I wish a happy and grace-filled Easter to you and yours.
Let us know what you have going one for Easter!
I wish a happy and grace-filled Easter to you and yours.
Let us know what you have going one for Easter!
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“He [Satan] will set up a counter-Church which will be the ape of the Church because, he the devil, is the ape of God. It will have all the notes and characteristics of the Church, but in reverse and emptied of its divine content. It will be a mystical body of the anti-Christ that will in all externals resemble the mystical body of Christ. In desperate need for God, whom he nevertheless refuses to adore, modern man in his loneliness and frustration will hunger more and more for membership in a community that will give him enlargement of purpose, but at the cost of losing himself in some vague collectivity.”
“Who is going to save our Church? Not our bishops, not our priests and religious. It is up to you, the people. You have the minds, the eyes, and the ears to save the Church. Your mission is to see that your priests act like priests, your bishops act like bishops.”
- Fulton Sheen
Therefore, ACTIVATE YOUR CONFIRMATION and get to work!
- C.S. Lewis
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"But if, in any layman who is indeed imbued with literature, ignorance of the Latin language, which we can truly call the 'catholic' language, indicates a certain sluggishness in his love toward the Church, how much more fitting it is that each and every cleric should be adequately practiced and skilled in that language!" - Pius XI
"Let us realize that this remark of Cicero (Brutus 37, 140) can be in a certain way referred to [young lay people]: 'It is not so much a matter of distinction to know Latin as it is disgraceful not to know it.'" - St. John Paul II
Grant unto thy Church, we beseech Thee, O merciful God, that She, being gathered together by the Holy Ghost, may be in no wise troubled by attack from her foes. O God, who by sin art offended and by penance pacified, mercifully regard the prayers of Thy people making supplication unto Thee,and turn away the scourges of Thine anger which we deserve for our sins. Almighty and Everlasting God, in whose Hand are the power and the government of every realm: look down upon and help the Christian people that the heathen nations who trust in the fierceness of their own might may be crushed by the power of thine Arm. Through our Lord Jesus Christ, Thy Son, who liveth and reigneth with Thee in the unity of the Holy Ghost, God, world without end. R. Amen.
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A Blessed, Holy Easter to you Fr. Z and all readers of this blog. Beautiful Vigil here in Kansas this evening. Mass in the morning then good food with family and friends.
Nothing much… lectoring for the 7:30 am and 12pm mass….
Happy Easter to you too!!
I am moving home tomorrow, but I am taking “the scenic route” home so I can attend the Easter Sunday Mass in the EF for the first time. First time attending the entire Triduum this year too.
Fr. Paul (cousin) and I fly to Germany this afternoon. Stoked, after spending Palm Sun in Mainz.
Christ is risen!
I’ve been baking the Easter bread (a bit like panetone or challah)….and I made three baskets of foods to be blessed for the 5:00 (yes- too early, but we borrow the space), the 9:00 (just got back) and tomorrow’s 10 AM
My good news- a baker from the old country complimented my bread (after the foods are blessed, everyone shares) and took a second piece!
Just got home from the Easter Vigil in the EF. Absolutely beautiful!
Happy Easter everyone and God love you
Christus resurrexit! Resurrexit vere!
Christ is Risen! Truly, He is Risen!
Cristo ressuscitou! Em verdade ressuscitou!
Boa Pascoa! A very happy and blessed Easter to you, Father!
my husband’s dog had three puppies during the night. Mama and puppies doing fine.
The good news: I managed to persuade her to have them in the bathroom instead of on my favorite chair.
Looking forward to today’s Easter Mass in Pori after a refreshing retreat in Turku. The day and Easter Monday tomorrow will be quiet. Oh, nice blend of Latin, Finnish, and a smattering of other languages at Vigil in a very multi-ethnic parish.
My birthday happens to be today.
Have been to Mass (it’s early Sunday afternoon here), and had an Easter egg hunt. The pascha is in the fridge, all’s right with the world.
A Happy and Blessed Easter to all!
As for activities: just watched the Holy Father’s Mass and Urbi et orbi. Apart from that, not much planned, as myself and pretty much my whole family are having colds, throat infections and the like, and its not progressing much either. First time in a long while I missed Eater mass at my parish. Some prayers would be welcome, if I may be so bold to ask.
Happy Easter to you Father and to all my fellow readers!
I was at the Easter Vigil and will go to a TLM at 3pm.
A Happy and Holy Easter to you, too, Father, and to all who read your blog.
This year was the first in a few years that I was at the Vigil Mass (and so was at all the Triduum liturgy). We had four adults for Baptism last night.
Today will be quiet and peaceful.
Having some “Break…..Fast”…man, is it awesome. Happy Easter Father to you and your family.
God Bless The Holy Father and Father Z…Hail Mary etc.
9:30 Mass with my husband and I think some friends who are now interested, and plenty of joy to go around.
Christ is risen! ALLELUIA!
Attended the parish’s Easter Vigil Mass, did lector duties by reading the Epistle (Romans 6:3-11). We received 10 new Catholics for Baptism and 25 (including the 10) for Reception, Confirmation, and First Communion. Mass clocked in at 3 hours 20 minutes and flowed beautifully. Now up for prayer, watching a replay of the pope’s Easter Mass, some Catholic Chat online, and supper with the family. Christ Is Risen!
Happy Easter! My little boys found candy filled eggs around the house this morning. The 3 year old just declared, “Easter is the best time of the year!” then it’s off to church.
Remembering in prayer those who were arrested in communist China for attempting to worship together as Catholics.
Christ has Risen! Alleluia!
Making waffles for breakfast with the help of our 4 year old then we will go to a 12:15pm EF mass in No Va. I was able to attend each day of the triduum this year (2- EF and one OF Latin ad orientem).
I pray everyone a blessed and grace filled Easter and Easter season.
Surrexit Dominus Vere, Alleluia!
Cooked a large breakfast, windows opened to the beautiful weather. Easter Sunday Mass this afternoon in Stockbridge, MA at the National Shrine of the Divine Mercy with fellow pilgrims and the Congregation of Marians of the Immaculate Conception of the Most Blessed Virgin Mary. And then an early supper at a great restaurant in the Berkshires.
Buona Pasqua a tutti!
9am High Mass, then home for a day of visiting with the family! If the rain holds off, perhaps a game or two of volleyball. If the rain doesn’t hold off, a game or two of Catan.
He is risen! Happy Easter! :)
11:30 Mass; mid-day feast: grilled boneless leg of lamb, braised carrots, roasted potatoes, a hearty Italian red wine, creme brulee cheese cake for dessert.
I am keeping in mind Cardinal Ratzinger’s shortest Easter homily, if this “urban legend” be true, and if it isn’t, it should be:
“He is Risen; and still we don’t believe?”
6 receptions (3 baptisms, 3 conversions) into the Faith last night at St. Augustine in central NJ. And presented them with individual Papal Blessings on their reception into the Church after the Vigil was over. Exhausted from all the preparation…now, on to the follow-on. You should have seen their faces as they received The Lord for the first time. Even this old 54-year-old had tears in his eyes…
The cycle begins anew in September; we already have 4 or 5 inquiries. This next year, though, we’re thinking of using the Ignatius Press packet…
Anyway…off to 10:30 Mass (last night was for them, this morning is for me..)…then over to parents…Blessed Easter all…
A Blessed Easter to you Fr. Z!
Thank you for all the podcazts- they were wonderful (and certainly a lot of work!)
Allelulia and a Glorious Easter to all of you! It’s a beautiful day here in Virginia.
Attended a beautiful NO Vigil Mass, followed by a late night of basket-filling with my husband. Children awoke early, flowers replacing the thorns on our salt-dough crown table centerpiece. We will assist at the 12:15 TLM where my two oldest boys will serve. After dinner at home and some outside play, we will celebrate and share dessert with other Catholic families.
I really enjoy reading how everyone is celebrating the Resurrection of our Lord.
Yesterday we made Easter Bread. Yummy! –> http://wp.me/p8I00-wL
Today we’ve already been to Mass and the kids have had their first big blowout fight while looking for Easter eggs in the house. The Easter bunny left my husband and me a bottle of wine, to go with our dinner tonight (ham) and while I’m cooking, the kids will color Easter eggs. I also intend to have an overdue good-long journal writing session in my spiritual journal. :-)
Rejoice and Alleluia!!
A blessed Easter to Fr Z and everyone!
A quiet morning with the family, noon Mass with chant, Mozart, Telemann and Franck . . . Mostly a reprise of music from the Vigil (minus the handbells)
Four of us ringers also sing, so it looked a little crazy in the choir loft last night. . . Frantic scrambling from the bell tables back to places in the choir and vice versa . . . I did breathe a naughty word at one point but at least it was merely vulgar and not worse. Good thing we’re in the back and the bells are loud. Good news: both the choir and the handbells stepped it up a notch – difficult music and it all went off quite nicely. The name “Cynthia Dobrinsky” fills amateur ringers with terror, but we all survived.
Resurrexit sicut dixit! Alleluia! Alleluia! Blessed Easter, Father Z. and all your wdtprsers!
Easter Vigil last night and 8:00 a.m. Mass this a.m. Off later to my Mother’s house for a whole bunch of relatives and egg hunts and eating! We are blessed to have her at the tender young age of 90! We don’t make her cook any more, everyone brings a dish! Joy, joy, joy!
I attended the Easter Vigil at my parish last evening. I wish you a happy and blessed Easter Father.
????? ?????? (Jidu fuhuo-le! Ta queshi fuhuo-le!)
Christus resurrexit! Resurrexit vere!
Is celebrating with family and grandparents and having candy and Mystic Monk Tea!
I was a sponsor for a family member who entered into full communion with the Catholic Church at the Easter Vigil last night. It was a beautiful Mass in the Ordinary Form.
Happy Easter to Father Z and to all of you who follow his blog.
Sleeping in to make up for very late Vigil last night. Bacon and eggs for breakfast later, dinner at 2-ish: lamb roast, green beans sauted with bacon, and new potatoes. Packing for trip to NYC tomorrow.
Egg hunt and OF Mass this am and then lunch with my wife’s 91 year-old grandmother. EF Mass late this afternoon with my oldest son serving.
Our local OF priest did a great job moving the Triduum in his parishes to a more reverent level. Brick by brick.
Received into Full Communion and Confirmed last night; off to an EF Solemn High Mass where I get to “fully participate” in the EF for the first time ;)
Then feasting upon an 8lb. leg of lamb!
Deo Gratias!
Thank you Fr. Z! A Glorious Easter wish to you! Having my sister in law and her children over to share our blessings…ham, scalloped taters, green bean casserole, sweet taters, and a gaggle of top notch chocolate/peanut butter eggs! (which qualifies as it’s own food group!) 4got to mention- went to Easter Vigil last night at beautiful St. Lawrence in Hbg.- magnificent as usual- got teary eyed a number of times (and not from the incense!)
congratulations, mrose!
A dear friend was received into the Church at the Vigil Mass last night. It was completely Spirit filled and awe inspiring.
Happy Easter to you, Fr. Z, and to all of your readers!
Sang at vigil last night. Was the best attended that I can remember. Music, however, not much to write about. I think that the reader at the vigil last night was a graduate of the Christopher Walken School for Lectors. She would pause in the middle of prepositional phrases, and it was as if she purposefully ignored all the punctuation in the text.
In-laws here for the day. That’s actually a good thing! Am doing the cooking. Lots of pork and cheese. Am currently nursing along a mimosa.
Happy Easter, Father.
And thanks for your blog.
Mrose, welcome to the Holy Church!
As for my Easter Sunday, I went to Mass in the morning, and this was followed by an Easter lunch with my parents here at home that finished moments ago. In the afternoon, I will go visit my three year old Goddaughter to give her the chocolate “Easter egg” that is common in our culture.
8am Mass at the Cathedral, helped bring the gifts up (so unnecessary, but hopefully my sacrifice helped someone in Purgatory), then on to a nursing home for a Communion service and rosary. Quick today as the lady who liked to visit has passed away and many residents had already gone home with their families for the day. Dinner at my cousin’s house later.
Note that Good Friday featured Bishop Piche, in full man-lace and red Biretta and Msgr. Callaghan in red-trimmed Surplice (that is the smock, right?).
Attended the parish’s Easter Vigil Mass and did lector duty as the Epistle reader. We had 10 catechumens baptised, then 25 (including the 10) receive reception (from other christian churches), confirmation, and first Eucharist. It was joyful to witness! Today, resting, going to parish Vespers (small group in parish is working hard to get this going) and will have new family tradition implemented – chinese food for supper (younger daughter’s suggestion)!
Christ Is Risen!
Many blessings and graces to you on this Easter Sunday, Father Z.
What have I got going on for Easter? The hard part is over – singing the orchestra Mass at Assumptio Grotto at the 9:30 Solemn High Mass. Never heard of Paul Creston before we sang his Mass and lemme tell you – it is beautiful. Dvorak’s “Te Deum” complimented that along with Flor Peeters “Jubilate Deo”. We repeat it all again next Sunday at Noon (EF Solemn High).
As for the rest of the day? Eat, relax and ponder with awe, the Resurrection of Our Lord Jesus Christ.
Congratulations, Mrose!
I am celebrating the one-year anniversary of being baptized and confirmed in the Catholic Church. Was able to go to all the Triduum Masses this year and today will go to an EF and then return home to rest my sore muscles (yesterday I walked to a church which is a common pilgrimage site during Holy Week). God is good.
Kpictoc Bockpece! Alleluia!
Christ is Risen, He is Risen indeed. Alleluia!
We had about 25 people enter the Holy Church last night at Easter Vigil, one of which I had the blessing to be the sponsor of! It was a beautiful Liturgy (OF) with about 8 Baptisms and with everyone being Confirmed and having their First Holy Communion. There were about 12 altar boys in traditional black and whites. Music in Latin and English, chanted Exsultet and Gospel, Hallelujah Chorus at the end of Mass. Kudos to Fr. Wallace of St. Margaret’s in Oceanside for moving us slowly but surely in direction of the Reform of the Reform over the last few years!
Christus Resurrexit! Happy, blessed Easter, everyone!
Yesterday, I drove home to visit my family. My little brother (who’s in high school) was out doing something with his friends last night and my mom was out driving him around while my dad and I went to the Easter Vigil. I came back and ate lots of food with my family to break my fast and stayed up most of the night blabbing to my dad. I woke up just in time this morning to run out the door to go to Easter Mass. And then I came back to eat eggs and delicious fresh baked bread :)
My granddad is coming over for dinner in a few hours. We’re having ham, sweet potatoes, my mom’s specialty glazed carrots, corn pudding, and italian rice pies.
In the meantime, I’ve been doing some Easter reading, and I took five minutes for the PASCHALCAzT!
May all have a holy and glorious Eastertide!
My wife her mother and her husband all went to confession and Mass at the SSPX chapel in our diocese!
Went to the Latin East Mass (Latin as in south of the border, not Latin as in the language of the Romans). ;)
Had a slice of pizza at the parish fiesta after Mass.
Now watching my Celtics sweep the Knicks.
It was a wonderful Holy Week. The good Superior of Servitores Reginae, a recent traditional order or nuns, who assists at our soon to be EF parish, asked a couple of us to sing Tenebrae with her and an out-or-town visitor gentleman who teaches schola. No one else was there at our 8a.m. gathering, but it was for the greater glory of God, and it is hoped that one day it will be a regular public Holy Week occurrence for our parish. A few of us do join her every Sunday for Ad Sextam after Mass. With that, I returned to sing in the evening with our fledgling choir and the gentleman for Holy Thursday liturgy, on Friday afternoon for the Solemn Liturgy, and Saturday evening for the Holy Saturday Vigil Mass with all the trimmings, beginning with blessing the new fire, etc. It was a pleasure to have the visitor singing the propers, the canticles and making sure we had our responses down correctly. Father has a beautiful voice and outdid himself. We began at 8 p.m. and finished after 11 p.m. With the 25 minute drive home last night, it was after midnight when I fell into bed. This morning I was up at six, fed the dog and the three week old chicks, got my coffee, went back to my room to say my hour’s worth of morning prayers, read the paper, did the puzzles, had breakfast and took a nap! I’m fixing a simple dinner this evening for my two daughters and grandson here. It’s a quiet, beautiful Sunday. AMDG
Happy Easter, Father!
I am at my parents’, relaxing after a long but beautiful Triduum. Off from work tomorrow to recover. ;-)
Happy Easter Fr. Z! Will be having braised ox tail and chinese BBQ pork for dinner.
Celebrated the entire Triduum in the Extraordinary Form including the Vigil Mass. Didn’t get to bed until about 2:00 AM, so we’re all a bit tired today, but the vigil was truly extraordinary! Our son served as thurifer and did a fine job, as did all the acolytes.
Our college-student daughter is home. She’s a violin performance major, so at the moment I’m listening to her practice Beethoven in the living room. It’s quite a joy to have both her and the music in the house.
We’ll have dinner in a little while and probably turn in early!
Apparently all my family and relatives are celebrating Easter on Monday rather than Saturday. This year is the most backwards Easter for me yet.
Easter Mass was great today. Awesome organist, who really let ‘er rip at the end and Father actually touched on the Christmas and Easter Catholics (he had a different term fir them) about going to communion. Sad to have to leave it behind.
What’s been going on?
A surprisingly good parish NO Vigil Mass (see last night’s comments on the music thread; properly candle-lit, Latin chanted Exsultet, chanted psalms), but very late for the children (an hour later than usual, because of having to wait longer for sunset at this time of year).
Up late on Sunday (although not as late as I’d have liked; do children not get tired when there’s the prospect of chocolate?).
Private Easter egg hunt for the children around the garden, then a second (public) one at our local castle, journeyed to via steam train.
Back home, and friends, family and neighbours round for a long boozy lunch in the glorious sunshine in the garden. Lots of lovely Bolly (a present from my Lenten birthday that I couldn’t drink at the time), some wonderful St Joseph (half a dozen bottles bought half price in the January sales last year, stuffed in the back of the wine store, forgotten about and found the other week during spring cleaning), and a big leg of roast lamb stuffed with garlic and covered with tomato paste and rosemary.
Not boasting, but beat that!
“Your comment is awaiting moderation”
Father, I think your software might be a temperance campaigner!
Went to mass (family and extended family: mother-in-law, father-in-law, brother-in-law, sister-in-law…), then a nice lunch at home with the whole crowd (glazed ham, beans, sauteed squash , a nice salad and a splendid sparkling Rose wine). My daughter is playing the violin for the family, now! She’s going to Quebec with her mom
Happy and a Blessed Easter Father Z. We went to the 7:30 am Mass. We had a wonderful day with two of our three children home for Easter. My mom who is 95 also sent the day with us. WE had a great meal of ham and a stuffed chicken. An awesome day for our family.
Happy and Holy Easter to you Father Z. Thank you for all your wonderful Lenten postings and Podcasts–they nourished us all. We are just resting after all the beautiful Triduum ceremonies and Solemn High Easter Midnight Mass provided by our wonderful FSSP pastor and his visiting celebrants–we have so much to be grateful for.
Blessed Easter to all!
Today, 7 am Mass, brunch, a Disney movie, then teaching my 75 year old Italian Mother how to use YouTube on her new “smart” tv. I don’t think I have ever watched so many clips of Tony Bennett or, for that matter, Anthony Newley….
By the way, if you want a treat, go to YouTube and type into the search box “Pavarotti and Father”. You will get Luciano Pavarotti and his father singing Panis Angelicus in church. BREATHTAKING!!
On-duty for 2nd reading, sequence, & Gospel acclamation this morning. Also substitute altar server.
Easter dinner at friends’ home.
After the Masses at Holy Innocents, I had a lot of fun. Not only Easter, but it was my birthday which is also my mother’s birthday. This is the first time this has ever happened for us. Otherwise, I would have gone to Vespers, of course.
Happy Easter!
Happy Easter Everyone !!!
Our choir sung the Vierne Mass for Easter. (Tridentine)
It was a lot of work but was well wotth it.
We had a beautiful Easter Day Mass yesterday at Pinswang’s 18th century Ulrichskirche, with music from the prayer and hymnbook (Gotteslob) and a lovely Mass composed by Sieghard Haller. I was organist. Today we will celebrate Easter Monday…a national holiday here in Austria and nearby Bavaria. To Father Z. and all of the readers of this splendid BLOG, I wish you a most Blessed Easter from The Tirol. Einen sehr schoenes Osterfest aus Oesterreich!
Tremendously beautiful Easter Vigil.
God did just have to show off His sense of humor though.
One of the excellent readers slipped in “planetorium” for praesidium.
Just an added smile to a true taste of heaven.
Happy Easter to all!
On Saturday, my wife and I attended a wonderful OF vigil at the church where we were married. A wee dram of rye whiskey to celebrate the Resurrection and break my Lenten fast from alcohol ensued. Yesterday saw two celebrations with extended family. The Urbi et Orbi message is waiting for me on the DVR – I plan to watch it today along with the livestream of the new Pittsburgh auxillary’s bishop’s ordination at 2 Eastern.
I was able to get all the way through the vigil Mass and then they had cake for the people who came into the Church. It was great. I went home all stiff and sore and happy.
I know this is a day late, but-Happy Easter, Father Z, and all other WDTPRS posters!
Went to 12:30 Mass at the TLM chapel. Very simply decorated, filled with fragrant white lilies! You could smell them when you came in! Our ‘small choir’ sang upstairs-I think we did pretty good.
I got a nice gift bag from the organist as her way of saying ‘thank you’: a Hershey’s chocolate cross…and a lovely wall crucifix! I didn’t expect that!
After some time at the Adoration Chapel, I drove out to dinner at the home of one of the parishioners. Had a nice time-we had roast beef, large pasta with sauce, and asparagus with bacon (the Italian kind). Dessert was cherry cheesecake, carrot cake and ice cream cake.
Watched the last ten or fifteen minutes of the movie ‘The Greatest Story Ever Told’ on my host’s new big-screen TV, then went home with a bag of leftovers.
All in all, a very good day, both spiritually and physically.
Christ Is Risen, Alleluia! He Is Truly Risen, Alleluia!
Happy Easter Season, Father, and everyone!
Thank you, Father for your Lentcastz and all of your untiring service for the Lord and all us lucky blog-followers. Blogistas? bloggies? I’m not a “friend”, because I don’t do Facebook; nor am I a blogger, you are–anyhow thanks. I’m thrilled to be allowed to post today, because the last couple of times–a few weeks back–he system wouldn’t let me in.
I had a good, solid Lent this year and a wonderful Triduum at St. Mary’s in Kalamazoo: lots of Latin even at the regular OF ceremonies (e.g., the Exultet); all music, whatever language, appropriate and well done –even some German (Heinrich Schutz) at the Friday evening meditation; OF Masses done ad orientem; good, solid, sermons by both our Oratorian priests; numerous well-trained altarboys; church heart-rendingly bare on Good Friday and resplendent in white with touches of gold and of green at the Easter Vigil (the masses of white flowers were not just massed, they were effectively placed). Grand finale, for me: EF at noon on Sunday ( Vidi aquam; Lux et origo; Sequence; embellished throughout by variations on “At the Lamb’s High Feast”, the processional hymn). [And when the pastor thanked all the deserving workers, he did it in such a way that we were not constrained to applaud.]
Afterwards, a family-like feast at the home of friends; phone calls from loved ones; “The King’s Feast”, which I’ve been wanting to see, at my daughter’s. What with all the goodies I consumed yesterday, didn’t even get around to Easter candy ’til today (had it for breakfast–with vitamins, of course).
There’s been a lot of darkness lately, and likely to be more. Gratias a Deo per lucem eius. (Hope that ‘s correct; I’m just learning Latin.)
The Lord is Risen!
Happy Easter Father and thank you for your thoughtful guidance in good preparation for this great Solemnity: Love the podcazts and am so very grateful that you encouraged us to read the Holy Father’s book for Holy Week.
Easter blessings to everyone as well. You are all a grace to read…and fun as well!
I spent Sunday with family and was delighted to hear that the nephew, and family of 6 homeschooled children (ages 4 to 15) are now attending an EF once a month in NH. It is a drive for them but it was the children themselves who took to it even before the parents and begged the parents to attend the EF regularly. On their own, they observed the constrast with the OF commenting that is seems like the OF is “too protestantized.” The next to the youngest made her First Holy Communion in the EF a few weeks ago.
Father Z is so right….”brick by brick”