Daily Rome Shot 1023

White to move and mate in 2.

NB: I’ll hold comments with solutions ’till the next day so there won’t be “spoilers” for others.

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In chessy news, something interesting is developing.    There is going to be a “poker” style “buy in” tournament.  Four players each must pitch in $1 million.  Each would play six games of rapid against the others.  1st place $2 million, 2nd place $1.5 million, 3rd place $0.4 million, and 4th place $0.   It would be at the same place where the G.O.A.T. Challenge was, a luxury resort in northern Germany. I think the players are Nodirbek Abdusattorov, Fabiano Caruana, Ian Nepomniachtchi, and the disagreeable Hans Niemann whom I believe would not fare well. It should be great viewing, especially with beer from the traditional Benedictine monks of Norcia!

About Fr. John Zuhlsdorf

Fr. Z is the guy who runs this blog. o{]:¬)
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  1. A.S. Haley says:

    1. Nxc7+ BxN
    2. Qd4++

  2. waalaw says:

    1. N-c7+ . . B×c7 (K has no legal move)
    2. Q-d4#

  3. Matthew111 says:

    1. R(d, e, xg)6 any move
    2. Nf6#

  4. Matthew111 says:

    The black bishop taking white’s knight would check white’s king, so it’s not mate in two. Looking at this again Rd6 is the best move because it forces black’s pawn to take the rook and then Nf6 can be checkmate. The other rook moves allow black to try and cover f6 with their bishop (Bd4 – and also block the queen’s attack and allow the king egress through c4).

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