On fire.
I wrote about his piece in the Catholic World Report this morning. Now, he has an interview with Mark of Catholic Unscripted.
He hits so many points, many of which I’ve made over the decades. He really flames in about the condescending hubris, the clericalism, that drives the libs.
Larry drops napalm.
I would very much like to have your thoughts.
You might pull some quotes and provide time stamps. There’s a lot to consider. Look in the description of the video with some of the high (low?) points and time markers. There is a link to a transcript.
Make the distinctions! Thank you Fr for making all these points over the years.
I read the article and am partway through the video, but Chapp suggests C. Cupich’s move is in support of some 70s style of spirituality. I’m not so sure. It seems to be purely destructive.
And this is nothing new to those of us living in Chicago, as we have no TLM on 1st Sundays, and I’m bracing myself for the sadness of a Novus Ordo Mass for Christmas. So it’s nothing new that C. Cupich dislikes the TLM and all it stands for. The question is rather whether there’s a reason for all this now, or could it be just random spite?
I attend a south suburban Chicago parish. I started kneeling for Communion last Easter, quaking in my boots and telling the Lord, “I don’t mean to be grandiose, truly, but.” What strikes me about the Cardinal’s non-directive is, what made him take this stance now? There must be quite a few people kneeling, or why would he care? (You notice it more at daily Mass, among a small crowd, not on Sundays.) And, regarding his publishing his ideas in the Chicago Catholic newspaper: I think I could plausibly say to anyone criticizing me, “What in the world is the “Chicago Catholic” and how could I be expected to know what’s in it?” I see copies available in the narthex all the time but I have never known anyone to talk about it or quote it.
But then again the Cardinal’s text is so vague I can imagine any reader not knowing what he is talking about. What “disrupts the flow of the procession”? People stopping to give their pyx to Father first, because they bring Holy Communion to shut-ins?
The talk at CU was muscular and enjoyable but I still have questions about the cagey vagueness of all this.
I too have a great love for TLM, however, Jesus should be honored and worshipped even when he is made present in an authentic Mass form that is not to one’s personal preference. If Jesus is really and truly present then who am I to deny him? He is to be worshipped whether or not one prefers the form in which he is made present. Let us be clear about the issue in question. Is the new Mass form authentic and does it make Jesus present? I believe that he is present on the authority of the one, true, Catholic and apostolic Church which has authenticated the new Mass properly offered. It is the universal Mass offered on the altar of St. Peter in Rome by the Pope and throughout the world on Catholic altars everywhere. I will not, I cannot stand against the historical and authentic Roman Catholic Mass of the Church.
I wonder if the good Cardinal would have considered it “showboating” when Rosa Parks refused to sit in her place in the back of the bus and sat in front instead, as was her right under natural law and the Constitution.
Perhaps taking an example from the civil rights movement, I wonder what would happen if dozens of people were to show up and kneel to receive communion at a Chicago mass.
His Emminemce is free to run his archdiocese as he sees fit, but if saving time is the main concern, one would be quick to suggest eliminating extraordinary ministers of Holy Communion administering the chalice. Fewer troops to distribute vessels to, fewer vessels to clean afterwards, and less traffic. Maybe even consider altar rails to really streamline the rite. Especially now that the formula “Corpus Christi” is much shorter than before. These simple solutions would help much more than an occasional communicant kneeling to receive.