For the sunrise it was 06:48, ever later. For the sunset, 16:59, ever earlier.
The curial calendar is still stuck on 17:30, but it ought to be 17:15. These people.
Thank you, Lord, for this day.
Quite a lot happened, but I am hard pressed. I will defer.
Just after I got here, I posted a “Creeper Report”. Here is an update.
There is a building covered with this stuff which I pass by (at least twice) a day. It’s “ivy”, but it is really – I am told – Virginia Creeper.
Scaffolding is coming down from Palazzo Farnese. It is going to be splendid.
The fountains in the piazza are nearing the end of their cleaning.
Our Blessed Mother saw the consistory list.
In chessy news… HERE
(White to move and mate in three)
Support the Summit Dominicans! Please visit their shop. Start thinking about those ADVENT CANDLES!
In chessy news…
(White to move and mate in three)
[NB: I’ll hold comments with solutions ’till the next day so there won’t be “spoilers” for others.]
Sacrificing White’s Knight (while threatening Black’s Queen) forces Black to move his Rook, and then it’s all over:
1. Nd7+ RxN
2. Qb8+ Rb7 (only move)
3. QxR mate
1. Nd7+ Ka7
2. Qc7+ Ka8
3. Qb7++
The only alternative for black is the even briefer mate 1. … RxN 2. Qb8++.
Na4+, Kxa6
Nc5+, Kb6
Na4+, Ka7
Qc7+, Ka8
1. N-d7+ . . R×d7
2. Q-b8+ . . R-b7
3. Q×b7#