Daily Rome Shot 1206 –

The newly restored fountains all around Rome are being unveiled.


A shout out to those of who have been donating on the monthly basis who have shifted from PayPal to Zelle or – ESPECIALLY – away from Continue To Give to Zelle (or something else that works).  Just today another of your colleagues shifted from Continue to a service through a credit union because they didn’t have Zelle.  If you are using CONTINUE TO GIVE to send donations, please contact me.  I really want to end my relationship with them (fees… clunky… complicated).  Please help me out.  Drop me a note?   Reply to one of my thank you notes or use this link HERE.

In churchy news…

In a text group I’m in, this popped up.  Israel is not happy with someone.

Related: Cardinal Pierbattista Pizzaballa, head of the Church in the Holy Land, was able to enter Gaza this morning to bring #Christmas presents to the children of Holy Family Pariah and celebrate Mass. This is the first visit possible since May. HERE

In chessy news… HERE

White tricky mates in 2.  How long did it take you?

Please remember me when Christmas or Epiphany shopping online and use my affiliate links.  US HEREWHY?  This helps to pay for health insurance (massively hiked for this new year of surprises), utilities, groceries, etc..  At no extra cost, you provide help for which I am grateful.

By FSSP seminarians

About Fr. John Zuhlsdorf

Fr. Z is the guy who runs this blog. o{]:¬)
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  1. White tricky mates in 2.  How long did it take you?

    [NB: I’ll hold comments with solutions ’till the next day so there won’t be “spoilers” for others.]

    Ho hum… Magnus won again.   The Champions Chess Tour for the fourth consecutive time.   He mashed Nepo, 4-1.  This graphics leads to a conclusion:

    For my part, yesterday I played OTB for 4 hours and I had wins against the club’s strongest players.  One of them said, “You’ve never played like this.”  That felt pretty good.  I’ve been trying in a more disciplined way to implement the basic questions and principles.  Also, this fellow has helped along the way with some basics and for openings. Holiday Sale Ever: Dec 22nd – Dec 26th
    1. 50% OFF on All Courses
    2. Buy 1 Get 1 Course Free

  2. A.S. Haley says:

    After White plays 1. Ne7, I calculate that Black has 26 possible responses. Not one, however, can block White from checkmating Black by one of four ways:
    2. Qg6, 2. Qh5, 2. Rh5, or even (in a few cases) Ng8.
    Thanks for the nice problem. Merry Christmas to all!

  3. BeatifyStickler says:

    Our Lady of Victory is October 7th. I do not know what it all means, nor am I going to guess. I do believe, Our Lady will help sort this all out.

  4. FRLBJ says:

    I believe Our Lady is revealing the dark corners and foundations of our societies and cultures. The plight of the Palestinians has become known to many more and the evils of Zionism have been made manifest on the bodies of the Palestinians. Before that many Americans were unaware of the real story of the Israeli aggressions since 1948 against the Palestinians. Yes, we ar praying that this revelation will bring about peace and freedom for the Palestinians. The Houthis though followers of Islam have more honor than the US and Israeli government does. The Houthi leader made statement that they are not fearful of the suffering brought about the US and Israeli bombings on their land because of their efforts to get Israel to stop committing genocide against the Palestinians. Instead, he said that they fear the eternal punishment that God would mete out to them if they do not defend the innocent Palestinians! What an example for us Christians! Matthew 25:31 comes to mind. We will will be judged on how we fed and cared for our fellows, not on how many 2000 lb. bombs we dropped on starving families asleep in tents, in order to support the land grabs of Israel!!!

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