornacens. 20. Februaiii.
Eleutherius Episcopus Illyrici, et Anthia mart. Messanae sub Hadriano. 18. Aprilis.
Eleutherius Papa et mart. Romae 26. Maji. [With Philip Neri!  I guess I knew that.]
Eleutherius Conf. in Latio. 29. Maji.
Eleutherius mart. Constantinopoli sub Maximiano. 4. Augusti.
Eleutherius et Leonides mart. 8. Augusti.
Eleutherius Episcopus Antisiodoren. 16. Augusti.
Eleutherius Abbas, Romae. 6. Septembris.
Eleutherius miles mart. Nicomediae cum allis innumeris sub Diocletiano. 2. Octobris.
Eleutherius Diaconus mart. Lutetiae, supra cum Dionysio. 9. Octobris.

A comment, below, says there are 6 in the 2001 MartRom.

So… 11 to 6 to 3.

Eleutherii are, in fact, being cancelled and/or moved around.

Also, I see a discrepancy of Eleutherii.  One is “Autissiodoren”, which is “Autissiodorensis” which is the suppressed Diocese of AuxerreAnother is “Antissiodoren.”  The same, I guess. which is I also found a Altissiodorensis.  Again.

Yes, the Martyrology did need work.

About Fr. John Zuhlsdorf

Fr. Z is the guy who runs this blog. o{]:¬)
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  1. Andrew says:

    I have a 2001 edition and it shows six entries for Eleutherius. Lucky me!

  2. Venerator Sti Lot says:

    Thank you for this!

    I see CatholicSaints [dot]Info has Constantinopoli and Tornaci (with a link to a 1914 Roman Martyrology English translation with both, and a link to a 2001 Spanish translation with the latter). They note among representations of the latter “hearing the confession of King Clovis” – which gets me wondering if you are a fan of Bizet’s “Clovis et Clotilde”, or not so much?

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