Let’s have an experiment.
This is Tucker Carlson talking about post-modern secular architecture. Listen to it through once as it is.
Tucker Carlson: “Moscow has not been degraded by postmodern architecture that destroys your spirit”
Chris Cuomo: “You believe postmodern architecture is designed to kill your spirit?!”
Tucker: “Of course.” Cuomo: “Why?”
Tucker’s answer will blow your mind. A rant for the ages: pic.twitter.com/VHx7x4vpV1
— Jash Dholani (@oldbooksguy) November 17, 2024
Now listen to it again, substituting post-modern Church architecture.
Throughout history people built their important buildings – especially buildings for worship – which expressed what they believe and express who they believe themselves to be.
What does this say about post-Conciliar architecture, music, style of liturgy, vestments, etc.
Change our worship and you change what people believe which results in changing how they behave which produces more liturgical changes and changes to their faith-content and comportment… etc.
Oh yes.
Look at the “typical” NO Mass- the building looks like every other brick, nondescript, prison/school/government building. Contained within are people dressed for their couch & tv watching.
TLM – beautiful, uplifting environment (even if it’s in a gym!), dressed as if attending an important event, quiet & respectful
Most people conform to their environment.
Boston City Hall, the Hoover FBI HQ.
Trump signed an EO to bring back classic architecture in Federal buildings, Biden reversed it.