Thanks to all of you who have been reading regularly and posting comments. Your participation makes the blog work more fun and rewarding.
I am a relative newcomer to the Catholic blogosphere (though I am a battle hardened vet of the internet after a decade of moderating the COL Forum), and therefore I am still discovering features of the software I use.
For example, today I just noticed in my admin area a list of some of the links that are coming into this WDTPRS blog. Today I found, Rifugio San Gaspare (which I hope is named for the great and impressive St. Gaspare del Bufalo… when shall we see his like again), and Mercy and Mary and the always interesting The Cafeteria is Closed and man with black hat and A (little) Light from the East, to name but a few. I have links to some interesting blogs on my left sidebar also.
I wish I could acknowledge you all and I appreciate the fact that some of you have put me on your blog list.
Also, please know that if you post a comment, and it is the first time you have done so, it is held in a queue for approval. (This keeps the spam down). After you get a comment approved, your comments should post right away. That is why there was a delay, in case you were wondering.
In any event, thanks all around.
Thank YOU, Father.
Not only is your Latin much appreciated, but having studied at my alma mater’s
Rome campus for a semester, I also enjoy your Roman anecdotes.
Thanks. I took Latin for four years, but that was 30 years ago so I am a bit rusty. If you vist the tomb of St. Gaspar while in Rome, be sure to say a prayer for me.