On this Good Friday the sun arose at 5:55 and it will set at 19:35.
The Ave Maria bell is in its 19:00 phase.
There are 279 days left in the year.
The Roman Station is Santa Croce in Gerusalemme.
ALERT: “Rita”, who sent a donation. I have no email for you so I can’t send a thank you note. In case you are wondering.
On the way to church yesterday for the solemn rites yesterday evening there was a lovely light, so hard to capture, strangely diffused in the air. Rome is like that.
After the Mass there was the procession with the Blessed Sacrament to the altar of repose.
We then sang Tenebrae.
Here is the altar of repose after Tenebrae from a couple of angles.
Quite a few people stayed.