ROME 24/3– Day 20: Jasmine Report (no, not the Jesuit)

In Rome the sun rose at 06:37 and it will set at 19:47.

The Ave Maria should ring at 20:00.

Today is a 4th class feria, so I celebrated a Votive Mass of the Holy Angels and offered it for my monthly donors.  You are deeply appreciated.

Last night I met up with a distinguished Catholic writer and commentator who would be instantly recognized by most of you.  We had a nice supper and a great chat, including about the new document from the CDF DDF.  12K words, 161 notes.

On a more pleasant subject, I had carbonara.  The consistency was perfect, though there was perhaps a bit too much of the sauce.


On the way home I noticed that the light at this Madonnella had been fixed.    Nice for the Annunciation.

There were once thousands of these Maddonelle in Rome, and they were cared for by the people in that street or neighborhood.  There are still about 500 left.  Some are in less than perfect repair.  Others are very well tended.   I find them touching.  When I spot one, it is a reminder to say a quick prayer.  I will often ask Mary to put her protective mantle over me, or someone I think of in that moment, or someone who has asked for my prayers.  More than once a day, when I am out and around, I say a prayer for my benefactors, in particular these days all those who contributed so that I could be here again for a while and refresh my batteries.

The Parish™ façad report… progress.  It is going to be so beautiful.  I can hardly wait.

In the market, this is barba di frate … friar’s beard.  I’ll make it one day soon.   Not to be confused with frariarelli, of course.

I gave you an Ivy Report.  This is a JASMINE Report (and I don’t mean a certain Jesuit).

I enjoy the wonderful fragrance of the jasmine, especially in the evening as things cool down.   It will bloom pretty soon.


Please remember me when shopping online and use my affiliate links.  US HERE – UK HERE  WHY?  This helps to pay for health insurance (massively hiked for this new year of surprises), utilities, groceries, etc..  At no extra cost, you provide help for which I am grateful.

Meanwhile, again… white to move.  Mate in 3.

Use FATHERZ10 at checkout

NB: I’ll hold comments with solutions ’till the next day so there won’t be “spoilers” for others.

In chessy news, … nope.  Well, yes, I guess.  The Candidates had a rest day, but there was a tournament in Menorca and Arjun Erigaisi emerged on top.  So, he climbs in the live ratings list a couple spots.  And there’s now yet another 12 year old grandmaster.   *sigh*  Today I will be pulling for Hikaru against Firouzja.

Ceterum censeo Firouzja delendum esse.

I am now a affiliate.   So, click and join!   Maybe we can build a fun and active Catholic Chess Club within

About Fr. John Zuhlsdorf

Fr. Z is the guy who runs this blog. o{]:¬)
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  1. TonyO says:

    Any projection of when the Parish façade will be done?

  2. DeeEmm says:

    Ahhh, the 3 Fs : Food, Facade and Foliage. Good one Father! Your food looked delish, and you would need something tasty to sustain you through that particular topic of conversation.

    [And a 4th… Firouzja est delendus. A process underway, since he has again dropped below Wesley. May it continue “so”.]

  3. TonyO: YES!!! As a matter of fact, there will be a celebration of the renewal of the façade on 18 April, in the evening, so they can also inaugurate the….

    …. wait for it…




  4. Sid Cundiff in NC says:

    I love those Roman dishes Carbonara and Saltimbocca! Thanks.

  5. SursumCorda17 says:

    Mmm… carbonara… probably my favorite dish from my week in Rome last fall.

  6. TonyO says:

    Great! Thank you.

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