If it’s Immaculate Conception, then BLUE vestments on the 2nd Sunday of Advent… RIGHT??!? – POLLS

Remember the BLUE vestment craze during Advent?   Does anyone still see that?

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In Advent 2024 have you seen any BLUE vestments for Advent Sundays?

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Meanwhile, at The Parish™ in Rome, this is what people say today, but NOT for ADVENT. Rather, for Immaculate Conception! Members of the Archconfraternity in their habits are the torchbearers.

Not too shabby.

Meanwhile, remember the blue vestments during Advent? The use of blue vestments during Advent has been dying out for several years as the aging hippies drop.

Of course there is a basis for blue vestments for Marian Feasts.  There was an indult, though I haven’t seen the text, for Spanish territories.  I saw once reference: “This privilege was granted to Spain, its colonies, and Latin America by a decree of the Sacred Congregation of Rites on Feb. 12, 1864.” I suppose you would also have to demonstrate that your territory was under Spanish control on 12 Feb 1864.

Apart from whether their use is licit, it is clear that they were used in some Spanish territories and that they probably survive in the Rite of Toledo and in other regions too.

I learned from a commentator here that the Spanish bishops approved, in their liturgical Ordo, the use of blue (“azul”) for the Marian Feast of the Immaculate Conception. A couple years ago it read:

Misa de la solemnidad (blanco o azul).
bl az MISAL: ants. y oracs. prop., Gl., Cr., Pf. props. No se puede decir

That’s something.

There was an old argument that the purple to be used in Lent should be on the red side of purple and the purple for Advent the blue side.

I dunno.  Frankly, I’ve gotten to a point where, in the time of Francis and the approval of Pachamama Rite, etc., just do what you want.

Over at NLM there is an interesting and serious post about Latin Rite blue vestments in Spain.

But let’s have a walk down nostalgia lane and the Official Parodohymnodists famous


Sing this to the tune of O Come, O Come Emmanuel:

Sing along!  Lemme help you out.

O come, o come liturgical blue;
out with the old, and in with the new.
Let’s banish purple vestments from here,
the color blue is very HOT this year.


Gaudy, gaudy, gaudy chasubles,
in baby, navy, powder-puff and teal.

Since Advent is the Blessed Virgin’s time,
we’ll wear blue, though it’s canonic crime,
and in the third week, we’ll wear white.
Although it’s wrong, we’ll say that it’s alright.


Around the wreath we’ll place blue candlelight,
and in one corner, we will place one white.
We’ll drape blue over our communion rail,
and use blue burses with blue chalice veils.


Yah… we can and should have a little fun with this, for all the seriousness of the role of worship in our lives.

About Fr. John Zuhlsdorf

Fr. Z is the guy who runs this blog. o{]:¬)
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  1. Fr. Reader says:

    The blue side of purple and the red side of purple? I have never heard that in my life.
    But, the one of reopening Notre Dame which side of purple is?

  2. TheCavalierHatherly says:

    “You’ll be doing it right,
    In your vestments of white,
    But I’ll have some blue, blue vestments
    [ooh oo ooh]”

    Also, and on the subject of Advent, we forget how expensive purple vestments would have been to make before the discovery of synthetic dyes. Something about wearing your very best clothes for penance.

  3. Robert_H says:

    “We’ll drape blue over our communion rail…”

    Wow the Parodohymnist’s church has a communion rail still? The wreckovators must have run out of funds to have left that behind.

    My parish, at great cost, recently installed a communion rail and altar that was rescued from a closed parish somewhere in these United States.

  4. Chaswjd says:

    @Fr. Reader. I believe that the vestments at Notre Dame were meant to be white. Coincidentally, my parish (in the US) had an altar at its second worship site (two churches were merged in the 1990’s and the kept both buildings) consecrated today. The Archbishop wore white and the readings were the same as at Notre Dame.

  5. IaninEngland says:

    Our vestments were white yesterday, but the frontal was quite striking. White, with a central Agnus Dei, but with two imperial purple panels to the left and right of the Agnus Dei, more or less in the shape of the USAF roundel. “White, with commemoration of violet”.

  6. EAW says:

    Blue vestments have never been a thing in The Netherlands, as far as I know, and certainly not in the TLM. In yesterday’s TLM we saw a white chasuble with pale blue ornaments and a depiction of the Blessed Virgin on the back. Had the Immaculate Conception not been celebrated that day, purple vestments would have been used. Next Sunday rosacea is to be expected.

    While I think those blue vestments used in The Parish are stunning, I’m curious about the liceity of their use.

  7. KathyL says:

    On Sunday, Dec 8, the vestments were GOLD, in honor of the Feast of the Immaculate Conception. This was at our local SSPX Chapel.

  8. Shonkin says:

    On Sunday we had purple vestments. On Monday, our priest wore a gold chasuble with blue trim (as usual for the Blessed Mother’s feasts at our church).

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