ROME 24/4– Day 28: bad news and good news

“When,” you ask, “did the sun rise in Rome today?  I respond: “06:24.”

“And when will it set?”


“Did you hear the Ave Maria Bell last night at 20:15?”

“No.  I was distracted by a roasted chicken.”

Welcome registrant:

Baltimore Catholic

Thanks to LG for shifting to Zelle for making regular donations.

I had unhappy news today.  It seems that the TLM pilgrimage to Poland and then Prague was cancelled because not enough people signed up.  Too bad.  I was looking forward to it.  I don’t think it was the TLM.  I don’t think it was Poland.  Perhaps it was me.  Alas.

Drama did not keep me from running an errand to my bookie… er um… bookbinder.

I have some nice chess pieces here for my study purposes, heavy and large.  Too large for the squares on the vinyl board.  I got another board, but while the squares are just right, there was an excessively wide border about the whole thing such that, rolled up, it won’t fit in the tuby zipper tote bag (the TZTB).  Hence, a trip to my bookie… er um… bookbinder, on the bet (see what I did there?) that he would trim in a trice the undesired edges.  (Both alliteration and assonance.)  He did.  I shot an action photo and… drat! Which it is not in my photo roll, as Preserved Killick might put it.

Good news!  On the way home, which I cunningly calculated to take me past a hardware store and a grocer, I saw that the pomerium stone of the Emperor Claudius, which last year a juvenile fiend who still needs a sound thrashing, had spray painted with his wanna-be-dog piddle mark.  HERE   It has been cleaned!

Can you imagine?

When I see this stone, which has an example of a letter that Claudius, a linguist, tried to insert into the Roman alphabet (Ⅎ in the lowest line), I am mindful of the scene in the wonderful TV series I, Claudius.  The elderly Claudius, knowing his days are numbered, won’t do anything to stop Nero from succeeding him.  Why?  Because (as the book and TV go) Claudius thinks that Nero’s corruption will spur people to demand a return to the Republic.   (Historically laughable, of course.  As laughable as the scene in the movie Gladiator wherein Marcus Aurelius wanted the Republic restored.  HA!  Preposterous, but I was entertained.)

One thing that corrupt systems will accomplish, is the revelation of the corruption, along the lines of the Devil always showing us what he is up to.

If you have not seen I, Claudius, I warmly recommend it.

Meanwhile, black to move and mate in 3.

NB: I’ll hold comments with solutions ’till the next day so there won’t be “spoilers” for others.

In Toronto, the Candidates fire up again.   Today, the two at the bottom of the standings, #7 Alireza Firouzja (2760) is up against #8 and lowest rated Nijat Abasov (2632).  We are pulling for Nijat with black to defeat him.   Also, Pragg v. Hikaru, Vidit v. Nepo, Gukesh v. Fabi.  Should be great games.

Ceterum censeo Alirezam esse delendum.


About Fr. John Zuhlsdorf

Fr. Z is the guy who runs this blog. o{]:¬)
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  1. Synonymous_Howard says:

    1. … h5+
    2. gxh6 e.p. f5+
    3. Kg5 Rg3#

  2. Rich Leonardi says:

    The BBC “radio play” of I,Claudius is also rather good.

  3. mysticalrose says:

    Pray for Derek Jacobi! Such a talented actor, but sadly, an irregular life.

  4. voxborealis says:

    The bit about Claudius thinking that a return to the republic was likely or even possible may take its inspiration from Suetonius, Life of Claudius 10, which reports that after Caligula and his immediate family were assassinated in the palace on the Palatine Hill, the senate, consuls and urban guard took control of the Forum and Capitoline and discussed restoring the republic. Meanwhile, the soldiers who killed Caligula found Claudius hiding in a closet and, instead of killing him, proclaimed him emperor and took him to their camp. The senate dithered, and the next day the soldiers and people proclaimed Claudius.

    This anecdote–historical or not–has generated a lot of discussion/speculation/contrafactual analysis of “could the Republic have been restored if the senate was more decisive at that moment?”

  5. maternalView says:

    Perhaps world events are making some nervous international travelers.

    Personally, I would have loved to go to Poland on a pilgrimage with you, Father.
    But alas I have decided that I will not fly for the foreseeable future. So driving it is.
    Perhaps a pilgrimage in these here United States? I can see a caravan of busses as we make our way from one church gym to another for the TLM.

  6. Fulco One Eye says:

    Yes. Let all the poisons come out!

    After seeing it on TV many years ago and reading the two volumes, we gave up hope of seeing it again. Recently, however, we purchased a DVD set of the series and found the video and sound quality to be better than we were able to see originally.

  7. dholwell says:

    1. h4+
    2.gxh6 f5+
    3. Kg5 Rg3#

  8. waalaw says:

    1. . . . . .. . . . . . . h7-h5+
    2. g5-h6(×h5) . f7-f5+
    3. K-g5 . . . . . . . R-g3#

    At least I had not booked my flight.

  9. Kathleen10 says:

    I think people have lost confidence in all manner of things, airplane manufacturers, airlines, FAA, government agencies who are supposed to care first about safety but don’t, pilot health, safety in light of our collapsing world, crazed fellow humans, people who work hard to surround us with crazed fellow humans, etc.
    It’s not you.

  10. Imrahil says:

    I‘ll assume black goes „upward“ and down left is h8.

    1. f5+ forcing gf6 (xf5 e. p.)
    2. h5+ forcing Kg5.
    3. Rg4++.

  11. ThePapalCount says:

    Fr Z I agree with MaternalView above.
    The world situation is shaky and a trip to Poland… next to Ukraine and Russia and to Prague..might be a bit frightful given the times we are in. One is unsure what the morning might bring.
    I have been to both places and each is incredibly beautiful in so many ways. I know you would be an excellent host.
    Her suggestion about local pilgrimages might make sense. There are many shrines in America, great churches and beautiful geography. Also, perhaps people would feel more comfortable with a trip to Catholic England and Scotland.

  12. JonPatrick says:

    I agree with the above sentiments, given that our government seems hell-bent (literally) on starting a war with Russia over a country that most Americans couldn’t find on a map, this is probably not a good time to travel.

  13. Venerable Bede says:

    What’s wrong with mate in 1?
    …….. f7 – f5+#

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