ROME 24/4– Day 27: a stroll and a sandwich

Sunrise in Rome was at 06:26.  Sunset in a few minutes is at 19:55.

Tonight the Ave Maria switches to 20:15.  I shall listen accordingly for the phantom Ave Maria Bell… perhaps really an echo breaking through multi-universe barriers sent by my counterpart in More (bearded-Fr. Z Rome) to call for my aid against nefarious Stiusej (a clever multiverse pseudonym to mask their identity) bent on the destruction of all things good, true and beautiful?  Only I, who follow the sound of the phantom bell, can find the Sacred Portal™ guarded by The Great Roman™ of the Arch-Order of the Noble Guards (aka Ganganellians) who defend against the invasion of more Stiusej from a parallel world.

Meanwhile, at The Parish™ appropriate candles were aflame by the lovely painting of St. Benedict Joseph Labre (+1783) who lived by begging and who is, therefore, dear to my heart.

He is patron of the homeless.   Today, 16 April, is his feast.  His Mass texts are in the appendix of the Missale Romanum for “aliquibus locis”, this locus being Rome.

The following has nothing to do with the saint’s feast and more to do with my lunch, which simply involved mortadella with truffle and pizza bianca with hot tea.

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A friend and I had a stroll to the Spanish Steps to see the azaleas, which are out, a custom since about, if memory serves, 1952.  There were hoards of tourists, 90% dressed as if for their own bathrooms at home.

Alas, the flowers haven’t had time really to blossom yet.  I dread a return trip.

Meanwhile, mate in 4.  Black to move.

NB: I’ll hold comments with solutions ’till the next day so there won’t be “spoilers” for others.


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In chessy news, in round 10 at the Candidates, Hikaru came back from a horrible position to defeat Nijat Abasov.  An amazing defense.  Fabiano Caruana defeated Alireza Firouzja (YAY!).  Four rounds to go.  Tuesday, today, and Friday (not today) are rest days.  Ian Nepomniachtchi and Gukesh D are tied for 1st.    In a sideline, Alireza’s father caused a bit of a problem which resulted in his being escorted out of the playing hall.  More controversy.

Ceterum censeo Firouzja delendum esse.

About Fr. John Zuhlsdorf

Fr. Z is the guy who runs this blog. o{]:¬)
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  1. A.S. Haley says:

    With this problem, timing and the order of moves are everything. Begin not with a check, but threaten mate in one (the threat is Black’s Rook to h1):
    1. . . . f5f4
    White’s only means of countering the threat is to capture the pawn (which we will see does not work), or place Black’s King in check:
    2. Ne7# Kh7
    But now all White can do is:
    3. Rxf4
    Thereupon mate follows:
    ____ Rh1#
    4. Kg3 Rh3##

  2. Tony Pistilli says:

    There is still a single bizarre scenario under which Firouzja could win the Candidates, but I think it’s safe to say he’s been delendumed at this point.

  3. Pingback: ROME 24/4– Day 30: Let there be LIGHT! | Fr. Z's Blog

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