If you are in or around NYC, consider coming to Holy Innocents on 37th (btwn Broadway and 7th) for Triduum ceremonies in the Extraordinary Form.
Fr. Zuhlsdorf – Celebrant
Missa cantata 10 AM
Chant Propers
Plainsong Mass I: Lux et origo
Sunday Vespers 3 PM
Fr. Zuhlsdorf – Celebrant
Chant Psalms and Antiphons
Magnificat: Falsobordone Mode 3 by Charles Weaver
Solemn Mass 7:30 PM [I understand it was listed as 7 pm in one place]
Chant propers and antiphons for the Mandatum
Mass for Four Voices by Thomas Tallis
Motet at Communion: Domine, non sum Dignus by Tomás Luis de Victoria
Solemn Afternoon Liturgy 3 PM
Chant propers
Passion according to St John: Turba choruses by Victoria
Music at the Adoration: Improperia by Victoria [I prefer Gregorian chant, but these are good.]
Motet at communion: Vere Languores Nostros by Victoria
Solemn Easter Vigil 9 PM
Fr. Zuhlsdorf – Celebrant
Chant propers
Mass for Four Voices by William Byrd
Motet at the offertory: Dum transisset sabbatum by John Taverner
Motet at communion: In resurrectione tua by Byrd
Dear Father,
I will be attending the Solemn Easter Vigil; will there be music before Mass? I want to get there early and I was hoping that there would be music. Hope to see you there!
Dominus tecum,
[It would be great if you could come. But… regarding music before Mass, are you confusing the Vigil with Christmas Eve?]
Improperia by Victoria – our choir is singing this too. :) One of my favs! For Easter we’re singing the Mass in C by Eberlin.
Sounds lovely! I would have loved to have added morning Tenebrae, but that’s asking a lot of a choir.
We had Tenebrae last night, in anticipation of this morning. It wasn’t packed, but it was better-attended than we thought it would be, seeing as how this was the first year our scholas have attempted this. Even the priests thought it went great! :)
How lucky you are, Father.
Yes, you certainly are lucky, Father Z!
If only I could bilocate like St. Padre Pio and be there at Holy Innocents! Everything sounds so wonderful!
But I’m broke…sigh…no way on God’s green earth can I make it to NYC.
irishgirl, I always love it when you raise the possibility of bilocation as St. Padre Pio! We need to aim for the really exotic sometimes… And me too, a part of me wishes to be able to be in NYC for this Triduum, especially with Fr. Z at Holy Innocents, a great parish and church in many ways. But at the same time we celebrate Easter where we are called to be right now…Perhaps if we upstate NYers can’t have a blognic in the region of the North American Martyrs we could still organize a road trip to the city one fine day…I hope that yours is a beautiful Triduum right where you are in the Western part of the state.
Thanks for the head’s up, Father.
I will make my first trip to Holy Innocents tonight.
Thanks, benedetta-I actually live right smack in the central part of NY State, only an hour’s drive on the NYS Thruway from Auriesville Shrine. I go there quite frequently, and hope to do so again once it opens for the season.
Oh, wouldn’t it be cool to get Father Z to come to Auriesville for a blognic some day? I keep hoping that he will see some of ‘Upstate’ NY- there’s more to New York than just ‘the City’!
At the TLM chapel I go to, we don’t have a Sacred Triduum-it’s like a mission chapel. The only thing we have before Easter is a lay-run Holy Hour between 2 and 3 today, Good Friday. I would love to go to an EF Triduum some day!
irishgirl We will have to come up with a plan to meet up at Auriesville. The staff at Auriesville and Jesuits there are very dedicated. I think the Shrine is already open for the season. I know the Gov. Thomas E. Dewey Thruway well. When the weather is nicer I am also interested in visiting the Franciscan community in Maine as well. We should plan something. Have a wonderful Triduum!
Oh, that’s cool! I know the Franciscans of the Immaculate in Maine, too-or at least, I know where they are located!
Auriesville has a new director, if you don’t know already. He’s from Quebec, Canada, I think.
Where do you live, benedetta? You don’t have to be specific; just give me a general location direction-wise.
You have a wonderful Triduum, too!
Currently I am living on the outskirts of the capitol of the State of New York. Proximate to the offices of the former Governor Dewey. To the east of Auriesville. So if we are both willing to drive a little we could meet up in the middle! I will wear some remarkable headgear so that you will be able to recognize me… ;]
‘Some remarkable headgear’? Oh, that sounds cool!
Getting to Auriesville for me will all depend on my cash flow!
In my parish (http://www.pfarrei-sallern.de) we had the Improperia and Vere Languores Nostros from Victoria, too!
Hopefully one day I’ll be able to attend a Triduum service at Holy Innocents – it looks like a beautiful church. Until then I’m fortunate to have found an excellent church in my area (Holy Thursday and Veneration of the Cross services were glorious and spiritually enlightening).
I have been blessed to attend all of the Triduum so far at Holy Innocents. It has been magnificent. I’ve found myself brought to tears more than once. The priests, the servers and of course the choir have all been outstanding but I have to say I am most touched by the congregation and their reverence and devoutness. I try to go as often as I can to HI, but I never cease to be amazed at the holy people I see there. BTW, my husband, a musician, commented that Father Z not only writes a mean blog, but he can really sing! Thank you so much for coming here to share these holy days with us.
Victoria, Taverner, Tallis [my fav. is Spem in Alium, btw], Byrd [his Ave Verum Corpus is too little appreciated, but Mozart’s is still my favorite]!
I don’t know if you picked such exquisite polyphonic bliss, Father, but who ever did, I commend you! Speaking of fine music, any Arvo Part fans out there? An Estonian composer, most of his music is religious, but listen to his Fur Alina with a tumbler of aged scotch in hand, and you will find a new level of relaxation!
Dear Father,
Thank you for a great Mass last night! My family was upset that I missed coloring eggs but it was worth it to see the vigil! Thank you again for making the trip out, I hope you enjoyed it as much as I did!
Dominus tecum,
Your blessing, Father.
I should add that the organ was marvelous played as well. Do you know what organ piece was played by the end of today’s mass?
The Triduum was truly magnificent, Father! Thank you for all your time and dedication. The services really reminded me of the presence of the mysteries being celebrated.
As I remarked to one fellow, it seems superhuman that it could be done so well and without mistakes! The person replied that it was indeed this in every parish. It just seems so hard to fathom, but we can hope. I figure the Holy Spirit is a factor in these celebrations.