16 July 1969 – LIFTOFF!

16 July 1969 – 55 years ago

Before implementation of the Novus Ordo, btw, although changes were underway.

About Fr. John Zuhlsdorf

Fr. Z is the guy who runs this blog. o{]:¬)
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  1. monstrance says:

    Not used to seeing that launch in color.

  2. Andreas says:

    Many thanks for this special reminder, Father Z., that despite the seemingly endless toxic socio-cultural and political madnesses with which we are today plagued, we are, at the same time, capable of profound greatness.

  3. JonPatrick says:

    In March of 1969 my Air Force ROTC squadron was privileged to be able to visit the Cape Canaveral complex at the height of the Apollo project. After a flight down to Patrick AFB in an ANG C-118 (where we all got a chance to fly the plane a bit) we headed out to the launch complex where as I recall one of the earlier missions Apollo 10? was on the launch pad and the Saturn V that was to be Apollo 11 was in the VAB getting its finishing touches. We also got to tour the Mercury and Gemini launch facilities which seemed so primitive by comparison. Still one of my favorite memories of my time at school.

  4. JustaSinner says:

    But it was staged. The Earth is flat. Over Unity power is possible.

  5. TheCavalierHatherly says:

    For the arguments to prove the spherical shape of the Earth given by Aristotle and explained by St. Thomas:

    De Caelo et Mundo Book II: Lecture 27 & 28

    Avicenna would be very upset if he found out we got our sublunary footprints all over the moon.

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