“GO TO CONFESSION!” I always say. Another thing I say is that it is CRUEL to leave penitents in doubt.

Today I was out and about in Rome doing errands. I chanced on a posted sign in the penitents’ part of the free standing confessionals that line most Roman churches, often dusty from neglect.   The sign is a little blurry because it was dark and I wasn’t quite patient enough.  However, it is the newer, post-Conciliar form in Italian with some cultural variants.  It was clearly not new, given how yellowed it was.  What is interesting is that it includes a beautiful prayer that priest would say after absolution in the older, traditional rite.   It is an optimistic, hope filled desire for the remission of temporal punishment due for sins that have been absolved:

Passio Dómini nostri Iesu Christi, mérita Beátæ Maríæ Vírginis, et ómnium Sanctórum, quidquid boni féceris, et mali sustinúeris, sint tibi in remissiónem peccatórum, augméntum grátiæ et præmium vitæ ætérnæ. Amen.

May the passion of our Lord Jesus Christ, the merits of the Blessed Virgin Mary, and of all the Saints, whatever good you shall have done, and evil you shall have endured, be to you unto remission of sins, increase of grace, and reward of eternal life. Amen.

There is so much richness here, so much incentive for the penitent to do penance and amend.   This is at the end of the rite of Penance in the Vetus Ordo.

In the day, penitents would have known what this prayer really said even if the priest said it in Latin. He could, of course say it in the local tongue. The point being that penitents were instructed from childhood – or adulthood if they were converts – on how to make confession. They were given a structure, a form to follow. That structure makes you freer to make a good confession, because you are not worried about not knowing what to do.

I’ve received the first confessions of little ones who were not prepared. They were confused and terrified. I’ve received first confessions of little ones who were well-prepared, often home-schooled. They might have been a little nervous (that doesn’t go away) but they did well and were happy at the end.

The worst thing you can do to children in the matter of sacramental preparation is NOT PREPARE THEM. It’s downright cruel. Its the same for adults, who as converts desire with all their hearts to do the right thing in the right way.

But there are jackass priests out there who think that they are being with it, or kind, or charmingly avuncular, or unassumingly inviting, etc., by downplaying structure, order, form, clarity. “Just say one thing, whatever comes into your head,” says Father “Just call me Bob!” as he simultaneously shatters any expectation of an examination of conscience. You know, “That mean old thing.”

Today at a Substack (is that how you refer to them?), I read a piece which describes what I am raving about.

I’ve learned over the years that instruction on “the sacrament of reconciliation” in the contemporary Church results the opposite of what one would hope to receive. I’ve realized that in the new rite, there simply is not much of a pattern to follow.

A woman adult convert was frustrated by the formlessness of the new rites, especially of penance. She describes a video by a Franciscan (which figures – I’m not happy with some of them right now) which left her little better informed than before, and indeed scratching her head. All that old structure and formula business was only the stuff of Hollywood that nobody does.

Oh yeah? I’ll be that Franciscan sure doesn’t.

The writer comes to a good point which is concomitant with another thing I say all the time: WE ARE OUR RITES. Get this…


If we were wondering if our confession is valid — which we weren’t, not yet, because remember? the subject is supposed to be about how to do it — the video would still not really reassure us, because Fr. Cole doesn’t make distinctions on that point and doesn’t dwell on the often tampered-with necessity of the priest saying “I absolve you from your sins, in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit.”

Anyway, the main takeaway from this video, because it’s the main takeaway from the changes brought on by Pope Paul VI’s meddling, is, as I say, an insistence on the absence of form. In Confession, and this is my point, no one really knows how it should go and Fr. Cole does nothing to clear the problem up.

The absence of form results in an absence of meaning.


That seems to be the point in some of the post-Conciliar reforms. No?

Mind you, the new formula of absolution is VALID. No question, regarding sins. There is a question of absolving censures but, pffffft, who believes in those anymore except when some bishop wants to slam a priest into the ground for wanting the structure and clarity of the Vetus Ordo? THEN censures…. ohhhhh yesssss.

In the older right, the necessary step of removing incurring censures (if there are any) takes place before the absolution of sins. Then, as I mentioned above, there is a prayer about temporal punishment. See how orderly?

Some smarticus pantsicus will say that in the Rite of Reconciliation there are still absolutions of censures. Yeah, which one in 1000 priest knows about and one in 10000 use.

The abuse of the Sacrament of Penance has to stop.  It is abused both in its neglect and in its haphazard administration.

Don’t get me started about priests who don’t accurately use the approved, official formula of absolution in English, thus leaving penitents wondering if they were truly absolved.

What’s a “Eucharistic Rival”… or a revival of anything Catholic… without a revival of the Sacrament of Penance?

The Church for centuries was the greatest expert on humanity ever.  She figured out over generations and generations the effective ways and patterns of prayer and practice for the administration of the sacraments.   Then came the proverbial “Good Idea Fairy” (often emphasis on “fairy”), sprinkling “good idea fairy dust” over things.  Everything went herking and jerking into the fan blades.

Now we need more “good ideas” to fix the problem the “good ideas” caused.

Or maybe not.

Fr. Z’s 20 Tips For Making A Good Confession

About Fr. John Zuhlsdorf

Fr. Z is the guy who runs this blog. o{]:¬)
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  1. Hp says:

    In every confession I use the old form for absolution in Latin followed by the prayer you list above in English. May the Passion of Our Lord Jesus Christ…..
    It’s such a beautiful prayer and rich in meaning. Much of the new stuff seems so trite.

  2. BW says:

    I sense the (righteous) grumpiness in you, Father.

    I am reminded of a (theologically orthodox) priest who stated that he only ever says the exact formulas laid down by Mother Church because he is not gifted with the free thought and imagination of those amazing (ahem) visionaries that brought us life in the Church in the 1970s and 80s.

    There are good priests out there.

  3. Longinus says:

    I do the same in English” to the extent of my power and your need”…etc.

  4. Kenneth Wolfe says:

    Very interesting find, that posted sign with the new rite with the old concluding prayer of absolution. My guess is it is from around 1974, when the new wording was released but old habits still in place. I absolutely love that prayer at the end of confession and, like others, will only go to the sacrament of penance where the priest uses the old books.

  5. Maelwys says:

    I’m not a priest, I’m an engineer so I always want things to be measured. To that end I would think a priest should think about the holiness of his parish, figure how many weeks his parishioners can really go without mortal sin (2-6 weeks? from personal experience). It doesn’t really matter, pick a number and he should be able to take his communion line, divide it by the number of target weeks, and that’s how long his confessional lines should be. If it isn’t, that’s how many instances of sacrilege he has going on in his parish every Sunday morning. His parish can’t possibly be blessed until that degree of sacrilege gets corrected.

  6. johntenor says:

    The proper ways to refer to a piece at Substack are:

    “Over yonder at the Substack”
    “Down Substack way”
    “Ye Olde Substack”
    And in France, Belgium, and Cameroon “Le Substack”

  7. ProfessorCover says:

    This post of yours, Father Z, is so much more important than it would seem at first sight. One of the things that bothers me is that the Church’s leadership seems to be concerned about everybody’s well being except for the vast body of laymen who are in the Church. The people of this world have many problems, most of which are the result of their own or somebody else’s sins. But the clergy can only help those who want their help, that is members of the Church who take advantage of the sacrament of confession. These are the people whom Bishops can serve in an effective manner by being available to hear confessions. And yes, I mean Bishops. Although they have a lot on their plate, the only way they can really learn first hand about the health of those whose salvation they are responsible for is to do part of the nitty-gritty work of hearing confessions. If the Bishops take the time to do it, then their priests, I would hope would follow suit.
    This is not to say other things like evangelizing are unimportant. Rather, there is no point in these other things if the Church is not first in the business of providing the sacraments to its members.


  9. Not says:

    One thing about being a “Traditionalist” ,is that we have learned to speak up politely and respectfully with Priest. If go to confession to an unfamilar Priest, I will ask if he can give me Absolution in the old Rite. I have encountered that the Priests are more excited about it and happy to comply.

  10. KellyC. says:

    I am a product of the novus ordo church. I am trying my best to reclaim what was rightfully ours, but was taken from us over the years. Could someone direct me to a video/website explaining how to say a true confession? More than just “bless me father, for I have sinned. It’s been 2 weeks since my last confession. During that time, I have been dishonest. I was disobedient to my supervisor. I gossiped at work. For these and all my sins that I am forgetting…”

  11. Dicop says:

    I’ve concluded after 35 years in the chemical industry that people will happily do the right thing if it’s easy to do.

    It would be nice if the time for Confession was not only longer but also more convenient for parishioners. 9-10 AM on Friday cuts out a lot of people who would otherwise go.

    But if the time is short, try to make it efficient. You’re a screw-up, not a monster. An examination of conscience is an opportunity to be prepared. Say what you’ve done and how many times, with a minimum of florid explanation or excuses. Say you’re sorry and won’t do it again. Ask for forgiveness and absolution. Isn’t that all you need?

  12. sibnao says:

    Many bishops appear to have NO understanding of what laypeople are experiencing today. They seem not to have any sense of just how perplexing and exhausting modern life is. Unfortunately, and I live in one of the better dioceses in the US, I have heard bishops preach vague niceties or general explications of issues that add literally nothing to a layperson’s ability to navigate the urgent and sometimes incredibly painful realities of life.

    For example, I recently attended the prayer service at the cathedral on Jan. 22 for the prolife march to the Capitol. The cathedral was standing-room-only, full of people who came out in the middle of the week to pray for the unborn and their mothers. And the bishop got up and gave a 10 minute — well, speech? — detailing a couple of prolife ministries in our area. Here we all were, some of us having struggled and worked for an end to the barbarity for 5 decades, sore at heart that abortion is now a secular sacrament, aghast at societal unraveling, and he had no words to speak about that. No sense of the need to beseech God almighty, in whose house we were, to have mercy on our country and to send his angels to help us. Apparently no belief that this was anything more than a pep rally with some Scripture readings. Did he know that the place was literally overflowing with people who are fighting a deadly war? Does he know that many lay people feel they are fighting forest fires with squirt guns? what is he doing as a shepherd if he doesn’t know these things?

  13. Philliesgirl says:

    Our new priest (in his mid forties but only ordained three years ago) was talking to me briefly and said he sometimes wondered if he ought to preach about mortal sin, but he thought it probably wasn’t necessary because it’s so hard to commit a mortal sin. I was so stunned I couldn’t think straight and anyway he moved off to talk to someone else. What I should have said was ‘no it’s really easy to commit mortal sins because I committed many until Our Lady saved me from the abyss’. I also wonder how is it that in three years of priesthood he seems to have heard very few, if any, confessions of mortal sin. When he came as our new Parish Priest I hoped it wouldn’t be too bad as I keep hearing that the new priests are more orthodox. Sadly he isn’t a patch on our previous Parish Priest, who was ordained 10 years ago. I have no idea what he’s like as a confessor because I go to the next parish for confession as I want a ‘box’ not a face to face chat.

  14. Philmont237 says:

    I made my first Confession in 1995 (I was 8). I remember that for my penance the priest handed me a piece of paper and said, “Say this every day.”

    Yeah….that didn’t happen. I don’t think I even said it the next day. I was 8!

    But for years I wondered if I was in some state of sin because I failed at this impossible penance. It nagged at my conscious, and for some reason I didn’t tell anyone about it until I made a general Confession a few years ago. It was reassuring to hear my ISCKSP pastor said, “I am allowed to commute penances, and your new penance to replace this one is to say one Hail Mary.”

    My point is that the doubt was horrible. I am glad it is no longer there.

  15. APX says:

    Another thing I say is that it is CRUEL to leave penitents in doubt.

    I had this experience last weekend when I went to confession and ended up having to reach out to the Chancery. Thankfully, remembering something I read on this blog years ago about property handling matters that involve the Seal, I was able to resolve the matter quickly and hopefully correct/educate the priest(s) in the diocese without damaging anyone’s reputation or putting him in a position of where he can’t speak to a matter outside of confession.

    I sort of forgot about the Passio Domino prayer. As it is optional, the last four priests who have been assigned to our Latin Mass community have opted to omit it. I assumed it was for time, but even with two priests hearing confessions and no line for confession, they still leave it out. When I asked some outside of confession why they don’t include it I was told it’s optional and it takes too long.

    When we only had one priest assigned to our apostolate, they always included it. Makes me sad. I always found it spiritually edifying and gave me peace knowing that I was getting extra sacramental help with time in Purgatory.

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