Behold the Good Shepherd

About Fr. John Zuhlsdorf

Fr. Z is the guy who runs this blog. o{]:¬)
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  1. BeatifyStickler says:

    I literally laughed out loud when I saw the turn of events. God wins!

    I have a gut feeling that this future act of cruelty will crush the progressive wing once and for all. The youth know the difference. As you say, “tradition belongs to the young”.

    They may “win” for a time. The pendulum will swing the other way. We all remember Ottaviani and the minority report. Is there anyone out there revering with esteem and respect the hierarchy that was pushing the majority report in favour of changing the Church’s teaching in contraception?

    Same goes for the liturgy. The winning side will do exactly that, win. Progressives may win a few battles, but Christ and those who follow him will win the spiritual war.

    Very uplifting to see this post!

  2. monstrance says:

    Brave priest.
    The badges on the candlesticks – are they relic badges ?

  3. PostCatholic says:

    I’m curious if the restrictions you are facing for the Tridentine Mass are also in effect for the other pre-conciliar forms of the Mass, like Braga, Ambrosian, Mozarabic, etc. If not, why the distinction?

  4. idahocatholic says:

    All of my friends who only attend the once a month diocesan TLM — the only option in the Boise area other than the SSPX — would never fight like this. They feel that they just need to be obedient. So when that TLM is shut down — the anti-traditional bishop is just biding his time — they will be good little sheeple and just blindly obey. There may some people elsewhere who would stand up to authority used illegitimately, but not most people
    I know.

  5. APX says:

    Meanwhile in Canada, in the 80s a group of Catholics in Nova Scotia were criminally charged and convicted for disrupting a religious service because they knelt to receive communion. They were exonerated by the Court of Appeal, but it’s crazy to know that that sort of thing was happening in the 80s.

  6. The video of the Port Marly battering ram incident is pretty inspiring.

    At the end the priest gives an interview. I’m not fluent in French but I could catch enough to understand the priest reminding the bishop of the substantial investment the people of that parish had in it as the descendants of those who had built it.

  7. Sportsfan says:

    I’ve added this to my “places I’ll go when the time machine is invented” list.

    The battering ram was intense. I’m sure a few bruises were iced the next day.
    I’m thinking a couple of 8 lb. sledge hammers would have been more efficient. Then again, France is on the metric system, they’re probably illegal.

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