On this Feast of St. Martina, Roman Virgin and Martyr (+228), the sun was up at 07:22 and it will set at 17:25.

The Ave Maria Bell should sound at 17:45.

There are 336 days left in the calendar year.

On this day, I had fast internet installed in my place.  However, even as the technician was working, he suggested that I go to the electrician store (there’s one I know nearby) and get some adhesive backed plastic channel for running and protecting the fiber optic cable.  So I did.

It just goes to show that, when in Rome, you do as the Romans do: you never assume everything is going to go without something strange happening.


Anyway, my ONE TASK which I came to complete is now accomplished.  I’ll have decent online access down and up for whatever time I have this place.

And now for something completely different.

San Luigi dei Francesi.

This is very cool. The new SecTransport was sworn in by Justice Thomas using the new Ignatius Catholic Study Bible: Old and New Testaments.  You can get one! (Unboxing HERE – To purchase US HERE – UK HERE)

More HERE on the swearing in by Justice Thomas.

One of the original four bishops consecrated by Archbp. Lefebvre in 1988 has died.

In chessy news…

White can mate in 2.

[NB: I’ll hold comments with solutions ’till the next day so there won’t be “spoilers” for others.]

Gukesh Dommaraju has taken sole lead at the Tata Steel Masters after the ninth round.

About Fr. John Zuhlsdorf

Fr. Z is the guy who runs this blog. o{]:¬)
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  1. monstrance says:

    Congrats to Sec. Duffy. Not for his new position, but for acquiring the New Ignatius Study Bible.
    It’s become tougher to get your hands on than the Dead Sea Scrolls.
    Ordered it on Amazon Dec 1. Still waiting. Maybe Feb 16.

  2. DCLex says:

    Force the pawns to expose their trapped King:

    1. Qe1 e6 or e7
    2. Qh4#

    If … c6 or c7
    2. Qa5#

  3. dholwell says:

    1. Qe1

    Black must move a pawn, opening a diagonal to the Black King. Queen moves to the open diagonal for mate (2. Qa5# or Qh4#).

  4. Gianni says:

    The Ignatius Bible is like Brigadoon. I ordered mine mid-December from Amazon. I may get it sometime in March.
    Not what you know but who you know…

    [Brigadoon! LOL!]

  5. VForr says:

    My Lent 2025 book catalog from Ignatius Press arrived in the mail. The Study Bible is featured as sold out and not available until May 2025.

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