Support the sisters!
Chessy news… nuthin’. I’m working on openings. Tanto per cambiare! No wait! I read at Chessbase: “After six rounds, Iceland is leading the 50+ tournament at the World Senior Team Championship in Krakow. In the 65+ tournament, the Chess Club Strasbourg, with the Roos brothers, is in the lead. The French have so far only conceded one team point – against top favourites England.”
Please remember me when shopping online and use my affiliate links. US HERE – UK HERE WHY? This helps to pay for health insurance (massively hiked for this new year of surprises), utilities, groceries, etc.. At no extra cost, you provide help for which I am grateful.
White to move and mate in 3. This is pretty.
NB: I’ll hold comments with solutions ’till the next day so there won’t be “spoilers” for others.
Finally, some Days In Rome Oct ’24 donations have already come in via the wavy flag. I will shortly have a dedicated post on this. However, thanks…
Wow! That view!
I have purchased from the Sisters and can attest to their products. The face creme and the lip balm are superb. I am about to try some other items too. Thanks for the reminder, Father!
1. Qh8+ Ke7
2. f6+ Kd6
3. Qb8#
1. Q-h8+ . . K-e7
2. f5-f6+ . . K-d6
3. Q-b8#
Q to H8+
K to E7
P to F6+
K to D6
Q to B8#
Take a look at the sky in Daily Rome Shot #1071
The man-made clouds are the reason why the church domes in Rome (and worldwide) are turning black. Please take a look at the video “The Dimming” found at:
Keep the Faith!