W. Hollywood – 1 May – TLM

From a reader:

There will be a Solem High Mass with Gregorian Chant and Sacred Polyphony.
The Mass will be at St. Victor’s parish located at  8634 Holloway dr., West Hollywood, Ca  (310) 652-6477, at 8:00pm this Friday May 1st.
The Celebrants will be Norbertine Priest of St. Michael’s Abbey. Fr. Daren Martino, CMF will be the guest homilist. Fr. Martino is from the Hollywood Project.
Some of the participating groups are Una Voce, Open Call, St. Charles Borromeo’s Catholics in Entertainment and Catholic Underground.
The above is in conjunction with a Rosary and Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament Sponsored by the First Friday Holy Spirit in the media Group.
The Mass is open to all.
This is truly a rare event in the Archdiocese of Los Angeles. Especially involving the press and the entertainment industry.

About Fr. John Zuhlsdorf

Fr. Z is the guy who runs this blog. o{]:¬)
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  1. Harold says:

    I believe St. Victor’s used to be widely known for the quality of its music and liturgy. although I had heard that such quality had decreased in recent years. I hope I am mistaken.

  2. Dr. Eric says:

    Considering the culture of the suburb, this is a good thing and I hope it transforms the city.

  3. AlexB says:

    St. Victor has an OF Mass on Saturday afternoons that employs Gregorian Chant, and an OF Mass on Sunday morning that employs a fair share of traditional polyphony. Holy Communion is received kneeling at the altar rail. Their web site includes a decent guide for altar servers at the OF. Impressive for a parish that is located in, shall we say, a non-traditional neighborhood.

    It’s the sort of church where you just knew the EF was likely to be celebrated sooner or later. Especially with the ubiquitous Norbertines in the region.

    Read more at: http://www.saintvictor.org/

  4. tertullian says:

    St Victor’s is almost next door to the Whisky-A-Go-Go and Viper Room.It’s continuing existence is a true miracle.

  5. TJM says:

    According to Cardinal Mahony, this is “divisive.” Tom

  6. Woody Jones says:

    You can hear almost the same each week at Saint Mary of the Angels (Anglican) Church in Hollywood, and in English to boot. Too bad Card. Mahoney vetoed their entry into THE Church under the Pastoral Provision, back in the 1980’s. Too “divisive,” I guess.

  7. joe says:

    I have heard that St. Victor’s is an oasis in the best and highest sense of the term.


  8. Josef says:

    I’ll be there.

  9. Karen says:

    St. Victor’s is my L.A. home and it’s by far the best place to go in L.A. The Saturday Gregorian chant Mass is great and they have holy hours during the week and I was once fortunate enough to be there for Holy Week, which was lovely. When we first started going there, about 7 years ago, my husband and I were bothered by the lack of families and children, but that has really changed over the years and it has become a very comfortable place for families as well as singles.

  10. Thanks Fr. Z for posting :), I’ll be there tonight as well.

  11. Aaron says:

    St. Victor’s has been my parish since 1994, and I strongly encourage folks to give us a try if you are looking for a parish in central L.A. The option to receive communion (at the never-removed communion rail) is available at every mass. As someone else noted, we have four Holy Hours during the week sponsored by various groups. Also, on the First Sunday of the month, we have adoration following the Noon mass until 4:30 when we have Benediction and Vespers is sung. We have all-night adoration on the First Saturday. (I’m not sure if this is every month now, but it may be.) We have a very active St. Vincent de Paul Soc’y that feeds the hungry every morning. Of course, the fact that we also have a lot of obviously gay parishioners, including some adoptive families and including me (but not in the political sense of the word), might cause some visitor’s heads to explode. Before I tried St. Victor’s, I assumed that, based on what I had heard about the make-up of the congregation, that it must be a “dissenting” parish, but I was very much mistaken. The priests are very orthodox, and at the same time solicitous, as “good shepherds,” of the varying states of development of their parishioners.

  12. thank you Fr.Z in calling attention to this. What’s also rare about this
    is the Mass intention being for Catholics in the Hollywood entertainment
    and media industries. Another Front in the” brick by brick “approach to
    a cultural reclamation. This is a group of creative individuals faced with a very difficult vocation- to create something truthful.beautiful and good in the belly of the beast.Lets add our prayers to theirs.

  13. John Womack says:

    As a former Angelino, the news of this Holy Mass in West L.A. makes me rejoice. If I could travel, this Mass is one of the few things that could get me to visit L.A.

    No one pushes God around! Alleluia!

  14. Tominellay says:

    …lots o’ people there tonight…guessing three hundred…

  15. Ceile De says:

    We just got back from St Victor’s in West Hollywood.
    How wonderful to see such a church so full tonight with people of all races and ages.
    So many young people knew all the words by heart.
    What a pity the Cardinal could not see such a rainbow coalition of people united in

  16. John says:

    I just came home from the TlM at St. Victors in West Hollywood. I was told vy one of the volunteers that the count was 255 at the start of the mass. Many more came in after, I would guess that the count was over 300.It was a great expierence.

  17. Mark says:

    I just got back from St. Victor’s. The Mass was ABSOLUTELY BEAUTIFUL! The priest, deacon, and subdeacon (thank you Norbertines!) did a magnificent job offering St. Victor’s first Solemn High Mass in who-knows-how-long-since-when! The choir was professional and sang ever so gloriously. Many people were there; the church was packed with old and young & avid TLM’ers and rookies. I would just like to say that tonight’s Solemn High Mass was perhaps one of the most beautiful Mass I have ever assisted in. God truly blessed all of us there! Many people were at loss with words when trying to describe what was experienced there. I’m still feeling the graces from the Mass as I type this up! May there be MORE Solemn High Masses in L.A.!!

  18. Ceile De says:

    For those who enjoyed St Victor’s, I recommend St. Therese’s in Alhambra every Sunday at 1pm led by Fr Bishop.

    It too is well attended – it is a High Mass, not a Solemn High Mass, but the Fr Bishop is a very good celbrant
    and homilist. The altar boys are well trained and the music is superb.

  19. Josef says:

    It was the most beautiful mass I’ve ever been to and the choir was great.

  20. Andreae says:

    Many thanks to Msgr. Murphy for opening the doors of St. Victor for this very beautiful and splendid Mass of the Ages. The church itself is very beautiful, add to the reverence of the EF and the Norbertines’ celebrants and the laity, it was a forestaste of heaven.

    Laudator Jesus Christos.

  21. Lasorda says:

    The Mass was outstanding. It was packed. I can also commend the TLM at St. Therese, but it is a long trek from the major population centers in LA. St. Victor is centrally located; a perfect location for many thousands of Angelenos. Last night was a special night to be a parishioner of St. Victor. Some of us have been praying for this for a long time. Who has photos?

  22. JimB says:

    I am a New Yorker but have worshipped at St. Victor’s many times when visiting L.A. A now-deceased friend of mine was a long-time parishoner, and when I attended Mass with him I was impressed by the retention of traditional Catholic elements such as Communion kneeling at the altar rail, which was never removed. The Church is beautifully appointed and is the ideal setting for the TLM. Recognition should also go to the former pastor, Monsignor George Parnassus, for preserving the beauty of the Catholic faith in both the Church and in the liturgies of the parish.
    To Aaron’s point, many of the parishoners are gay, which is not surprising in view of the Church’s location in the center of West Hollywood, and the priests of the parish treat all with pastoral charity while adhering strictly to the teachings of the Church.

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