ROME 24/3– Day 22: Artichokes

In Rome today the sun emerged from hiding at 06:34.  It will re-submerge at 19:49.

The Ave Maria Bell, you ask?   Why, 20:00, of course!  For a little while longer.

What a terrific morning it has been.  I am full of gratitude.

Lord, thank you for this day.

The Parish™ Façade report.

On the way out of church of the workers, standing in the truck across from the main doors, raised his arms skyward and said, “Ao! Guarda che bella!”

Speaking of “bella”, in the sacristy I spotted a RED vestment laid out for I know not what reason.   YOU READERS bought those. Today is St. Pope Leo I (+461) and tomorrow is Pope St. Julius I, otherwise a Paschaltide dies non Friday.  The Martyrology says that it is the Feast of St. Zeno of Verona, martyr.   Perhaps you’ve visited his church in Verona.

There is life without Verona walls, by the way.

Today had the most delightful morning.  Strolling up the Via del Arco, I saw an amazing sight.  The door to the tiny little chapel that pertains to the Monte di Pietà was OPEN!  Thirty years and more I haven’t seen that.    Inside there was a painting of Mary, Help of the Wretched, which is now inside The Parish™ church and much attended and venerated.

The painting of S.M. Succurre Miseris in the church.

In the little chapel this is a sort of replacement so there isn’t a blank spot.   Given that it is a Pietà it is a good image for this place.

However, through that door in the back – the guys there let me in to see – I found this, which is somewhat nobler and no doubt harder to hang.

Exiting the little chapel I ran into a nice young fellow from Newcastle who told me about TLM things going on in that region.

Rounding my way back from an ATM errand, I ran into a couple more people who recognized me, one from Dallas.  We had a nice chat.

Passing through the Campo de’ Fiori I stopped at a vegetable stand – not the usual – because they usually display in the morning some prepped artichokes.  I was determined that, tonight, I would make carciofi alla Romana!

As, we were talking about how to make them, along comes the Argentinian born proprietor of my chosen wateringhole on the Campo, where I generally meet up with people in town for a beverage before heading to supper.   When the veg stand guy saw us two to be friendly, of course the ribbing started: “Are you Argentinian too?   If you know this one, no artichokes for you!” “Will you sell them at double price?”  “I dunno…..”.  All good natured.  The bar owner is decidedly NOT a fan of one of his co-nationals.

Anyway, to the important stuff.   The nice lady prepped some carciofi for me.

I report on them tomorrow.

Jasmine Report.   No, not the Jesuit.  Nope, it has not yet blossomed.

I also bought freesia this morning from Pippo.  He gave me a great discount so I got two.

These blossoms, however, are great.   They’ve lasted a long time and are wide open.  I’ve discovered that, given some stretches of darkness, they open wide and last a long time.

I also bought freesia this morning from Pippo.  He gave me a great discount so I got two.

After the flowers, to the butcher for some beef for tonight.  It’ll be a nice supper.   As I paid for my purchase, the guy cranked up the volume on “The Final Countdown”.  I guess that’s for me, for I am now past the halfway mark in my Roman Sojourn.  *sigh*

Meanwhile, in chessy news, I am delighted to report that, yesterday at the Candidates tournament, Alireza Firouzja playing white was taken down by Vidit Gujrathi.  Before that, he lost to Hikaru. Here is a decisive endgame moment when F handed Hikaru the nails for his own coffin.

How satisfying.

Right now, Ian Nepomniachtchi and Gukesh D are tied for first with 4/6. Alireza is last with 1.5/6 right there with the lowest rated player in the field.

Meanwhile, black to move and mate in 4.

NB: I’ll hold comments with solutions ’till the next day so there won’t be “spoilers” for others.

Try some wine by the traditional Benedictines of Le Barroux!

Ceterum censeo Firouzja delendum esse.

About Fr. John Zuhlsdorf

Fr. Z is the guy who runs this blog. o{]:¬)
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One Comment

  1. Tony Pistilli says:

    Hikaru recapped the game on his Kick channel, and he had some pretty pointed things to say about Firouzja – I think his antics earned him opprobrium from more folks than Fr. Z!

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