Photo from The World’s Best Sacristan™.
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Black to move and win material. Name the tactic.
NB: I’ll hold comments with solutions ’till the next day so there won’t be “spoilers” for others.
In chessy news… I played like a imbecile in Saturday. Frustrating. The 2024 Speed Chess Championship is underway. I haven’t been paying much attention. Perhaps Monday when Wesley is at bat.
A priest friend recommended a book about Jehovah’s Witnesses. You might have your own suggestions. I’ve been getting into this one, which is helpful about their history, how they operate, and what they believe. It seems to have different covers in different printings.
Answering Jehovah Witnesses. I have the 2001 in hand.
As to the chess I have nothing here. There are no Excellent game changing black moves apparent. The big issue seems to be the coming loss of the black knight on the H file. I might move black queen to the g file. then move knight down to where the queen was allowing check possibly a fork depending on where white queen moves to (E3 trying to again force the queen trade I have seen dumber things happen.) Moving bishop to E6 will guard the knight but overly complicate the board for an already behind black. There are too many ways to make more bad exchanges for black by going down this road. However, I never did get the point of unncessarily trading queens just because of a temporary advantage, especially when down material.
However, if you trade queens here and then white responds by takeing your queen with his knight, you would have the opportunity to fork his knights with your pond when you move pond to F4, right after you take his rook on the C file and he responds in kind, but then of course you are loosing your knight also. even if you take both knights, these trades would put you so far down material the game becomes unwinnable. leaving you with one bishop and some ponds facing one rook and a bishop and likely one of his knights.
The queen trade is something chess buffs love when they make these puzzles, but it’s not a good option here given the totality of the game, and where it leaves black.
Is there a better move? Enquiring minds want to know.
1. … Rxc3+
2. R or Bxc3 Qxe4
A good old capture the defender puzzle.