From the presepio at The Parish™ in Rome.
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Please remember me when Christmas shopping online and use my affiliate links. US HERE – WHY? This helps to pay for health insurance (massively hiked for this new year of surprises), utilities, groceries, etc.. At no extra cost, you provide help for which I am grateful.
On the churchy side of things, a couple articles of note.
First, Larry Chapp eviscerates Card. Cupich’s recent clericalist attempt to force people to receive Communion according to his 70’s preferences. He also looks at the “sham” of “walking together” and what went on at Vatican II. HERE
At Crisis they are – deservedly – piling on. There is another opinion piece about the dreadful Communion letter. HERE A taste:
taking a moment during the blessed Advent season to cast judgment on people’s piety would not aid in a deeper appreciation for Christ in the Eucharist.
Also, there is a review of Edward Feser’s book: Immortal Souls: A Treatise on Human Nature HERE I haven’t read this yet, but I’ve read other things by Feser which touch on the topic. He’s good. I think the book will be hard, but rewarding.
Michael Matt of The Remnant has a great piece about Joselito, St Jose Sanchez del Rio.
Here’s a story to inspire your children. Joselito, the young Cristero martyr:
“We are going to kill you!” they taunted.
“Viva Cristo Rey y la Virgen de Guadalupe!” he cheered.
At the cemetery, Gomez the gravedigger waited with pick and shovel near the open grave. He had been…— Michael J. Matt (@Michael_J_Matt) December 17, 2024
Lately my friend Fr. Carlos Martins has been in the press. It is not a coincidence that the very day that his book on exorcism is released he is accused of something “inappropriate” with a child, and the reportage from a particular source irresponsibly make it sound as if it were something sexual (hence, doing the Enemy a great favor). Fr. Martins has been, for now, silenced by his superiors. He has engaged representation. Meanwhile, some people who have listened and read have retained their heads in the correct direction. A good example are the folks from Catholic Unscripted. Two of their team made a video which pretty much sums up the state of the situation.
Fr. Martins has changed lives through his apostolate Treasures of the Church with relics. Will he be cleared to the point that it can continue? I pray so. May the agents of the Enemy fail.
In chessy news… HERE
White to move and mate in 4.
White to move and mate in 4.
[NB: I’ll hold comments with solutions ’till the next day so there won’t be “spoilers” for others.]
In Oslo, the Champions Chess Tour concludes from 17-21 December with $500K prize fund. Strong players: Magnus, Nepo, “Puer” Levon, MVL and my guy Wesley So.
A few days before this shameful attack on Fr. Martins came to light, I was out for a walk listening to one of The Exorcist Files podcasts and, unbidden, the thought flew into my head “Something is going to come out that silences Father, I just know it.” This was just before the book release, but after Father had revealed that both he and the book’s publicist had experienced great physical attacks. When the ‘news’ broke, my first thought was to pray for Fr. Martins, and my second thought was an internal eye-roll and an “Of course, would we expect anything less from the Enemy?”
As has been said before and will be said again, “If you’re taking flak, it means you’re over the target.” I pray daily for Fr. Martins, for sanity and clarity to win the day, and for his ministry to be allowed to continue.
1. Bh7+ forcing Kh8
2. Ng6+ forcing KxB
3. Nxf8+ forcing Kg8 (or Kh8)
4. Qh7#
Those are some massive rifle cartridges Joselito has in his bandolier.
Reading Fr Martins book . It really dives into the nuts and bolts of tackling the demonic.
Thank you Fr Z for the recommendation.
Christine Niles has come out in support of Fr. Martins. She contacted the diocese of Joliet to get answers. They didn’t seem to be very forth coming.
There are other YouTubers who are attacking Fr. Martins for calling himself an exorcist. They say because he hasn’t had formal training in Rome and since his local bishop hasn’t appointed him as an exorcist, he can’t call himself an exorcist. I think that’s the one thing that’s infuriated me the most.
White must keep Black in check, or else,
…, Qh2#.
Bh7+, Kh8
Ng6+, Kxh7
Nxf8+, Kh8
Thanks for the reminder to pray for Fr. Martins. I have been but it’s easy to forget in this busy time. I will offer some things for him as well. God bless you, Fr. Z and God bless Fr. Martins. p.s. I’m sure those saints from the Treasures of the Church are interceding for him, especially St. Maria Goretti (and St. Jude.) (Remember the story about the man with the tremors in his hands who offered to help him put the relics away? Father was a little concerned about having his help, but he did and the next day the man woke up with no more tremors. God can do anything!)