More on Francis, “********” and seminaries

Recently, there was a hubbub over Francis’ using the Italian word “frociggione… faggotry” during a meeting with the Italian bishops.  He said there was excessive faggotry.

There was, of course, a media backlash.  An Italian man wrote a teary letter to Francis, who said, essentially, “keep going!”.

Now, Francis had a meeting with some 160 priests ordained between 11-39 years at the Salesians university and said that “In Vaticano c’è aria di frociaggine” – meaning “In the Vatican, there is an atmosphere of faggotry.”   He said that these men can be good guys “buoni ragazzi”, but they shouldn’t be in seminary.  Then, he said there’s room for everyone.

His second time to refer to “faggotry” in a far from pleasant way.

Reporting on this HERE, and HERE and HERE and HERE .

CWR wrote:

Prepared texts are now apparently to be held until someone in the Pontifical Household has checked them against delivery. Friends in the corps tell this journalist that the closed-circuit audio of papal audiences is no longer to be played in real-time at the press office, though it bears mention that the audio feed frequently cuts off once Francis goes off script.

The Memory Hole was unavailable for comment.

A couple disturbing things from that Salesian meeting if reports can be believed.

First, Francis proposed as a model, don Lorenzo Milani (+1967), considered at the time a dangerous radical who helped write what served as a manifesto for the 1968 movement.  Francis visited his grave in 2017.    Look him up and you’ll find enthusiastic praise for this renegade priest.  The flip side is, as one of my friends said:  “Beside being a modernist, Milani wrote obscene things and was suspected of being homosexual, based also on things he wrote and said”.  An interesting figure to mention in this context.

There’s more.  From Sky TG24:

Sull’incontro a porte chiuse con i sacerdoti romani, c’è stato spazio anche per qualche indiscrerazione (sic – indiscrezione = “leak”). Secondo quanto riferiscono all’Ansa fonti che erano presenti, il Pontefice sarebbe tornato sulla questione della omosessualità nella Chiesa. “In Vaticano c’è aria di frociaggine”, non è facile aiutare questa corrente. Francesco avrebbe anche ribadito che se un ragazzo ha una tendenza omosessuale è meglio non farlo entrare in seminario: sono “ragazzi buoni” ma con questa tendenza meglio di no. Papa Francesco, nel discernimento sulle vocazioni, ha chiesto anche di essere attenti alle “ideologie”, i tradizionalisti “non vanno bene”.

There was also room for some leaks regarding the closed-door meeting with the Roman priests. According to what sources who were present told ANSA, the Pontiff returned to the issue of homosexuality in the Church. “There is an air of faggotry in the Vatican”, it is not easy to curb this trend. Francis also reiterated that if a young man has a homosexual tendency it is better not to let him enter the seminary: they are “good guys” but with this tendency it is better not to. Pope Francis, in discerning vocations, also asked us to be attentive to “ideologies”, traditionalists “are no good”.

Some are “good guys”.  Some are “no good”.

I’ll leave this right here.

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About Fr. John Zuhlsdorf

Fr. Z is the guy who runs this blog. o{]:¬)
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