From “The Private Diary of Bishop F. Atticus” – 24-05-30 – Bishops meeting

30 May 2024

Dear Diary,

Next meeting in Louisville, long haul drive, I think I can do it. Or rather Fr. Tommy or Gilbert, can, drive.  At least I don’t have to get on a plane. Happy memories of cousin Barney’s wedding in Louisville. Gonna head for the bar and get a mint julep and a hot brown sandwich – bacon, turkey, cheese and more cheese.

If I rest up a lot before, I think I can look okay to the guys, my old chipper self. Can’t show weakness, that’s for sure. They smell blood in the water and start looking at you like you’re gonna get a visit from……someone. Like the Noonch – can’t believe Florange is still here even though he’s now well over 75. They’ll say it’s governance issues or something, and then two brother bishops show up to evaluate your outfit. And evaluate you. I mean me. Can’t have that. Gotta look like I run a tight ship and that I’m all right. Got the material for the meeting this week – always more paper than I can ever read. There’ll be a presentation on something like the laity/marriage/family life/pro-life/youth/young adult ministry thing is now all folded in somehow. Did I miss when that happened? Is that the latest thing? Do I have to fold all my offices together? I’ve got separate offices for all that – and separate staff – each with their own great furniture! Do I have to combine those? Dang it, that means I might have to fire people – that’s the first thing I can think of and I hate that because then I’m the bad guy. But, I might get some of their furniture. That’s a win-win for me.

About Fr. John Zuhlsdorf

Fr. Z is the guy who runs this blog. o{]:¬)
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  1. Saint110676 says:

    I cannot imagine the bureaucracy of any diocese every shrinking.

  2. BW says:

    The more power gets centralised in a system of government, the more likely that government is to fail. Britain ruled over a third of the world with 22 Ministers. Now we have loads more for our little tiny island and we’re doing rubbish.

    The Church will close parishes before they close “initiatives”.

  3. jaykay says:

    “Do I have to fold all my offices together?”

    +Butterpants was going to read his entire Breviary all at once?

    He does read it, doesn’t he? At the appointed hours?



    He knows what it is?



    Another thing on Fr. Tommy’s list…

  4. johntenor says:


  5. PostCatholic says:

    Having tried the hot brown at the Brown Hotel, I fail to understand how it caught on as a Thing™. I thought it singularly bland.

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