17 Dec: St. Daniel and the Furnace Boys

Some don’t know, and understandably so, that the Church recognizes many great figures of the Old Testament as saints, and she gives them feast days.

They may not appear on the general calendar for liturgical observation, but they are listed in the Roman Martyrology.

As the first part of Advent closes and we move into the heavier Advent days of final preparation we have three ancient Prophets.

On 16 Dec St. Haggai.

On 18 Dec. St. Malachi.

Today, 17 Dec, we have St. Daniel.

Along with Daniel we celebrate Sts. Ananias, Azarias, and Misael, the three boys in the fiery furnace.

Speaking of Daniel, don’t forget the wonderful artwork of Daniel Mitsui, which would make a fine gift for Christmas or Epiphany.

About Fr. John Zuhlsdorf

Fr. Z is the guy who runs this blog. o{]:¬)
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One Comment

  1. Front Pew View says:

    Dear Father,

    As an Unreconstructed Ossified Manualist, perhaps you can help me, or maybe another reader can. We have a Daniel in our family and have been confused for years as to whether the Holy Prophet Daniel’s feast day is December 17 or July 21. Wikipedia says that the Greek Orthodox observe Dec. 17 but that Roman Catholics observe July 21 (here). Evidently, the National Catholic Register agrees with the July 21 date (here). I’m having a hard time finding credible authorities online (besides you) to support either date.

    Thank you in advance if you can assist.

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