Daily Rome Shot 1194 – OH MY!

In the Via dei Pettinari alongside The Parish™.  From The World’s Best Sacristan™.

He wrote: “We had put the white (candle) up this summer but it would go out with the wind, so it remained there all these months blown out, but a few days ago we found it lit and strangely, even if the wind is blowing, it doesn’t go out.”

Please remember me when Christmas shopping online and use my affiliate links.  US HEREWHY?  This helps to pay for health insurance (massively hiked for this new year of surprises), utilities, groceries, etc..  At no extra cost, you provide help for which I am grateful.

The wonderful Dominican sisters of Summit, the “Soap Sisters” will keep their shop open for a few more days before they close for the end of Advent.   They have great gift options.  I get candles for my chapel from them and things for my mother.  Fr. Z’s Mother Approved.

We all saw the consistory list.  I couldn’t watch it.  However, I’m told that, through Radcliff showed up in the habit he slept in, he did get a hair cut.

Andrea Gagliarducci has a piece on the College.  HERE

Catholic Unscripted reacted to the reopening of Notre Dame in Paris.  Regarding the music and the furnishing, let’s just say GMTA.  They echoed what I wrote.  Interesting discussion HERE

In chessy news… OH MY!  HERE

Also, white to move and mate in three.


Okay… that pushes it a bit. I was also reminded the the Google thing and the Microsoft logo.

However. What I find most alarming is the dash to infantalize the Catholic people through use of what you do to get the attention of babies: primary colors and critters with big eyes, like that dreadful “mascot” for the Jubilee. I’ve ranted for years, decades, about “dumbing down” worship. The result has been “dumbing down” the devotion of the rank and file. If you change how we worship, over time you change what we believe. The massive contrast between the space, Notre Dame, and the new accoutrement is a massive chaotic clash. It’s the liturgical (and therefore doctrinal) slithering of the “smoke” of the Enemy that poison’s the clarity and quality of the Faith-air.

About Fr. John Zuhlsdorf

Fr. Z is the guy who runs this blog. o{]:¬)
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  1. White to move and mate in three.

    [NB: I’ll hold comments with solutions ’till the next day so there won’t be “spoilers” for others.]

    In Singapore, after losing Game 11, with 3 games to go, DING WON Game 12 to tie the score.   Dramatic stuff.  I have yet to watch the recap.

    Today I have some OTB, to finish the Quad we started on Saturday.  Last Saturday I won, defeating a 1480 (twice).  It has been years – decades – since I have had an official rating.  I am slowly crawling up up the slope.   Do I have a goal?  Yes, but I am not sure I want to tell you.   Also, there is now in the club an 11 year old who is pretty amazing.   When he learns some discipline, he will be a beast.

  2. Tony Pistilli says:

    Our pastor was gifted a flame from the Church of the Nativity in Jerusalem a few years ago when my wife was ~3 months pregnant. We decided to try to keep it going at our house through the new baby’s baptism. It was a trying time in life for several reasons, but I am still consoled by the memory of the candle sitting on our kitchen counter, illuminating the otherwise dark kitchen every morning. We went through a lot of beeswax and I became an expert in wick making in a way I never aspired to… but that flame was used to light the candle at the baby’s baptism.

  3. DCLex says:

    1. Qd7+ Kf8
    2. Qd8+ RxQ
    3. RxR#


  5. jaykay says:

    “The massive contrast between the space, Notre Dame, and the new accoutrement is a massive chaotic clash”

    Yes. That new Altar (cap A, because it at least has relics) just seems to draw the reluctant eye away from the real High Altar onto itself. The Cathedral was designed to draw attention to the Sanctuary, with the Altar at the focal point facing East – and all the faithful facing likewise – without interruption from a forward-facing versus populum celebrant.

    Yes, one knows that historically it was “obscured” by a massive choir screen yadda yadda – so were they all. Things changed, organically, over hundreds of years – in the best way. Strange how the sensus fidelium didn’t seem to be outraged by all that indietrismo until the edicts of the New Springtime™ decided they had better be.

    Still, as Fr. Z. says, at a better time it can be removed, with little structural damage – when sense is regained.

    I think our commenter PostCatholic mentioned in another post that there must be lots of historical vestments and Altar-furniture that survived, and could have been used. Yes, I think so and they could – and should – have been used, to show the eternal continuity of the Church and the beauty that was created to serve Her.

  6. KathyL says:

    In this LA Times article the designer explains his fascination for primary colors since his childhood and his belief in the “power of color to heal and inspire ” are the basis for these vestment designs. Also that the Archbishop gave him carte blanche for his designs.
    My first thought was that this was a rather reckless decision, but in finding that this same person designed the primary colored cross vestments for Pope John Paul II at 1997 World Youth Day in Paris, (that included primary colors in a block design for priests, and a block of primary colored stripes for Cardinals and Bishops), it appears the end result could not have been a surprise to those involved.


  7. The looks on all three of the faces of the clergy would suggest that none of them were thrilled to be wrapped in those ugly children’s quilts.

    I can’t understand how the French, who have such refined taste and culture in so many ways, would stand for those vestments and that ikea furniture, so utterly foreign to the entirety of the building’s aesthetic.

    But of course, Macron and his political gain was what and who the whole show was really about anyway. What a shame.

  8. amenamen says:

    Qd7+, Kf8
    Qd8+, Rxd8

  9. Blog Goliard says:

    Uno? Freemasonry? ¿Por qué no los dos?

    “What I find most alarming is the dash to infantalize the Catholic people through use of what you do to get the attention of babies…”

    In the context of catechesis, I always urge people to consider carefully whether we’re giving our charges a faith to grow into…or to grow out of.

  10. EAW says:

    Earlier I wrote that the mitre didn’t seem too bad, but now I’ve seen better pictures, it is disappointing. Not as bad as the rest of the vestments, but still far from good. If I gifted this to my bishop, he would probably think I hate him. (When our bishop assists at the TLM – it is always a Solemn Mass with Pontifical Assistance from the Throne – he always brings his own beautiful mitra pretiosa, the sole occasion I ever see him use it.)

  11. Benedict Joseph says:

    It need be said boldly. The design of the vestments is a catastrophe. A successful original design serves a function — in this case liturgical worship — and shoud be a consolation to the eye. The derivative composition plagiarizes Mondrian and the bold Crayola palette serves as an assault on the eye and a distraction from worship.
    In all kindness the designer and the client are Philistines, neither worthy of the responsibility with which they are entrusted.
    It is my understanding that this commission of 2000 pieces of garb undoubtedly went over the one million mark.
    I recall contemplative nuns and monks who would have produced design and product with prayerful intuition, extraordinary craft and for a few francs less. Surely France continues to harbor one or two such communities who would have been edified to be contracted for the project…

  12. Thomas Stewart says:

       If your vestments, liturgy, and even the churches themselves are so ridiculous that *even the Satanists don’t mock you*, reconsider your life choices.

       The deluded fools–and genuinely evil monsters–who think that giving allegiance to the great corrupter is an awesome choice, are extremely conservative in practice: still inverting Latin prayers, abusing the Host, ritually profaning altar vessels that wouldn’t look out of place a century ago, the like. Apparently even Hell thinks that their work is mostly done on most of the modern “Catholic Church”. Nobody is singing “Earthen Vessels” backwards. No edgy college kid, wearing lots of occult silver jewelry and black eyeliner, is lampooning Fr. “call me Bruce” Huggsalot at Our Lady of Gender Confusion. Where would they even start?

       Notre Dame still has most of it’s original structure and trappings, and the Enemy hates it like poison. Fire didn’t work, so he sends dupes and willing tools to slowly corrupt it. Vestments who are both Masonic and ridiculous are a solid start. This current idiocy is simply an early skirmish in a long campaign.

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