In Knoxville, TN there is a vibrant Traditional Latin Mass community at Holy Ghost Church.
Here is one of the photos from their extensive archive.
It was taken on the Feast of Christ the King.
I suspect Father wasn’t saying "And have a great day!"
The use of the older form of Holy Mass will help us to bring the our Catholic worship into continuity with our tradition and help us to repair and strength our Catholic identity in an increasingly hostile world.
I may be mistaken, but I believe this photo was taken at Holy Ghost Church in Knoxville. Perhaps Henry Edwards could help me on this: was that altar built by the late Bishop William L. Adrian? Bishop Adrian was quite well-known for personally building altars for parishes when their churches were being built. What a fine, saintly man he was. After Vatican II, many of those altars fashioned by Bishop Adrian’s own hands were dismantled. Shameful.
That has to be Holy Ghost. Our Lady of Fatima is a pretty modern place.
When I lived in Knoxville, the Latin Mass society rotated through several churches throughout the month. First Sunday of the month was at X, second Sunday was at Y and so on. I’m not sure if they still do that, but it was a good way to get more people involved from a wider area.
The 1:30pm EF Mass at Holy Ghost is wonderful..and the time is convenient for folks coming from some distance. The area website ( has more info.
It’s nice to see Father John Orr down there. I went to college with him, and remember fondly his insight and devotion. He was also always good at setting up the K of C happy hours at the Irish Times. :-)
Nit-picky here, but too bad they couldn’t move the “table” out of the way. It blocks the total view of this beautiful event. Nice to see there is a communion rail in place.
I much prefer the traditional blessing to what we get:
“Go in peace to love and serve the Lord and one another.”
As if serving Our Lord Jesus Christ could ever be equated with serving “one another.”
Yes, the Knoxville Latin Mass Community is now “resident” at Holy Ghost Church in downtown Knoxville — thanks to the warm hospitality of Msgr. Xavier Mankel, its pastor and the vicar general of the Diocese of Knoxville — whereas some of us do indeed attend weekday Mass at Our Lady of Fatima Church 15 miles away in suburban Alcoa. HG is the second oldest of the Catholic churches in the immediate Knoxville area — and its thankfully non-renovated high altar probably pre-dates Bishop Adrian, by whom I was confirmed way back when — whereas OLOF is the newest. Compare:
Holy Ghost Church
Our Lady of Fatima Church
The occasion this past Sunday was special because we observed not only the great feast itself, but also the beautiful Christ the King reredos behind the high altar at Holy Ghost. This fine old (and fully preserved) church was dedicated in 1926, and its reredos is believed to be one of the first featuring Christ the King — if not the very first one — to be installed in a U.S. Catholic Church following Pope Pius XI’s 1925 proclamation of Christ the King Sunday as a universal feast of the Church. As shown in the 4th photo down at the first page linked above, (the home page of our church photographer extraordinaire Roy Ehman) the reredos features the figure of Christ the King flanked by those of the four Evangelists. The five figures are dressed in twelfth century garb, but appear to be wearing comfortable leather brogan shoes.
Thanks Henry. Yes, that altar definitely pre-dates Bishop Adrian as he became Bishop of Nashville (which then included the entire state of Tennessee) in 1936.
There are those beautiful vestments again. I would love to put pictures of the Vat.II vestments next to those of the TLM. TLM would win every time.
Serving “one another” is serving Our Lord; at least He says it is (Matt. 25:40).
Fr. Orr is one of the reasons I am proud to be Roman Catholic. A gifted speaker and a humble man. I know few better.
Thank God this mass isn’t like other masses!