I would very much like to see them overwhelmed with 20 year old participants.

At The Pillar I read…

TLMS as part of the scheduled Masses for the Eucharistic Congress? Not just coincidental?

I would very much like to see them overwhelmed with 20 year old participants.

TMLS… part of the schedule…

Now that The Pillar has written about them… CANCELLED? In 5… 4… 3… 2… 1!

About Fr. John Zuhlsdorf

Fr. Z is the guy who runs this blog. o{]:¬)
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  1. grayanderson says:

    So, I’ve got a pile of airline miles, Amtrak points, and so on, and Indianapolis isn’t too awfully inconvenient for me to get to.

    Got a link to the schedule? I’m closer to 40 than 20, but I kind-of want to show up to help make the point.

  2. BeatifyStickler says:

    I seriously can’t handle the idea of the Old Rite being suppressed.

    I long for the last judgement.

    They may cancel it for a while, but another generation will bring it back.

    I laugh, we have diocese being suppressed and parish’s collapsing all over the place. Let’s drop the axe on young faithful families and vocations.

    Fr. Z is correct, they hate the people. I know this well in my own life.

    Let it all burn to the smouldering coals.

    Again, I long for the last judgement.

  3. Sportsfan says:

    Holy Rosary church is a hike from the convention center.
    Archbishop Thompson is a rule follower. There must be something in TC or other Roman directives that limit where a TLM can be said.
    There was a conference in ArchIndy last September (and will be another this September) with a large number of traditional Catholic families that love the TLM. Archbishop Thompson allowed an extra mass to be said at the F.S.S.P. oratory to accommodate them. That meant everyone had to pack up their families and drive over 30 minutes instead of just having the mass at the convention site.
    He will not deviate no matter who or how many are inconvenienced.

    I’ll do my part to make sure a bunch of twenty somethings are there.

  4. AlanLins says:

    grayanderson et al:

    Here is a link to the schedule:


    If I am reading it correctly, there is a TLM at 4 PM on both Day 2 and Day 3.


  6. hwriggles4 says:

    I know at the Eucharistic Revival a good representation of young Catholic professionals are anticipated to show up. Most of them are late twenties to early forties. There’s also a seminar/social type event planned during that time for networking. Sounds like a good place for practicing Catholics to connect, both socially and professionally.

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