Deus, qui ineffabilibus mundum renovas sacramentis,
praesta, quaesumus,
ut Ecclesia tua et aeternis proficiat institutis,
et temporalibus non destituatur auxiliis.
A form of this prayer was in the ancient Gregorian in the Hadrianum manuscript "FERIA VI AD SANCTUM EUSEBIUM" which means that it was a Lenten prayer on Friday at the Station indicated. In the pre-Conciliar Missale Romanum this was used on Friday of the 4th Week of Lent. In the modern stations observed in Rome today is at Ss. Quattro Coronati al Celio.
Destituo is "to set down; to set, place anywhere" and "(Lit., to put away from one’s self; hence) To leave alone, to forsake, abandon, desert (derelinquo, desero)".
Blaise says that institutum in the plural is, ehem, "institution" (that’s French), providing, "sacri mysterii". These are things established by Divine Providence. The L&S says "a purpose, intention, design; an arrangement, plan; mode of life, habits, practices, manners; a regulation, ordinance, institution; instruction; agreement, stipulation".
O God, who does renew the world with sacramental mysteries which can’t be described with words,
vouchsafe, we beseech You,
that Your Church may both benefit from eternal providential designs
and also may not be bereft of temporal helps.
It might to tempting to latch onto the military overtone that the plural of auxilium generally bears and, with words like proficiat (which can be "advance" or "make progress") together with the sense of design or purpose inherent in instititum.
O God, who hast ordained thine ineffable sacraments for the regeneration of all men : we humbly beseech thee, that thy Church, being profited by the same to her advancement in all things spiritual, may likewise fail not of thy succour in all things temporal.
ICEL version:
Father, creator,
you give the world new life by your sacraments.
May we, your Church, grow in your life
and continue to receive your help on earth.
There’s that “we, your Church” again, confusing a set with its members. (Would that this were the least logical error endemic in this Catholic era so bereft of simple logic in its language.) But, here at least, ICEL’s “help” is ok.
PS. Surely, Father Z, you slipped in that “can’t” just to see who’s awake this Monday morning, and would not seriously suggest that such vulgar contractions as acceptable in the liturgy.
In adopting it myself earlier, I tried to explain this “we/ “the Church” usage before. It is a question of aspect, not of set theory.
Viewed as a society of sinful humans (and the pope is subject to sin as we all are), the Church is fallible and in need of correction (Lumen Gentium n.8 and Catechism of the Catholic Church 770f and JPII apostolic letter, Tertio Millennio Adveniente, 33ff). In this aspect she requires guidance and assistance. The only part of the Church that needs such guidance is us, however, the Church militant.
Viwed as a Divine instrument of God’s saving plan for humanity she is holy. It is far from being a simple as you make out, Henry (not that set theory is necessarily simple). Since the prayer speaks of “temporalibus auxiliis” is it clear which aspect is in view for “ecclesia tua” today, and according “we, Your Church” is acceptable.
Henry: I just thought I would see if anyone was actually paying attention!