Daily Rome Shot 1047

It’s the Feast of the Dedication of my adoptive parish in Rome, Ss. Trinità dei Pellegrini.

Candles are lighted in the places where the walls were anointed with chrism and the church was, as in a baptism, named.

The ceremony of consecration of a church is much like a baptism: several exorcisms are performed, speech is given (drawing of letters on the floor), chrism is applied, light is given, a name is given.

Welcome registrant:


Hey luc****.***go@gmail.com!  My thank you note was kicked back.  Full mail box!

I’ve been following from afar a chess tournament in Madrid wherein participate two young American players who are also fine “content” providers, streamers.  IM Levy Rozman, who has 5 million subscribers on YouTube – yes, chess is a big deal – is leading in his division.  IM Eric Rosen 680K subscribers – is in 2nd in his division.

Other than that, there was chatter about a winner take all buy-in tournament, wherein each player buys in, as in poker, for $1 million.  It is scheduled for 21 November 2024 in Dusseldorf.  Four players, double round robin, 6 rounds of rapid (15+0).  The winner will walk away with $2 million.  end place $1.5 million, 3rd $400K, 4th… zero.  The World Championship between Din Liren and Guksesh D is scheduled tentatively for 20 Nov – 15 Dec.   The players in the buy in will be Nodirbek Abdusattorov, Fabiano Caruana, Ian Nepomniachtchi and, just confirmed, Hans Niemann, who was in on the idea of the event with the organizer.  This sort of buy-in tournament could be repeated in Astana, Kazakhstan (home of Bp. Schneider), Dubai, and London.

Interim, motus ad lusorem cum militibus albis pertinet. Scaccus mattus, scilicet mors regis, tribus in motis veniat.

NB: Detineam explicationes in crastinum, ne vestrae interrumpantur commentationes.

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Nice people! Great service!

About Fr. John Zuhlsdorf

Fr. Z is the guy who runs this blog. o{]:¬)
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One Comment

  1. A.S. Haley says:

    Gratias pro exercitatione latine, Pater! Nunc, qua exercitatione latrunculorum:

    1. Rxg7#!
    If Black tries either . . . Kh8 or Kf8, then
    2. Rg8#, which forces KxR, then
    3. Qh8##
    And if Black plays . . . RxR, then
    2. Rd8#, which forces Qf8.
    But then the Queen is pinned against the King, so that
    3. QxR(g7) is mate.

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