Daily Archives: 3 August 2024

This is the Vatican reaction…

Here it is. Le Saint-Siège a été attristé par certaines scènes de la cérémonie d’ouverture des Jeux Olympiques de Paris et ne peut que se joindre aux voix qui se sont élevées ces derniers jours pour déplorer l’offense faite à … Read More

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My View For Awhile: Anti-antinomianism

I bring to you attention a new book published by Emmaus Press, a branch of the St. Paul Center for Biblical Theology. On The Demonic by Archbp. Fulton J. Sheen. US HERE – UK HERE (not yet) I brought it … Read More

Posted in On the road |

Daily Rome Shots 1091

This is completely crazy! Take in Nepo’s expression as he watches Magnus have his … hat handed to him. Rapport stuns Carlsen (and Nepomniachtchi)! ?? Richard Rapport beats ?? Magnus Carlsen in a crucial win, helping ‘Chessy’ defeat ‘WR Chess … Read More

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Replacing the stained-glass window of Notre-Dame de Paris

At The Catholic Thing there is a thoughtful piece about the project and mindset to replace the windows of Note Dame in Paris with some 21st century … efforts. The idea fills me with horror, as it does the writer, … Read More

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