Your Sunday Sermon Notes – Holy Family (N.O. Baptism of the Lord) 2025

In the Vetus Ordo, it’s the Sunday of the Holy Family.  In the Novus Ordo, it is the Baptism of the Lord.  In the Vetus Ordo, Baptism of the Lord is tomorrow 13 January.

Was there a GOOD point made in the sermon you heard at your Sunday Mass of obligation?

Share the good stuff.  Quite a few people are forced to sit through really bad preaching.  Even though you can usually find – if you are willing to try – at least one good point in a really bad sermon, that can be a trial.  So… SHARE THE GOOD STUFF which you were fortunate enough to receive!

Tell about attendance especially for the Traditional Latin Mass. I hear that it is growing. Of COURSE.

Any local changes or (hopefully good) news?  We really need good news.

I have some thoughts posted at One Peter Five.


An aside.  Since you know the story of the Gospel well already, or you can easily open your nearby Bible and find it (Luke 2:42-52), the “caravan” that the Holy Family would have travelled with to and from Jerusalem is called in Greek a synodía.  See!  “Walking together!”  But the Lord wasn’t “walking together”, was He?  He left aside His earthly business with His earthly parents, and didn’t “walk together” until He was “about His Father’s business”.  “Seek ye first the Kingdom of God” (Matt 6:33)  Perhaps that should be the model of “synodality”.



About Fr. John Zuhlsdorf

Fr. Z is the guy who runs this blog. o{]:¬)
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  1. APX says:

    When we don’t live up to our baptismal mission we put our salvation at risk.

  2. Gregg the Obscure says:

    first and foremost, your observation about the young Lord at the Temple is priceless.

    attendance at the Cathedral’s 1230 today was meager, likely due to the local football team getting its butt kicked during a morning game on the east coast.

    the Rector opened by highlighting the Jubilee crucifix and mentioning the opportunities and conditions for plenary indulgences during said Jubilee. he has done this in prior weeks and i expect he will do so for the rest of the year. i hope that seed lands on some good soil!

    since it’s the NO Baptism of the Lord, Baptism was the theme. he mentioned that there would be a baptism right after Mass. at the beginning of the rite, the parents are asked “what name have you given this child?”. we don’t name ourselves. the greek language has a name for those who pretend to do so: “autonomous”. While this age praises those who claim to be autonomous, we are not our own. we are creatures. there is no such thing as a “self-made man”. God has made us through the instruments of our parents. since He has made us, only He can return us to the life for which we were made.

    the serene (very tiny!) baby and attentive parents were seated near me. please pray for them. i don’t know what name they gave, but to me the baby looks like a Paul.

  3. At my local NO parish, we had 2 catechumens come in for the first time. They were ceremonially welcomed (“what do you desire?” questions, I never saw this before) and stayed till it was time for the Creed, then left “for further study.” Also at this parish, every Sunday before the readings and Gospel, the small children are led out for the “YPLW,” or Young People’s Liturgy of the Word. They go color or something, miss this part of Mass, and return all in a tizzy to find their parents while the consecration is commencing. I fail to see what this accomplishes.

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