Daily Rome Shots 1088 – “Madonna fiumarola”

This was for the “Madonna de Noantri” festival that takes place around 16 July ti the end of the month for Our Lady of Mount Carmel. Eight days after the procession along the streets of Trastevere – when she exits Sant’Agata in Trastevere and returns to S. Crisogono, she is carried on a boat on the Tiber, disembarked at Lungotevere degli Anguillara and brought to St Maria in Trastevere. This is when she’s called “Madonna fiumarola”. The statue was found by Corsican sailors at the Tiber’s mouth after a storm in 1535. St. Philip arrived in Rome in 1534. This is why there are always also Corsican confraternities participating. The tradition of carrying the statue on a boat started in the early 1600s when the Archconfraternity of the Madonna del Carmine was founded.

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Many thanks to the early donors using wavy flag (Zelle is even better) for my October Roman Sojourn, JL being the most recent:


ALERT: I received a new Zelle donation from a mysterious GJD…… and there is no email address attached to the email.  That’s a problem with Zelle.  So, who ever is behind mysterious GJD….., please drop me a note.  HERE

I’ll start a campaign in earnest during August. Also, thanks to several thoughtful folks, mostly stream viewers, who requested Mass intentions. I can take a few right now. NB: Don’t assume that priests can take stipends and just send them the intention and stipend without checking with them. That’s a public service announcement to make life easier for you and for priests.

In chessy news, Carlsen crushed Tuan Minh Le in a blitz game the other day with the King’s Gambit, deadly if you play it right, deadly if you play it wrong.  I can’t figure out how to embed it.  It is HERE.  Scroll down to the last of the Carlsen/Le games.

White to mate in 2.  How long did it take you?

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NB: I’ll hold comments with solutions ’till the next day so there won’t be “spoilers” for others.

About Fr. John Zuhlsdorf

Fr. Z is the guy who runs this blog. o{]:¬)
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  1. Synonymous_Howard says:

    1. Qh4
    If 1. … gxh4, 2. Rg7#
    If anything else 2. Qxg5#

  2. AMDG says:

    Dear Fr, what is the best way to communicate with you re: Mass intentions?

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