Remember… there’s only one expression of the Roman Rite and the Traditional Latin Mass and every person who wants it must be suppressed and marginalized.
With that in mind, here’s a view of Communion time in a German church. The horror! They are using RECORDED music which is strictly VERBOTEN!
Novus ordo in Germany. People receive Holy Communion in the hands to the tune of a chicken dance.
— i am dust (@GTV_87) February 20, 2024
Yeah.. maybe it’s not just that the music is recorded.
1. Gay
2. Emotionally immature.
3. Gay
If this was the only Catholic rite available, could someone licitly invoke canon 844 section 2?
Recorded music verboten? Anyone care to reference that? It’s certainly of interest to me, and my own context in the Church.
Complete with a dancing clown. My heart breaks. When I see stuff like this I realize just how important it is for us to pray the rosary for reparation.
Does this help?
THAT’S THE CHICKEN DANCE!!!! What’s next, Barney’s theme instead of the Lord’s Prayer and Baby Shark Shark as an exit theme?
1.Which German circus provided the clown?2.How much of the Eucharist was left on the toddler’s hair when the woman patted him?
3.Then she used the same hand to distribute more Hosts?
4.Does the church look like a church or does it look like a venue for way, way, way off Broadway cheap shows?
5.Recorded music, see 4.
6.Neither the sacristan or the clown had the brains to get a CD of appropriate Chant.
6.Do you think it’s possible that the same bunch helped with the show at St. Pat’s?
Where is the priest or the 20 other Communion helpers? Or is this a Communion Service since by now what normal man would want to be a priest in Germany? Is the dancing woman one of Germany’s first candidates for deaconess or just the lay parish administrator (so the priest is hiding in shame because she decides on the Mass music)? My kids went to the recent March for Life with a rock band playing the music. Most of the kids hated it wanting something more traditional like an organist, but the bishops must have enjoyed it thinking they know what good young Catholics want in Mass (the opposite of what they actually do).
This certainly trumps the Gibson guitar blessing thats for sure. Maybe I am a hopeless optimist but I did see one glimmer of hope. Most if not all the communicants genuflected after receiving communion. Its shows the pilot light of the faith is still there if only the prelates would quit trying to smother the flame.
“Der Ententanz,” Werner Thomas, Swiss accordionist, composed c. 1957.
The priest and the organist must have fled the building in terror. People genuflecting (well, sort of) is the only positive thing I see. (Normally I would think people turning up for Mass (if it is a Mass and not a Communion service) is a good thing, but turning up for this sacrilegious nonsense?) But the TLM must be destroyed, got it.
Ha, for Germany this is mild stuff. I have seen far worse at Masses in the Diocese of Limburg… And regularly so!
The contents of the above video alone should be a good enough reason for all cancelled TLM communities to carry on and ignore TC. While the above abominations continue happening, the powers that be have no authority over the fate of TLM communities.
Remember. They are the ones deciding which are the “important” topics to discuss in Church meetings, assemblies and councils. They decide the narrative. They want to turn you into a dancing chicken.
You can’t make this stuff up. You just can’t.
The lady at the keyboard is wearing a witch’s hat.
Perhaps she is going to sacrifice a chicken later.
I suspect this was a Faschingsmesse, a Mass celebrating the period of carnival leading up to Ash Wednesday (ergo the costumes). By Googling the term ‘Faschingsmesse’, you will find that these are unfortunately quite common in Germany (not so much here in Austria) and are in some ways reminiscent of the medieval ‘Feast of Fools’. Whilst primarily designed as a Mass for children, I suspect the true rationale behind these highly inappropriate antics lies with 1 Cor. 1:27; that is, “But the foolish things of the world has God chosen to put to shame the wise…” I am left wondering, however, if those clergy and parishioners found clothing all that is sacred in the tatters of such base disrespect truly believe that in doing so they are reverently worshipping The Lord.
I was looking forward to taking my family to Mass when we visited Germany & Austria this summer.
After seeing this and other travesties, I’m not so sure.
@ Andreas – yes, it’s a FaschingsMesse.